
01/11/17 - Matt 8

Jan 11, 2017 – Matt 8

Jesus told him, "Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead."   Matt 8:22

Don’t let worldly responsibilities distract us from following Jesus.

Time may not be our friend, but it is definitely not our excuse.

Often, we are quick to blame our busy schedule for not having ‘time’ to do the things we know we should.  We tell God we don’t have enough time to read His Word.  We excuse ourselves from serving God’s Church family because we can’t schedule the ‘time’.  Simple chores don’t get finished because we ran out of ‘time’.  It’s as if we keep chasing ‘time’, and it’s always running away from us, like a cat chasing a tail!

The problem with busy lives is that some people find the time to do those things anyways!  There are some people (and not just pastors), who take ‘time’ to read the Word of God daily.  There are many others who support God’s Kingdom by serving His Church with their ‘time’.  Many are able to juggle busy lives and still find the ‘time’ to perform their daily chores.

Jesus is traveling with his disciples, and He notices a potential leader worthy of getting involved in the ministry.  So Jesus makes the man an offer to join them in the work, and the man says “I’m busy with family obligations and can’t go yet.  Maybe after I take care of my father’s estate and get the business set up properly, and have everything taken care of in my life, THEN I will have enough time for you Jesus.”  Jesus’ response was thought-provoking:  “Follow me, and let the dead bury the dead”. 

The fact is that EVERYONE has been gifted with the same amount of time.  We each receive 24 hours every day to choose how to use, and have the ability to accomplish the same things with it.  Our time is not the problem, it’s our choices that prevents us from doing the things we should.  We have the choice of using our daily time for Eternal Life-Giving activities, or use it for death-giving ones.   The truth is, we have enough time, we are just filling our time with the wrong choices.

How tragic that we use ‘time’ to excuse our lack of discipline and devotion to Jesus.  Is there anything more worthy of our time than knowing God?  Is our Savior not important enough to offer some of our precious time? 

Look at your schedule this week.  What needs changed, so that you have some time for Jesus every day?  CHOOSE to make some changes in your ‘time’, so that you can follow the Giver of Life.

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