
04/30/18 - John 18

April 30, 2018 – John 18
Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world... Now my kingdom is from another place." John 18:36

Make more of our investments into saving souls instead of savings accounts.

Financial experts tell us to be diversified in our portfolio as a wise investment strategy.  The advice makes sense, because the risk of losing our savings from a failure or downturn is far less when the account is spread over short term & long term options.  It’s the financial method of “not putting all our eggs in one basket”. 

Somebody forgot to tell Jesus that.  He had a much different approach.  Instead, Jesus not only put his eggs in a single basket, but all of the eggs for EVERYONE in it.  Jesus didn’t bother keeping a diversified savings account.  He didn’t balance his life over a number of opportunities.  He didn’t spread Himself across a variety of activities.  Jesus bet everything on one item … the cross.  And Jesus lived out His entire life with the goal of saving souls instead of building a savings account.

Now we may look at that and say:  “Well, that’s Jesus.  He didn’t give me that assignment.”  Really?  Better check that again.  Jesus said: “You can’t love God and money.”   He told His followers:  “Don’t work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life.”  Jesus was the one who challenged us by saying: “You must take up your cross and follow me.”   Not only did Jesus bet the farm on the cross, but He calls all of us to do the same.

Does that mean having a savings account is a sin?  It depends.  If we’re building our own kingdom by saving for our pleasure, then it’s time for some self-examination.  If the savings is to deal with typical expenses in the future, then it likely is not a kingdom issue. 

But the fact is, this generation listens more to the financial experts of Wall Street than the Eternal Expert of the Streets of Gold.  We are still tempted to build our own kingdom than support God’s Kingdom.  That’s why church giving continues to ebb down and more people are absent from corporate worship.  And forgive the bluntness of this statement … but it’s also why we are seeing more and more people heading to hell than heaven.  (Ouch) 

Maybe it’s wise to back up a step and relook at our kingdom focus again.  Consider what kingdom we are putting our focus on.  Is it primarily the kingdom of this world, or the Kingdom of Jesus?   Take your time, rethink, and make sure we are supporting the right Kingdom.  Then make adjustments to back that intention up with our time & our treasures.

One final thought: If you’re a believer, there are people that chose to invest in the Kingdom for your benefit.  Some may have known you, but it’s likely that many did not.  You are the benefactor of their Kingdom investment.  Choose to be an investor for others to be benefactors too.  Invest in the Kingdom of Jesus more than the kingdom of your local bank.  It will be an investment that pays eternal dividends.

04/27/18 - John 17

April 27, 2018 – John 17

My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.  John 17:15

Believers don't try to hide from struggle, but stand in it with the love & faith of Jesus as their protection.

Life is just plain messy! 

One of the most amazing people in our church lately has been a guy named Leonard.   He has been a faithful servant of God for decades, and has served in ministries, worked many different jobs over the years, and has some INCREDIBLE stories.  Several years ago, pain in his left arm sent him to the doctor, where it was discovered he had a tumor growing in his upper arm.  After consulting other experts and considering options, a surgery was attempted along with radiation, and Leonard was able to function in spite of losing a chuck of his upper arm muscle.  But about two years later, the tumor developed again and started threatening to move into the rest of his body.  At that point, Leonard had to decide whether to amputate his arm, or risk greater cancer infection in his organs.  Even with amputation, the risk was high that the cancer was already traveling.  Leonard went through the amputation, along with the phantom pains and all of the other challenges from losing half of his functionality.   He adapted and started serving again, only to find out about 18 months later that cancer was forming in his ribcage along a lung.   At the time of this writing, Leonard has been dealing with chemo treatments, and is pursuing another type of procedure to kill that cancer, struggling with the illness and side effects while trying to keep a positive attitude.  Not what you expect to see in the life of a believer.

That’s one story – and you probably know of many others that don’t make sense.  Why is life so messy for the followers of Jesus?  Wouldn’t you think that God would just eliminate these types of problems for us? 

But that’s not what Jesus prayed for.  In preparing to face the cross, Jesus didn’t pray for believers to have an easy life, but an enduring one.  Jesus prayed that we would face the world’s challenges, and stand against the evil one’s efforts to destroy us.  His prayer was not for protection from problems, but from the evil one’s intent.  God doesn’t always eliminate our problems in this life, He gives us endurance to make it through the problems.

I would never wish the struggle Leonard has faced on anyone.  But I can tell you how Leonard’s endurance and testimony has given courage to dozens of people around him.  He is our one-armed warrior, and the battle Leonard fights is a public testimony to God’s love & faith even in hard times. 

Life will always be messy.  But our God won’t let the mess defeat us if we stand with Jesus in the struggle.  Paul wrote:  Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ!  --- Not even cancer that takes your arm.  When life gets messy for you … stand with Christ in the problem and expect Him to protect you from the evil one.  Then your testimony will bring God glory and encourage others around you.

04/26/18 - John 16

April 26, 2018 – John 16

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33

Knowing Jesus gives us peace IN the trouble--and that's when our witness shines best for Jesus.

Nobody said being a Christian wasn’t messy, but that’s what we want to believe when we give our lives to Jesus.  (At least that’s what I wanted to believe.)

