
The Greatest Temptation-08/11/12

The devil said to Jesus, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.” Luke 4:3

What is the biggest temptation in life?

Some would say sex. That with all the media attention, advertisements, and even the desires and lusts for satisfaction or attraction, sex would be the greatest temptation. But that really isn't it.

Some would suggest money. With all that money provides us, it might be a good argument. Money brings with it opportunities and influence. It opens doors to experiences and self-serving satisfactions. Even Jesus warned of its great danger, but that wouldn't be it either.

Some Biblically-intelligent people would suggest pride--and as with all sins they would be accurate. Pride is the root of every sin, and certainly would be connected to the greatest temptation. But Satan is a bit more subtle than that. He doesn't call us to be proud because we all know better. He tempts with other methods.

Based on both Adam and Jesus all of those answers would be close---even connected to the greatest temptation. In Gen 3 and Luke 4 we see Satan offer the greatest temptation to both of these guys. And it's the one he uses in us too. The greatest temptation is to make a name for yourself (or to prove yourself). The greatest temptation deals with our identity. Who are you? Who am I? With Adam it was about making a name for himself, and with Jesus it was about proving himself.

Adam fell for it and sinned. He wanted to be somebody, and not just be Gods image but be a god himself. Instead, he found himself hiding from God and becoming known more for his failure than for his success. Making a name for ourselves is Very subtle---yet its the back door to pride. Boys want to be the best so they can be known. Girls dress to be noticed. Many men make money, build companies, and collect possessions all to feel like winners. Many women pursue the next activity, beauty secret or body shaping method to be considered valuable. Not that those things are always bad, but pursuing them to improve our identity is the temptation of Satan.

Your identity was set at birth. Not only were we placed into a family and given a unique DNA, but we were created in the image of God Himself. We have nothing to prove because we are already His. The sin of man is trying to create our own identity instead of enjoying the identity we have in Christ.

I admit that this is a constant battle for me, and I continue to ask Jesus for help. I wish I could have the athletic skills of Michael Jordan or the golf swing of Tiger Woods. It dream of leading and building a ministry like Bill Hybels or Andy Stanley. And there are many role models around my life that put me to shame with their discipline, love for their family, and devotion to their work. The temptation to desire a name for myself is strong!

That's what makes Luke 4 so powerful... Jesus did not need to prove Himself, even though He WAS the son of God and could. His identity in God was enough.

Choose to live IN the image of God instead of making a name for yourself. Do whatever God gives you to do, and if God places you on a stage don't let it change your identity. Have NO other gods before you (including yourself).

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