
Work is a Privilege-04/30/12

Big Question: Why do I have to work?

Good question... The fact is u don't HAVE to work, but you were Made to work. Work and production is a part of our purpose in life.

Genesis--- God created Adam to work the garden.
Genesis--- we were made in the image of God to do what God does...and He works
Sabbath---is a rest from our daily work to reconnect in our relationship with God (it's a staff meeting).
Proverbs --- if a man won't work, he won't eat (I like to eat... But also it is our responsibility to make a living)

More is instructed by God that we are to make a positive difference in our work...

One who is slack in his work is brother to one who destroys. (Proverbs 18:9 NIV84)

Usually work is not the problem... Attitude, unappreciation, lack of productivity, and other "thorns & thistles" are the problem. When w love what we work on, it's not work. Finding the desire to work is more an inside job than an issue of labor.

What if God was working with u today? That might change the way we look a work.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, (Colossians 3:23 NIV84)

Step back today and reexamine what God is doing through your work today. What are you learning? How might He use you at your work? If you are without a job, what can you do to serve or support His work on earth today?

Work is a privilege...choose to look at it that way today and see how it changes your life.

God uses the Few-04/29/12-Ezra5

Ezra 5:2 - Then Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel and Jeshua son of Jozadak set to work to rebuild the house of God in Jerusalem. And the prophets of God were with them, helping them.

It doesn't take a crowd to accomplish great results, it only takes a few committed people.

A good friend of mine taught us one key principle in hitch leadership that I am appreciating more and more these days: "Go with the Goers". I didn't realize how valuable that advice really is.

So often we get discouraged by the lack of participation people give. Some tire of family members that do little I help, others struggle with those who give little to support their organization, and often people compare output of coworkers. The focus is on what could be accomplished when all of us work together.

But I have come to discover that God seems to do more with less. God used David & Jonathan to defeat Goliath and a philistine army. He used Moses and Aaron to lead an exodus. God cut down Gideon's army to only 300 men to defeat the Midianites. And Jesus used 12 men to change the world. The miracle of God is when he uses a few to accomplish incredible results.

Instead of seeing the ones who don't participate, that the initiative with the ones who do. Let God do a miracle, accomplishing great things with only a few, and celebrate His results.

Who is "going" with u these days? What can u do to appreciate them and celebrate what God is doing through your efforts?

Our Biggest Battle-04/28/12-Ezra4

Ezra 4:4 - Then the peoples around them set out to discourage the people of Judah and make them afraid to go on building.

The greatest enemy we face in our purpose is not defeat but discouragement.

Few championship teams complete their season undefeated. In most cases, champions faced a defeat (or several) before going on to win the championship. Defeat is a lesson in the pathway to success. Defeat is momentary, it's only an end to a chapter in time. What happens after a
defeat is the next chapter.

But discouragement is the end of the book. It never starts the next chapter, or plays the next game. Discouragement is an attack on the heart of the person. And it can kill our motivation to keep playing even when we have the ability to proceed.

When Israel went back to build the temple, it was overcoming a defeat of their own history and failure. But that wasn't the challenge for them. The challenge was in the people surrounding them trying to discourage their progress. The problem wasn't the people or what was being said---it was the internal battle of discouragement.

You know you are fighting discouragement when:
- you feel alone in the vision
- you don't want to invest the energy
- you start comparing your life to others
- you limit your support / effort
- you start questioning God

The only answer for overcoming discouragement is to invest more effort. Discouragement is not stopped by ending but by enduring. If we start giving into discouragement on one area, we will default to discouragement in EVERY area of life. Endurance is the only way to win.

Test yourself. What is your endurance level these days? Are delays just extending the time it takes to finish, or causing you to quit trying? Endurance is your own decision and is all done in your heart. Everyone faces discouragement, and everything in life will eventually be tested. Choose to endure...

Build on the Foundation of Worship-04/27/12-Ezra3

Exra 3:11 - With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the Lord: "He is good; his love to Israel endures forever.” And all the people gave a great shout of praise to the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid.

Worship precedes results.

Before the temple was built the people started sacrificing and praising God in worship. For some, it was a moment of joy...and for others a reminder of what could have been. They didn't wait for the temple to be completed to start worshipping ... It started from the ground floor.

Often we tell God we will worship Him AFTER...after we get our homes in order, after the trip or the event, after we finish the work... But God wants the worship to be Prior to the results.

On Adam & Eve's first full day of life, they were given a Sabbath day to worship before beginning the work. On Moses' exodus, the people began their journey with Passover, and then spent the first several days at the mountain of God worshipping Him before making the desert trip. Even Jesus began his ministry work with a 40-day fast & worship experience.

We even celebrate the resurrection every Sunday on the first day of te week! Worship precedes work.

So many people have reversed it these days... Worship is secondary to activity. The career, activities, sporting events and personal desires take priority over worshipping God.

If we want God in the results, it's only appropriate He be honored before it begins. So instead of putting Him on the back burner, start with Him involved through worship. Change your schedule to begin with worship, start an event or activity with prayer, and don't put Jesus on the back burner.

Make the change to honor God at the foundation of every part of your life.

God Doesn't Detour - 04/26/12-Ezra1

Exra 1:2 - This is what Cyrus king of Persia says: ‘The Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and he has appointed me to build a temple for him at Jerusalem in Judah."

If God can use a pagan king to build His temple, He can use self-centered people to accomplish His will as well.

We sometimes think that our sin gets in the way of God, like it detours His plans or causes a failure of His agenda. But that's not true of an all-knowing God. He already knew our failures and creates the workaround before it happened. Our sin doesn't detour Him, it detours us. We are the ones affected by it.