He was a troubled teen, from a difficult background.  The relationship with his dad was deeply strained, and the crowd he hung out with was into behaviors that were destructive.   Recent struggles had taken him to the bottom of a deep pit, and that’s when he started coming to church.  Through the youth minister’s help, the boy discovered Jesus, and expected his life to turn around.  But his dad was not impressed, and he found himself lonely when his old friends abandoned him and the church teens still didn’t trust him.  Wasn’t it supposed to get better?

She also came from a difficult childhood, but had made a way for herself by working hard as a student, doing well in school and working at various jobs.  As she entered college, things were looking up, until morning sickness warned of a coming child.   The boyfriend wasn’t impressed and encouraged an abortion, but she couldn’t do it.  A friend brought her to church, and she gave her life to Jesus, but the new situation ended up disrupting her schooling, sent her back home, and created even more tension with her parents.  Wasn’t Jesus supposed to help her with this?

Jesus didn’t say He would remove all the struggles or fix all the messes in our lives. Jesus promised to be there THROUGH the messes in our life.  He knew that we never learn or grow without testing and trials, but didn’t want us to be alone in them.  So Jesus tells us plainly:  I am not your Santa Claus here to take away all of your troubles, I am the one who gives you peace THROUGH the troubles.

Our relationship and faith in Jesus doesn’t usually grow through easy times.  It tends to grow through crying out to God in the harder times.  When we stop grumbling about our problems and instead turn to Jesus with our problems, He offers us peace and comfort.  That may not fix the problem, but often is exactly what we need to get through the problem.

Getting through a problem is not the best part, it’s what Jesus does with us after He helps us overcome the problem that is amazing.  Because after giving us peace to navigate the struggle, Jesus then uses us to bring others through their similar trials.  He takes the boy and brings him through the loneliness, using him to help other troubled teens change their lives by meeting Jesus.  He takes a girl whose life was disrupted by a pregnancy, and uses her to encourage other girls who end up facing the same challenge.  God empowers us with peace through the trial, so that we can bring peace to others in their trial.  Our witness shines best when His peace helps us overcome.

We will always face trials in life, some caused by our decisions, and some caused by others.  Jesus is ready to be there with us through those trials.  Look for His peace.  Cry out to Him in your need.  Allow Him to carry you through the trial, and watch what He does with you afterwards.  That’s the power of His Peace!

04/25/18 - John 15

April 25, 2018 – John 15

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends. John 15:13

Love is sacrifice, not feeling or receiving.

Driving to work one morning, I felt this prompting to stop at Starbucks and buy a Chai Tea Latte.  This is not normal any longer, after quitting coffee a while back, and I almost talked myself out of it.  Glad I didn’t, because something happened that was a clear lesson from God.

I walked in and ordered my tea, and the barista took my order, ringing it up and recording my name on the cup.  Then she slid a gift card through the register and told me the drink was free.  I asked why and she told me a man had come in earlier and rung up a large gift card to give away drinks until it was empty.  What a gift!

The first thought that came to me was: Who is this guy?  I want to tail him more often!  Then it motivated me to want to do the same thing in the future for other people.  But being Easter week, it also hit me that the analogy matched closely what Jesus said He would do on the cross … sacrificing for the sake of others.  Jesus came to earth and purchased the largest debit card ever recorded, buying our lives by paying for our sins.  He offers us the chance to use His account to cover our sin, if we will simply follow Him.  That’s amazing love!

Love is often considered a feeling or a connection, but that’s not how Jesus describes love.  Love to Jesus was a sacrificial decision for the sake of another.  Love is not about receiving, it is about giving.  Love is not looking for repayment, it looks for opportunity to serve.  Love is not a feeling, it is an action.  Jesus defined love as laying down our life for someone else.

If that is the true definition of love, then who have you shown love to these days?  Who is receiving the benefit of your sacrifice?

That man ahead of me at Starbucks demonstrated great love – he paid for our coffee (or tea).  Choose today to demonstrate love toward people in your life.  Be willing to sacrifice yourself for the sake of your spouse, your family, your friends, your community. 

04/24/18 - John 14

April 24, 2018 – John 14

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you... Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

Peace from God strengthens the soul to confront fears in our hearts and minds.

Ever notice that we always try to calm fears using logic?

Like many kids, our daughter went through a short period of being afraid of the dark.  We’re not sure where the fear started, but her fears got the best of her, needing to be with her parents, having a nightlight, and preferring to fall asleep with mom on the couch instead of going to sleep in her bedroom.  We tried all of the techniques suggested to us, but nothing worked.  Logic did not settle her fears, nor did walking the room or checking under the bed.  It took a while, but we finally stumbled across the thing that worked --- we started praying for her at night at bedtime for God to be in her room.  No more rote prayers, we asked God to protect her, and soon she was okay falling asleep by herself.  I didn’t recognize it until years later that she found peace in her soul through those prayers, and it calmed the fears of her mind and heart.

That’s exactly what Jesus said.  He gave us peace, and left it with us.  But it isn’ t peace in the heart or mind.  He left us peace for our soul.  The Soul can push back fears far better than logic or courage.  It’s peace in the soul that helps a person face pain or death.  It’s the peace of our soul that helps us stand strong in the face of temptation or persecution.  It’s peace of the soul that overcomes fear in our hearts.

When you are struggling with fear, don’t solve it with logic or courage.  Consider a different way.  Pray for the peace that Jesus gives your soul.  He promised to give it and leave it for us.  If you have a guilt issue, confess it and let it go.  Allow His peace to have control.  His peace is far more powerful than your fears.

