I urge that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 1Tim 2:1-2
America has a rich and blessed heritage where we have the privilege of voting our key leaders into positions of authority. This form of government is quite new to history, since most governments were established as theocracies or monarchies. The blessing is that we have a say in who leads and where our country goes.
But by being a country where our opinions influence policy, it also can distract us from the mission we were given by Jesus. We ARE to participate and be a voice in political issues. But our primary objective is to be an ambassador and witness for the King we swore allegiance to. His mission was for us to go change hearts, not votes.
Sometimes we fall for the trap to think we can change the country by voting for candidates, and to some extent that is true...but it's also temporary. The true way we change our country is to change people's hearts. And the way we change hearts is to bring them to know the Heart-Changer ... King Jesus.
So it's appropriate to remember Paul's instruction on every election---whether your candidate won or lost. We are to pray for our leaders and live in peace, so that we can continue the assignment of bringing people to know Jesus. Prayer is more powerful than polls---because the polls may elect a temporary leader, but prayer empowers an eternal Lord. So pray for your leaders and submit to their authority, and get back to work on the mission we were called to do.
Who knows---God may just use the new leader to bring the change He wants for many people thru our prayers!!
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