
02/06/18 - Matt 26

Feb 6, 2018 – Matt 26

This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Matt 26:28

It takes a sacrifice to save people – your sacrifice has an impact in the eternities of others!

I confess, sometimes it feels like the bad choices of other people get paid by me.  There are many cases of that around all of us, some deeply personal and others more common.  Like the student who cheats on a test and causes the whole class to suffer.  Or how about the baggage of past relationships being thrown in your face by the person you married.  Or sadly, how about those who have been injured or killed when a drunk driver gets behind the wheel.  It is completely unfair, and creates depressing feelings, to the point it can become unbearable at times dealing with the costs of others’ decisions.

You’ve been there too… and probably are feeling some of that same pain by now just talking about it.  Maybe you are there right now.  And many times it makes you want to quit, just throw in the towel, give up the relationships, quit the job, even dismiss our faith.  Many have even abandoned God because of the unfairness that has been thrown our way.

If you’re feeling that emotion right now, you can start to get a taste of what Jesus was feeling at His Last Supper with the disciples before going to the cross.  But instead of feeling it after the unfairness happened, He was feeling it before the persecution started.  He knew that every sin of the world was going to be thrown at Him… every cheating, every relational baggage, every drunken accident, every abuse, every arrogant behavior, everything!  And instead of quitting or throwing in the towel, Jesus took it on anyways, and offered the cup as a symbolic reminder of the blood He would give to pay the debt.

Every time something unfair happens in our life, remember how unfair it was to hang all our baggage on Jesus.  Remember every sin or failure that Jesus took on for you.  Remember the pain He endured when going to the cross for your shame and my shame.  And remember that He was willing to take it on even KNOWING it was your bad choices.  He didn’t do it because we were worthy of helping.  Jesus did it because HE wanted us in eternity with Him.

Then maybe when you face those unfair moments, instead of crying foul or getting angry, you can get through that moment by knowing your sacrifice is helping the potential eternity of another.  The incident will still be unfair, but the result will be different.  You will be pouring a drop of blood out your life to save someone – just as Jesus poured out every drop to save you.

Forgiveness is always a sacrifice, but the sacrifice is much smaller than the one paid for you.  Remember, every sacrifice has an impact on the eternity of someone. 

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