The day Jesus was resurrected, women came to the tomb hoping to give Jesus’ body a proper burial.  They did not know who would help them roll the stone away, and who knows how the soldiers would treat them.  The angel AND Jesus said the same thing:  Don’t be afraid.  Let me ask you:  If you saw an angel or saw a resurrected dead man, wouldn’t you be afraid???  That would frighten anyone.  But their fears were not solved by logic, they were solved by Jesus’ presence.  Peace doesn’t come through the mind, it comes through the soul.  And Jesus is the source of that Peace. 

If you are dealing with some fears these days, don’t try to solve it through logic, courage or even possessions.  Seek the owner and giver of peace – Jesus Himself.

04/23/18 - John 13

April 23, 2018 – John 13

Jesus: I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. John 13:15

Belief is about imitation.  It’s not a belief until we act on it.

It’s hard to imagine the weight that Jesus felt on the last night He walked with the disciples.  It was Passover, already an emotional symbolic reminder of the death to come.  He was in a room with the man who had already betrayed Him.  And to top it off, all of Jesus’ friends would soon abandon Him, leaving Him alone to face the cross.  Agony is not strong enough of a word to describe it.  Excruciating is more accurate – the same word used to describe the physical pain Jesus would face on the cross.

But in the midst of all that emotional & spiritual pain, Jesus took a bowl of water and a towel, and bent down to the floor to wash His disciples’ feet.  Jesus chose to be everyone else’s servant, not only setting an example, but doing it at the most painful moment in His life on earth.  Being an example takes strength… being an example in the midst of your greatest pain takes much more than strength.  It takes imitation.  Jesus was imitating His Father’s love for people, by showing love to his disciples.

Believing in something is much more than just knowing the facts.  It is more than feeling like something is right.  Belief is imitating in our actions what we trust in our hearts.  Jesus believed that sacrificial love changed lives and eternities.  He believed it enough to come to earth and give up His throne in heaven.   He believed it enough to risk temptation and live among us as a man.  Jesus believed it enough to surrender Himself to a betrayer, and take a flogging, and be nailed to a cross.  And that night in the upper room, Jesus believed it enough to humble Himself from the Son of God to the lowest servant in the room, washing His disciples’ feet.  The Father had believed in sacrificial love enough to create men and love them every moment of every day.  Jesus simply imitated His Father.

The true test of belief is not how much we agree, but how much we imitate Jesus.  Obedience is not about religious activities to make God happy, it is about loving imitation because we trust in what Jesus did.  Following His Example is imitation, and imitation is a demonstration of belief.

Christianity is simple, but not easy.  Follow Christ like He followed the Father.   Don’t just believe about Jesus, believe Him to the point of imitating His character.  Not only is that the greatest demonstration of love, but it will save you!

04/20/18 - John 12

April 20, 2018 – John 12

They would not acknowledge their faith... for they loved human praise more than praise from God. John 12:42-43

Standing for your beliefs isn’t as important as standing for Truth ... Form values out of truth, not popularity.

Local news has changed significantly over the years, becoming more attracted to inspiration and interest than information.  That’s not necessarily a bad thing, as human interest stories are often a pleasant break from discouraging and downright depressing news.   These days, you will see stories of animal rescues, unexpected people making extraordinary effort, and people standing up for their beliefs.  Maybe that is why parents, teachers and many others are supportive of anything a person does that is ‘standing up for themselves’.  It’s an important character quality to be bold and courageous in standing for what you believe, and these days, a popular story – even if the belief is misguided.

God encourages people to stand for their beliefs, but only when the beliefs match His.  Standing for beliefs that don’t match what God teaches makes us in opposition to God.  He is more interested in you standing for Truth than just standing for beliefs.

That’s where many people will be surprised, even shocked, when we stand before God in heaven someday.  We will be surprised that God doesn’t agree with our beliefs.  We may even be shocked that our beliefs are in direct opposition to God, and damaged our faith --- or worse, the faith of those we love.  My sense is that EVERYONE will discover this … because God said we would:  “My thoughts are not your thoughts.  My ways are not your ways.” 

Jesus was wary of entrusting himself to men, because their beliefs were different than His.  Jesus believed in God’s Word, men preferred to be selective in believing God’s Word.  Jesus taught BOTH Judgment & Mercy.  Men taught mercy for themselves and judgment for others.  Jesus loved lost people enough to die for them.  Men loved themselves too much to die for anyone lost.  Jesus taught against the traditions (truths) of men.  Men taught traditions over God’s Truth. 

At the root of beliefs is either Truth or Popularity.  Believing in something against God’s Word is not about Truth, it’s about convenience, preference, comfort, popular opinion, etc.  Be CAREFUL!  Truth always trumps opinion in the long run – and there are consequences for rejecting truth. 

Don’t form your values based on opinions or beliefs that are not backed up with the Authority of Truth.  Seek the Truth of God before standing on a belief.  You’ll find yourself standing a much more solid foundation.

04/19/18 - John 11

April 19, 2018 – John 11

Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?" John 11:40

Trusting in Jesus and remaining faithful to Him always leads to seeing His hand at may be one belief away from seeing a miracle.

Miracles come in many different shapes and sizes.  But often they don’t come in the timeframe we want.  And usually, miracles don’t happen the way we want.  That’s what makes them miracles.

