1Sam 16:7 - But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
Watching little kids play their first year of baseball is so much fun! All these kids, running around in their uniforms, but with no idea yet how to play as a team. Most enjoyable of all is seeing the difference between some who are ready (so they think) for the ball to come their way, while others are oblivious to what's happening, staring at the sky or picking grass, sometimes even SITTING in the field. They all look like baseball players in their uniform, but some just don't have the heart or the skill.
When God chooses people for an assignment, he doesn't look at their uniform. God knows every man's heart, and knows how they will perform. He knows what level of devotion they will have toward Him, and when they will fall short. The world may be impressed with what a person looks like, but God is impressed with what a person lives like. When He chooses, it's never about image, but about devotion.
What would it be like to live a week spending more time on devotion than image? How many minutes a day are spent worried/working on the image - what we look like, how we dress to impress, how beautiful our car or house looks, etc. - instead of spending some of those minutes on growing a heart for God. Just the few minutes spent reading this blog is more than many will spend thinking about God and His desires.
Make a choice to be a devoted player instead of an impressive one. Don't just wear the uniform, get in the game for God.
What do you need to do today to work on your heart for God?
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