
Don't confuse Permission with Patience

She walked in 20 minutes after curfew, and didn't get the expected shakedown from her mom.  Feeling good about it, she went to bed and slept soundly, then up and off to school the next day.  A few nights later, her date brought her home 35 minutes late... Still no consequences. That's when she decided being late was permitted.  LATE changed from being an exception, to being a habit, to being a right.  All went well until she wanted to start driving the car.   Mom responded:  I loan my car to people who are trustworthy with it. So until you prove you are trustworthy in keeping agreed-upon curfews for the 12 times you have been late, you are not permitted to use the car.   That's when the daughter came to grips with the difference between being patient and gaining permission.  Mom had never granted her permission to break curfew, she was just patient in discipline.

Be careful when thinking we have gotten away with something!  Just because our authority hasn't disciplined us yet doesn't mean we are allowed to do it, nor will we get away with it forever.  God's patience doesn't mean He has given His permission.  In fact, it may mean we are damaging blessings God has lined up for us!  

How many times have people told themselves... It's just a little lie...  We didn't get pregnant...  Drinking didn't affect my driving...  Only later to face greater consequences.  Some might complain after the discipline comes---Why did God do this to me?   But God was the one being patient hoping we would correct the behavior or repent (change back to Him).  If God says its wrong, then any patience He shows us is a kindness, but not permission. 

Praise God for His patience, but don't see it as permission... Sin always results in consequences.