If there was a family that Jesus was closest to, it was Lazarus and his daughters.  So the news that Lazarus was dieing had to be traumatic to Jesus when He heard about it.  Yet, Jesus delayed, and then showed up 3 days later after Lazarus’ death.  Mary & Martha both came to Jesus, grieving in their own way, but it was Martha who was coherent enough to gain a faith lesson and witness one of Jesus’ greatest miracles – raising her father from the dead.  Martha knew Jesus WOULD raise Lazarus on judgment day, but didn’t believe Jesus COULD raise Lazarus on that day.   The time for a miracle had already passed.  Jesus could have healed Lazarus when he was sick, not after Lazarus was already dead.  But she chose to trust Jesus, and permitting the stone to be removed from the grave, Martha witnessed a miracle beyond her imagination.  Only one belief stood in the way of a miracle.

Miracles are usually one belief away – but not a belief in the METHOD of a miracle.  Miracles are waiting on belief in THE ONE who decides what the miracle will be.  Jesus did not save Lazarus from dieing.  He didn’t race to their side as soon as they informed him.  He didn’t raise Lazarus through some process or dramatic service.  Jesus decided what to do, and when to do it.  And all Jesus wanted from Martha is for her to believe in HIM.

Before Lazarus could be resurrected, Jesus needed the stone away.  A stone may also need removed for us to see a miracle as well.  The stone may be physical, but also may be a sin issue, a circumstance, a timeframe, or another impediment.  Your job will be to remove the stone.  Jesus’ job is to perform the miracle.  Don’t forget that! 

 When we give up control, and stop dictating what the miracle should be, Jesus can do what He does best.  Need a miracle today?  Put faith in the Miracle-worker, instead of the method.  Trust Jesus’ timing, instead of trying to dictate your own.  Leave the miracle up to Him, and then be watching --- because He is likely already working on the miracle you need.

04/18/18 - John 10

April 18, 20178– John 10

Jesus: My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27

Jesus knows that obedience only comes out of a personal relationship with Him as our master & friend.

One of the simplest games to teach a child is Follow the Leader.  It is a great learning tool for kids, and one that can help them learn other behaviors in a fun way.  It is also a game that teaches us how to behave in every walk of life for the rest of our days.  People must learn how to play Follow the Leader in school, work, family, sports, and every other area of life.  (So learn how to play at a young age!)

There are many things you can do in playing the game, but one key element MUST be there for it to work:  Trust.  If the follower doesn’t trust the leader, there’s not much following going on.  The only way to get a follower to mimic an untrusted leader is by force, manipulation or delegation.  Trust is PARAMOUNT to following.

That’s also why Trust is the most important asset in our personal relationships.  Breaking someone’s trust is the fastest way to kill a relationship, and the hardest thing to recover from.  Grow trust, and a marriage or friendship can go far.  Break it, and you find yourself doing looping around the clover leaf along the freeways of life.

Jesus came to earth with a gigantic problem.  All of the human race was destined for hell, and the only person who knew the roadmap to heaven was Jesus Himself.  But people didn’t know Jesus.  So Jesus taught them how to play Follow the Leader.  He would grow trust by performing a miracle, then teach them some practical lessons.  Then Jesus would heal people, and teach some more.  He would feed people and teach, walk on water and teach, cast out demons and teach some more.  All along the way Jesus was building up trust in His Word and letting people learn His voice, so that when the time came to follow, they would be ready to play the game.  And after the cross, when people thought they had lost all ability to trust, Jesus came back from the dead, permanently establishing His trustworthiness, so that all who will play Follow the Leader can join in the game.  Now the gigantic problem was solved.  His trust was proven, we know His voice, it’s simply up to us whether we want to follow.

Many people tell me they don’t know the voice of Jesus.  But that’s not because Jesus is silent, it’s just that we are not tuning into His Word, listening in prayer, seeking His truth.  Do you want to hear the Guide speak to you?  Then get a mentor that can help you learn how to Listen to His Voice speaking to you through Scriptures.  We NEED to learn how to listen for Him, because Jesus is the only one who has the GPS that can guide us to Eternal Life.

Follow the Leader is a simple game to learn, but not a childish game.  It is one we need to master if we want to navigate this life well, and certainly one we need to travel the path to Eternity.  Maybe it’s time to go back to that simple game again and play it with Jesus.  Wanna play?

04/17/18 - John 9

April 17, 2018 – John 9

"Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.”  John 9:3

Circumstances are a consequence of our decisions, effect of others decisions, or God's opportunity for making His own decision.

Fairness is somehow an expectation of life, even though we know that life never ends up being fair.  For instance, why is it fair that many of us were born in the richness of the United States, while others are born in much poorer nations?  Why is it fair that some people have great physiques and others struggle with their body size?  Why is it fair that a child can be abused but evil people can be protected? 

Jesus was asked by the disciples one day what was the fairness behind a crippled person’s predicament.  If people were born with a defect, it was assumed that their parents sinned or they sinned (somehow in the womb), or they were going to sin, and God was punishing them with a consequence.   The fact is that most of the time we associate consequences with somebody’s wrongdoing.  Otherwise --- it wouldn’t be fair! 

Jesus never associated circumstances with fairness.  He associated them with possibilities.  Every circumstance, good or bad, has the potential to be used by God for a greater purpose.  If you have been given a blessing or shown favor, you have the chance to use that blessing to support God’s Kingdom.  If you have been given a challenge or faced a trial, it is an opportunity to lean on God or be trained by God.  Jesus answered the disciple’s questions by changing the paradigm.   Yes – sometimes our own sin causes consequences.  Sometimes the sin of others affects our circumstances.  But circumstances are not about punishment or fairness, they are about purpose.  God uses EVERY circumstance to create an opportunity for His Glory to shine.

