We beg of God to tell us the future or fix our problems, but seldom ask Him where we stand or what to do next. Maybe because we think we know or can figure it out ourselves... or we really don't want to do what we know He is telling us!
The Psalmist says God's Word is a lamp unto my feet. Scripture makes it very clear where we are at right now. It shows us what sin and righteousness look like. It gives us a clear understanding of what we look like to God and what He expects. Although that light can be brighter than what we prefer to see, it certainly allows us to own the truth about ourselves.
Scripture is also good at showing us the next step we need to take. Whether it may be the step of repentance, forgiveness, obedience, discipline, love, faith, or hope... God's Word always has one for us to take. Usually that light only shows us the next step, even though we prefer to see the whole path ahead. But God doesn't use a high beam ... He provides us a flashlight beam.
Now if we are looking for what's down the road or what's behind us, it will seem like Scripture is silent... But if we trust God with who we are and where we are, and are willing to take the next step, He will light the way. That means we need His Word in our lives every day. No to make us smarter or more blessed (though those happen), but to help us with our next step.
So open up His Word and start listening to Him, and take the next step. Repent, be baptized, forgive, love another, listen, pray, work hard, believe, trust, wait... Whatever the next step is, follow the lamp's light.
You will get to the destination much better.