
08/02/18 - 2Cor 4

Aug 2, 2018

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 2Cor 4:17

Every struggle on earth is creating a bigger blessing in heaven.

Every year, our family planted a vegetable garden and all of us worked that garden each year.  The digging and planting in the spring wasn’t so bad, but the weeding each week was NOT my favorite activity.  Yet, throughout the summer and fall, when we pulled those big juicy fresh tomatoes, or picked and cooked up the green beans, or ate the watermelon, lettuce, onions, green peppers, and corn – it was some of the BEST tasting food we had.   It was awesome to see all of the production a few seeds could create.  With a little work, and a little patience, the harvest was amazing.

Funny thing about seeds.  They have to die in order to reproduce.  Then there is the struggle for the seed to germinate and break apart so that the plant can begin.  Then the seed and plant must struggle to break through the earth and brave the elements to produce its harvest.  There are many trials a seed must go through to produce a harvest, but in the end, the production far outweighs the size of that seed.

So it is with our lives.  We avoid struggles, steer clear of trials, and attempt to eliminate any hardships, yet those are the EXACT things that make our lives rich in the end.  Any marriage worth its salt has learned and grown through struggles.  Kids who develop character came through hardships & lessons.  Companies that survive the long haul in business all had to learn important lessons through difficulty.  No seed produces until it struggles.  And no life produces eternal results until it goes through the challenges of life successfully.

When we face troubles, don’t run back into our shell – keep breaking through!  In the end, you will benefit FAR MORE by the struggle than by staying safe.  And God will RICHLY bless your eternal life with a FAR GREATER RESULT when you endure the trials of life obeying His ways. 

Jesus told his disciples that the reward in heaven for their few decades of following Him on earth involved riches, authority, and honor in the Presence of Almighty God … and that was for Eternity!  A few decades of difficulty would end up producing an eternal abundance of harvest.  The same deal is offered to all of us --- IF we will continue to strive to follow Jesus. 

So let’s get back to the work of our garden, and keep growing through the light and momentary struggles.

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