Now that may not be helpful initially to the crippled boy and his family, but it can give them courage to face tomorrow.  It may not help the grieving couple who lost a pregnancy, but can give them hope to try again.  It may not delight those who have lost a job, faced a divorce, struggled with a rebellious child, or been abused by someone at the time, but it can be a reminder that God is not done with us yet.  God excels in working His power THROUGH our circumstances, not just helping us avoid circumstances. 

Consider that young man for a moment.  His years of struggle were used by Jesus to show the world that the Savior had arrived.  They not only witnessed a miracle, they experienced one, and they met the Savior Himself.  All of those years of difficulty were solved in one shining moment of God’s Glory.

Our trials will end the same way – it may happen in this life, or at the end of life on earth, but all those circumstances will be used to bring God Glory.  In the mean time, ask God to use our circumstances to bring Himself Glory.  You may just find yourself the subject of a miracle.

04/16/18 - John 8

April 16, 2018 – John 8

Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:31-32

Real Christians are those who obey Jesus' words---and by doing so discover His Truth.

There’s an old saying:  those who Can, Do … and those who Can’t, Teach.  That may or may not be true (it depends on the teacher), but one things is for certain:  Those who Do, Know!  By doing something, you know it far better than simply by being informed.  Truth is not discovered by hearing information, but by learning it through application.

Jesus wasn’t looking for people who wanted to know about His ways.  Jesus was looking for people who wanted to follow & obey His ways.  That’s not because Jesus wanted to be in charge.  It’s because Jesus wanted people to really KNOW the Truth.  And you can’t truly know something’s true without doing it, obeying it, experiencing it.  Truth must be experienced to be fully known.

That’s why Jesus also said: “If you love me, you will obey my commands.”  People who want to know are those who follow the teacher’s instructions.  Obedience isn’t about making God happy with us, it’s about knowing Him and learning His ways.  And Jesus promises that when we obey, we’ll not only know the Truth, but it will free us from all the baggage of sin and disappointment.  No longer will we wonder about other options to God’s commands, we will KNOW His way, and develop the memory muscle to do it that way.

So it begs the question: what are we avoiding in our obedience?  Is there something we have been taught from God that we haven’t tried yet?  Is there something God says is sin in the Bible that we haven’t given up yet?  What disobedience are we still holding on to?  Make a 90 day experiment – obey what God says to do (or to believe), and watch what happens.  You may just discover what Jesus is talking about here – by holding to His teaching, you’ll discover its Truth, and find great freedom!

I’m thinking of changing that old saying to something a bit different:  Those who Do, Know … and those who Know, are Free!   Sounds a little like Truth.

04/13/18 - John 7

April 13, 2018 – John 7

Jesus: "Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, rivers of living water will flow from within them." John 7:37-38

The craving of the soul is not satisfied by temporary pleasures but by the eternal filling of Jesus.

California is experiencing a drought this year due to a lack of rain/snow.  It happens periodically, due to rain patterns and seasonal changes, but this drought is severe enough already that water restrictions are being applied in some areas, and farmers are already being cut back.  That leads to fallow fields, dead lawns, higher crop prices, and much more.  An already thirsty valley is parched and desperate for water.

What is interesting is that only a couple of years ago, the water supply ran a huge surplus.  There was water for everything, and no worries about dry fields or dead lawns.  We had a banner year – but last year’s water supply doesn’t mean much this year.  No matter how much water we get this year, we will still need the same supply next year.  The valley is never satisfied!

People aren’t much better than valleys when it comes to being satisfied.  Everything in this life needs replenished.  While we can live off the overflow for a little while, sooner or later we need a fresh supply to keep going.

Jesus said eternal things don’t work that way.  When you get hold of something eternal, it keeps resupplying your life.  Take forgiveness as an example.  You can water the dryness of guilt away every time by the forgiveness you have in Jesus.  Or how about grace.  Once we accept it, the river seems to keep flowing every day.  Or how about mercy.  Discovering God’s mercy is like the sun coming up every morning – it’s there even when the clouds try to hide it from us. 

Rivers typically start from one of two sources:  either runoff from rain, or pressure from a spring.   Jesus says that temporary things are like rivers from rain, you’ll never have enough to last; but permanent things are like springs underground, it just keeps coming up no matter how much it rains.  Eternal things don’t come from outside sources, they are freshly supplied by the Holy Spirit from within.

Don’t keep chasing things that are never finished.  Spend your life looking for the springs.  Then you will have the endless supply of life-giving water to live on.  And that’s much better than hoping it will rain.

04/12/18 - John 6

April 12, 2018 – John 6

Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. John 6:27

Put our effort into the things that last forever---serving the Kingdom, reaching people, knowing Jesus, giving to needs, loving God.

One Christmas, Santa brought us a family gift that we really needed – a treadmill.  Both Dianna and I wanted to get in better shape, and our daughter Heather just thought it was ‘fun’.  So when we had a break in activities, I figured I would try it out with a short run before guests arrived.  I started off slow, and increased the speed to race as fast I as I could without falling off.   Well … the run was VERY SHORT.  It didn’t take long to discover how out of shape I really was!  Apparently, my endurance wasn’t as high as my opinion!!!  The next day, I started off much slower, and worked on running for 10 minutes, then 20, then 30, and on and on until I could easily run for an hour.  It took a while to grow my endurance.

