
05/29/18 - Acts 17

May 29, 2018

In the past God overlooked our ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. Acts 17:30

Jesus brought grace, but also eliminated all excuses---we must turn back to God and obey before judgment comes.

Sometimes we have WAY too many choices, and it leads us into problems.

I remember when I started dating Dianna, we had the constant challenge of choosing a place to eat when we would go to dinner.  It turned into a joke:  I wanted to start a restaurant called: “I don’t care”, “Whatever you want”, “Not that one”, “You Decide”.  J  With all the choices of places to go, we would take forever figuring it out.  It’s SO MUCH EASIER when you only have two choices.

God knows that sin is rampant with multiple choices.  When given many options to choose from, we’ll often choose a ‘better’ one than the ‘best’ one.  And especially when many options exist for sin and only one is the righteous option, people find themselves choosing a sin option that doesn’t cost so much (or so we think).  That’s the story of the Old Testament!  Compromise over commitment.

Jesus was the ‘bearer of Grace’ to the world.  His birth, ministry, and service to men has continued to bring grace and mercy to the human race, and a second chance for sinners to be saved.  Instead of having to know every action and attitude that was a sin, we have been given a new “tree” as our single choice.  Where Adam & Eve were ignorant to sin and only had to choose NOT to eat from the Tree of knowledge of Good & Evil, we have been given the single choice to repent and EAT from the Tree of Life Himself. 

Jesus has made it much easier for us.  Choose Jesus as Lord, or choose yourself.  It’s no longer about the sin options, it’s a simple choice, just like Adam & Eve had.  Which tree will you eat from?

But be aware there is no longer any more excuses or ignorance.   There is no 3rd option coming.  Jesus is the final choice (and the final answer).  Make your choice.

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