
03/24/12-1Sam15 - Mirror or Mission?

1Sam 15:17- Samuel said, “Although you were once small in your own eyes, did you not become the head of the tribes of Israel?

Mirrors are an amazing tool - they are crucial to have for safe driving, they help when walking around blind corners, and are great for helping to see the dirty spots we missed after washing up.  But often, mirrors also can be the source of distraction.  (Ever seen a person looking at their hair or makeup in the rear view mirror while in a car?  That wasn't the intention of the mirror... :)

Many people spend too much time looking in the mirror - focusing their time and energy on self-image.  Some use the mirror to help make themself the most attractive they can, in order to get attention and be recognized.  Others look in the mirror and loathe what they see, seeing themselves as much less than God created.  Either way, mirrors can consume our focus.

Saul was a mirror guy.  He was looking in the mirror before God called him to kingship, and he was still looking in the mirror afterwards.  Saul cared more about what men saw him to be than what God called him to be.  And it caused his downfall.

Jesus warned us at being distracted by the mirror - he told us that life is more than what we have, what we look like, or what others think of us.  What matters in life is what God thinks of us.  And He already proved that by sending Jesus to die on a cross for us.

Use the mirror, but don't focus on it.  Stop looking in the rear view mirror to see what your hair looks like, and start looking in it for direction adjustments.  Focus on the mission --- where we're supposed to be going --- instead of the mirror.

How can you focus on the mission more than the mirror today?

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