Eternal things in life are much like getting in better shape – they both take endurance.  To gain eternal things, you must grow little by little.  Endurance doesn’t happen quickly.  It starts by putting effort in little things that grow to become strong behaviors --- things like serving God, reading Scripture, praying regularly, giving to needs, inviting people, going to worship.  By themselves, it may seem that they are doing very little to help, but when added together, they build up to a strong spiritual life.

Unfortunately, worldly things seem much more rewarding initially.  Recreation seems more beneficial than worship, accumulating seems more enjoyable than giving, knowing current issues seems more valuable than knowing Scripture.  But taken over time, things of the world never add up.  They simply take up time without gaining ground.  In a sense, they spoil – because you always have to refresh them to keep up with where you are at.

Eternal things always grow stronger.  They build on each other to make you better.  Much like a consistent workout routine strengthens the body, spiritual exercise strengthens the soul.  You may not see it happening, but an enduring life is being developed.

After improving endurance on that treadmill, it wasn’t long before the treadmill was of little value to me.  Soon (when spring arrived), I moved outside and started running miles instead of minutes.  Several months later, I ran my first 10K race, then later a half-marathon, and down the road, a full marathon.  It’s amazing how endurance can grow from those miserable first minutes on the treadmill!   All by simply putting daily effort into little things.

Start today putting “treadmill time” into your spiritual walk.  Add a few minutes, put in a new practice, grow your spiritual endurance – and see how God grows your spirit (and your life!).

04/11/18 - John 5

April 11, 2018 – John 5

Jesus said to the healed man, "See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." John 5:14

Don't leverage God’s blessing for our own desires, honor His salvation by living for God’s desires.

What a great story from Jesus about the true nature of healing, forgiveness & purpose.  A man lays paralyzed for 38 years, looking to be healed in this miraculous water pool, or at least gain a day’s wages by begging.  He is so used to his condition that being healed is no longer the first priority.  Instead, it’s just getting the daily help he needs.  Jesus approaches him and asks a powerful question:  Do you REALLY want to be healed?

Many people want to be fixed, but may not necessarily want to be healed.  That seems contradictory, but is often true.  It’s the person who wants the raise without wanting more responsibility.  It’s the person who wishes they could be healthier while they eat fatty foods.  It’s the one who wants the relationship to be better without humbling themselves to change.  So many want the fix, but not the cure.  In this story, the man is given the cure by Jesus, not just the fix.  And instead of returning to find Jesus to show his gratitude, this man goes off and celebrates his recovery.

But that’s not the end of the story.  Later, after being questioned by the Jews, he runs into Jesus.  So Jesus has to find him.  When they connect, Jesus says something even more powerful:  Stop Sinning or something worse may happen.  WOW!  What could be worse than laying around paralyzed for 38 years, begging for your existence every day?  What could be worse than living most of your life useless, poor, unable to do much of anything?  The answer: A life without the One who healed you.

Not only do people want the fix without the healing.  They want the blessing without the responsibility.  Jesus warns us that receiving His blessing and healing comes with a responsibility as well… to live for the one who has saved you.  When we receive blessing for God, it’s not to be used selfishly for our own desires, it’s to be used for honoring God’s desires.  Using it for ourselves rejects our relationship with God.  Using it for God builds upon our relationship with Him.  When God heals us from our past, don’t use it to increase your ability to sin, use it to increase your ability to serve Him.

All of us have been blessed beyond measure.  We have been given life, invested with abilities, grown with skillsets, surrounded with opportunities.  Don’t waste them pursuing the fix, use them to pursue the Fixer.  If God has healed you from a past sin, or granted mercy from the consequences, show your gratitude by serving Him daily.  Let your life be an example of what true healing looks like.   Don’t Sin, and make it worse.  Chances are, you’ll need the Healer again!

04/10/18 - John 4

April 10, 2018 – John 4

Jesus said: "Yet a time is has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks." John 4:23

God builds a relationship with people who serve His Kingdom and Believe His Word.

Whether you are a parent or not, you’ve probably experienced a time when a child is being dramatic to gain attention from their parent.  Whether in a store or fast food restaurant, the child will want something, and be pestering their parent to get it.  The demand for attention may even lead them to hysterics, with tears, yelling, crying, and angry outbursts.  In that moment, the wise parent doesn’t react dramatically, but allows the child to calm down, and maintains care while not coming under the child’s demands.  No matter what the child does to demand it, there is not much relationship happening until they calm down and the parent initiates it.

If Jesus made one thing clear, it was that we only enter heaven by having a relationship with God.  The only way to heaven is through a relationship.  It’s not based on how good of a person we are, nor the sins we didn’t commit, nor the good works we do for the Church or for people.  It’s only through knowing Jesus that we enter heaven.

But here’s the problem, and it may shock you, but you are not able to build a relationship with God. 

That’s right.  We need a relationship, but we can’t build it.  We can’t pray enough, read the Bible enough, pursue His ways enough, obey enough.  All of those are good things to do when having a relationship with God, but don’t create a relationship with God.  

Jesus said there is only one way to create a relationship with God: believe in Him, worship Him, and open our lives up to Him.  Then, God CHOOSES to seek a relationship with US.  He shows up and starts the relationship: in a moment during a worship service, at our bedside when we’re crying out in prayer, in that split second we decide to skip what our friends are doing and do what God would like.  In those moments, we worship God, and God shows up!  He initiates the relationship, and we then choose whether to accept Him or not.

There are moments when you will sense God’s Presence.  You will feel a burden to stop and help a stranded passenger.  You will be prompted to make a decision in a worship service.  A person you need to talk with will come to your mind.  Something will impact you in ways it never has before.  That’s God pursuing a relationship with you.  Don’t blow it off too quickly.  Worship & Obey, and it will engage you in relationship with Jesus.  Then see how God uses it to expand your faith and impact your life.

Listen to Jesus’ words in John 4, God is seeking a relationship with those who calm down, worship Him, trust in His Word, obey Him as best they know, and serve His Kingdom.  Those things don’t dictate a relationship with God, but they open us up to receiving a relationship FROM God!  So open yourself up today.  Be ready and start doing the things to open yourself to it, and when He shows up, respond!

04/09/18 - John 3

April 9, 2018 – John 3

He must become greater; I must become less.   John 3:30

The mantra of a true believer--- the desire to bring God glory is greater than getting it for ourselves.

Becoming a believer of Jesus has some incredible benefits – complete forgiveness of our past, freedom from sin, receiving the Holy Spirit as our personal protector, permission to enter heaven and live forever, eternal rewards, and much more!  Best of all, we discover a personal relationship with God Himself, and start to learn His voice, becoming His child!  What a deal!!!

But there is a catch.  (I know, there is always a catch, huh.) We have to let go of pursuing this life.  Many try to avoid that part.  Some try to play both sides of the fence.  Most struggle to know what that means.  But ultimately, becoming God’s child means giving up our own lives in order to pursue His.  Our mission changes.  We no longer seek the glory of this life, we seek to bring glory to Him.  Every decision, every action, every behavior, every thought comes down to that simple question:  Will it bring God glory?

If you’re human, then you have tried to avoid that catch.  In our humanity, we only see this world, and prefer to benefit from what it offers.  It’s easy to justify ourselves when we compare to what others have, or what others have done.  We can even twist Scriptures to say what we want, and justify our choices.  Truth be told, we have all struggled with this desire for personal gain instead of God’s Glory.

John the Baptist was not like most humans.  He didn’t operate under the pressure of comparison.  He didn’t justify his behavior based on other’s performance.  John had one simple measure: Who gets the glory?  If Jesus was getting more glory, then it was a good decision.  Jesus must become greater, making John lesser.

If you’re stuck in the world’s system, that motto will be very threatening.  It will call for sacrifice you are not familiar with.  For all of us, it will be a constant challenge to our pride or egos.  But it might also create the most freedom you have ever experienced!  You’re no longer under the pressure to perform.  You won’t be wasting time or money on things that don’t last.  You might even find a greater connection with God, the ability to witness miracles, and the most peace you will ever experience.  What could God do with you if He was getting all the glory?

Be warned – it will not be easy.  Your friends and family won’t understand it.  Many will oppose it.  Some will take offense to it.  But God will LOVE IT! 
Start today.  For every decision, conversation, behavior, ask yourself:  Will this bring Jesus more glory?  Act on that answer and see what happens.  It could be life-changing, and definitely will be an adventure.  It’s what Jesus asks of you … so make it your mantra.

04/06/18 - John 2

April 06, 2018 – John 2

Jesus' mother said to the servants, "Do whatever Jesus tells you." John 2:5

We see the miracles when we fully obey Jesus' commands.

The first miracle recorded about Jesus took place at a wedding party.  I’m so glad John recorded it.  Here’s Jesus, just one of the crowd, hanging out with his friends and his family, enjoying life and celebrating the wedding of someone they knew.  Jesus is not known for healing the sick or preaching the Word or raising the dead.  He’s just a fascinating guy. 

Midway through the party the host runs out of wine, and mom cares enough for his reputation to intervene with Jesus.  I imagine nobody believed Jesus could do anything, and hadn’t seen Jesus do anything noteworthy.  So when mom tells them to simply obey whatever Jesus says, they didn’t do it out of honor to Jesus, they did it out of honor to his mother.  Imagine their surprise when their large jars of water end up being the best wine they have ever tasted!

If you were one of those servants, you would have witnessed an incredible miracle simply by obeying whatever Jesus said to do!  Would you have obeyed?  Would you have doubted?  Would you have complained?  What would have been your response?

Most of us have the need for a miracle or two in our lives.   Maybe it’s an intervention in a circumstance, or a repair of a relationship, or a re-supplying of a resource.  Some need God to do a miracle with a health issue or a job loss.  Whatever the issue, we can either try to do things our own way in our own power, or we can try obeying the instructions of an all-knowing God.  Those servants obeyed, and witnessed a miracle. 

Your miracle may be a single obedience away!  Do you trust Jesus enough to simply obey what He has told you to do?  Instead of seeking the divorce, obey Jesus and forgive.  Instead of hoarding your money in fear, give to His Kingdom.  Instead of pushing people to do what you want using anger, show them the kindness of Jesus.  Instead of offering your time to every activity and distraction, schedule time to worship & serve Jesus each weekend.  Take your water, obey Jesus, and wait for His miracle.

Obedience allowed those servants to see water turned into wine.  Obedience allowed the disciples to see 5 loaves feed 5000 men.  Obedience allowed Peter to bring thousands to know Jesus in a single sermon.  And obedience is what opened the door to millions of miracles, big and small, since the beginning of creation.  Even Jesus obeyed by going to a cross, and brought about the single event that resurrected his life as well as the life of every believer since.  Obedience is what opens us up to the hand of God.

So what are you waiting for? What is the step of obedience you have delayed doing, that God is ready to use for a miracle.  Choose today to obey! 

04/05/18 - John 1

April 5, 2018 – John 1

Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, He gave the right to become children of God.  John 1:12

He is ready to welcome us into His family if we choose to come INTO His authority.

Archie Bunker was a character of the old sitcom “All in the Family”.  He presumed to be the authority of the house, but found himself struggling to maintain control.  Often his wife or kids worked out the situation to challenge his authority or rules, and by making it Archie’s idea, overcame his authority.

Who’s the true authority in your home?

Some might say the father.  With the mantle of leadership put on his shoulders by God, and often his physical presence, the man of the house would be a logical choice.  Sometimes it appears that way, especially if he is good at making logical arguments, or providing the family income, or physically imposing his will. 

Some might argue the mother is.  She may not always be the most physically intimidating, but her ability to influence everyone and push the right buttons would make her a likely candidate.  Someone once said the husband is the head, but the wife is the ‘neck’ and can turn the head any way she wants.  That has the appearance of true authority in the home.

Then some might suggest the kids.  After all, a baby seems to get all the attention and can demand their way in a single cry.  Or in some homes, the kids have learned how to work the parents or manipulate the situation to get whatever they want.  Then some teens have grown up into strong controllers by their attitudes and behavior, making an outsider see them as the authority.

Of course, there is always the argument that God is the authority, but it would be hard to tell that in many homes.

I might suggest that none of those are the case alone.  Instead, the true authority is not found in the first names of the family lineage --- I would suggest it is in the last name.  True authority is defined by what the FAMILY defines the rules to be.  Whether one is the head, or the neck, or the heart, or even the big toe, it’s the BODY that has authority over itself.  And for most families, it is the structure of the family that dictates the authority.

John describes Jesus in the first chapter of his Gospel as the light of the world, but then turns and says that Jesus is the root of the family.  But accepting Jesus doesn’t take away our identity, it simply changes it to be part of the family name!  So the authority is in the family.  That includes God the Father, and Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit’s Presence, along with all of the believers who have come into the family.  It’s the authority of the family that now is our true authority.  The family decides the code.

But that doesn’t mean we can outvote God on decisions.  It means we are a part of the family when we support the family structure.  We aren’t just given a name, we are given a ‘right’ – a heritage – an honor.  Being a part of God’s family brings purpose, responsibilities, expectations, obedience … all things that are part of healthy families because they carry the Last Name of the family!

You are now part of God’s Family, and the authority is in the family.  Celebrate that great gift and enjoy the privileges of living with an All-Powerful God, but also enjoy the responsibilities and expectations.  Support your family, and follow the family code.  It’s All In the Family.

04/04/18 - Luke 24

April 4, 2018 – Luke 24

Jesus said to them, "Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds?" Luke 24:38

Trusting in the resurrection changes worry into worship and doubt into belief.

The ONE EVENT that changes everything is the Resurrection.  Without it, there is much to doubt and disbelieve.  But with it as our foundational truth, everything is possible and nothing is to be feared.

That’s a bold statement, and one that needs to be considered deeply.

Imagine life without a resurrection.  Our hope for eternity would be in doubt.  The only way to heaven would be trying to determine what was ‘good enough’.  Our spiritual efforts would all be about religious activities.  Forgiveness would be minimized and retribution would be maximized.   Without a resurrection, the fruits of the Spirit would lose their luster.  Who would care about being patient & kind when this is the only life you have to live?  Selfishness would be the standard for living, and violence would reign in every facet of life.  Without any belief in a resurrection, we would be more lost than ever.  Most would not even have a faith, since the basis of hope for the last 2000 years has been centered on a resurrection. 

But take a look at what belief in the resurrection HAS produced.  From that foundation, men have sacrificed themselves for their neighbors, the poor & painful have been cared for, hospitals and educational institutions have been created, forgiveness has reigned over retribution, kindness is an honored character quality, mercy is part of our justice systems’ toolset, and countries negotiate their problems before fighting over them.  The hope of a resurrection fuels more than we can ever imagine.

Jesus shows up and sees his disciples, and they are still not quite believing the resurrection is true.  They are still in fear of the Jews and in doubt of the events, until Jesus shows up.  But a resurrected Jesus has a way of solving our fear and doubts.  Believing in Jesus frees us from worry, because we have no risk of death.  If we were to be killed, it would simply mean a quicker entrance into heaven.  And believing in the resurrection removes doubts, because if Jesus can make good on His claim to come back from the dead, then His promises about life, about eternity, about meeting our needs, about being with us in every circumstance can also be trusted.  Trusting in the resurrection turns our worries into worship and changes our doubts into beliefs.

And all because Jesus shows up to prove the resurrection happened!

Has Jesus shown up in your life?  Maybe not in a physical form, but have you seen the hand of Jesus on your life recently?  Are you troubled?  Maybe it’s time to relive the resurrection and let that single event change your worry into worship and your doubt into belief.  Look for the signs that Jesus is in our midst, and trust the resurrection.

It just might change the course of your life!