God had already worked around Israel's sin. He used Nebuchadnezzar to be His storage manager for all of the temple supplies, then cleansed the temple, and used Cyrus to have it reconstructed. He accomplished His will in spite of the failure of Israel and the sinfulness of Babylon. God wasn't detoured.

Unfortunately Israel was. Their sin sent them into another desert of captivity and more effort to recover. It was a detour for them that took decades.

Sin is not Gods problem, it is ours. We are the ones that lose, but God still keeps going. The route to recovery is confession & repentance.

Don't go 70 years into captivity and miss out on Gods work... Choose to get on His plan today. Who knows where He might take you...maybe back to the promised land to rebuild His temple (in your heart).

What detour have you been on in your life? How can you get back on to Gods plan?

Is it Your Battle? -04/25/12-2Chron35

2Chron 35:21 - But Neco sent messengers to him, saying, “What quarrel is there between you and me, O king of Judah? It is not you I am attacking at this time, but the house with which I am at war. God has told me to hurry; so stop opposing God, who is with me, or he will destroy you.”

Some battles were never ours to fight.

Years ago, friend of ours were getting a divorce, and the relationship started to maneuver us into taking sides. Before we knew it, we found ourselves in the battle and part of the problem. Then a friend wisely counseled us about Jesus' words: "let man not separate" a marriage. Our job was not to take sides but to encourage the union.

It plays out all the time in life, two people are at odds with each other and one or both of them will try to rally support from those around them to be on their side. It's especially true when a mom and/or dad try to get the kids to take sides, or when one coworker tries to rally the office against another. We see it happen in schoolyards and streets, and even churches! Sometimes we are brought into battles that are not ours to fight.

And sometimes we take up battles that are not ours too. Many conflicts are not our wars to fight, and we only make it more complicated when we do. That doesn't mean we ignore injustice, but we should question whether we are really part of the solution.

Josiah was riding high from the worship experience he had just led the nation in, and felt like he could change the world! So when a neighbor was facing a war (that te neighbor likely started), Josiah came to the rescue. Funny how quickly we can start thinking we are the savior for others :). Josiah ignored the warning from Neco, and ended up dieing in the battle.

Taking up battles that are not ours only does two things: it prolongs the conflict between the parties and causes us to be injured. Better to pray for the two people than police the problem.

Warning: by not joining the battle you can be accused and blamed for it. That's their pain talking. Be careful in how you respond, don't start a new war, just pray for them and the resolution to their conflict.

Note: When it is a conflict you must ge involved with, remember the difference between peace-keeping and peace-making. Peace keepers prolong the conflict by appeasing the parties. Peacemakers try to resolve the conflict by addressing the parties. One seeks the temporary peace and finds none, the other may actually seek temporary conflict to create lasting peace.

Before entering any conflict, ask God if it's your battle to fight. Look for how you are helping with the solution. And be careful about choosing sides!

What are the battles you are fighting these days? Are they yours? Are you being a part of the solution? Are u acting as a peace-maker?

Failure as a Friend-04/24/12-2Chron34

2Chron 33:33 - Josiah removed all the detestable idols from all the territory belonging to the Israelites, and he had all who were present in Israel serve the Lord their God. As long as he lived, they did not fail to follow the Lord, the God of their fathers.

Failure can have a lasting impression on the rest of our lives. All of us have had experiences either in our lives or with people around us where we decided: "I'm never doing that (again)".

One of those situations for me was when my dad took my brother and I out hunting for rabbit. He would have us walk the fields as his wingmen to scare up the rabbits, then try to shoot one when it jumped. It was all fun until I wrestled up a rabbit and he shot the gun my direction---I actually heard the bullet go past me (still can hear it in my head). It scared me enough to never want to be around guns. His lapse of judgment in shooting that close to me was a failure that still impacts me.

Failure can be a great teacher. It can also be a crippling disease. The difference is all up to how we respond to it.

In Hezekiah's reign, when God told of the destruction to come, the king decided to enjoy what little life he had left. In Josiah's situation, he decided to do something about it and try to direct the people back to God. While the outcomes were not avoided (we can't decide for other people), God did honor the response of Josiah. Instead of being crippled by the failure of Israel, he used it as motivation to change the nation.

We have all failed God, and the way we respond to the failure says a lot about whether we really love ourselves or love God. Choose carefully how you respond. Let failure be a teacher of what we are to do instead of robbing us of motivation to try.

I don't hunt these days, but a friend recently took me to a shooting range. He showed me the right way to shoot and be safe with a rifle. I had a blast learning, and no bullets were shot in my direction :).

What has failure been teaching you in your walk with the Lord?

Who Provides for Your Family-04/23/12-1Chron29

1Chron 29:12 - Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all.

Who is the provider for your family?

Most people think it is their job to provide for their family for two reasons. First, it allows them the choice of getting what we want; and second, it gives them the authority and control over what we own. Being the provider means we aren't accountable to others for how we spend it.

David realized later in life that God was the provider. And if God is the provider, then we are accountable to Him for how it gets spent. So David saved up resources for God's purposes instead of satisfying his own. (Note: how many bad financial decisions could have been avoided if we would handle money like it was God's instead of ours?)

What about making a living for our family? Certainly we are responsible for that? Yes, of course that is our responsibility. But it is the Lord that determines our results. Trying to push for the bigger salary or higher pay often costs us more in the long family greed, more work hours, less time for relationship, and bigger expectations. Not that making more money is bad, but trumping God's plans to pursue our own seldom works out well.

Listen to David's prayer again...wealth and power are distributed by God for His purposes. Stop trying to compete with God and start managing His blessings better...and we might just find ourselves in the middle of a great work of God!!!

Is God pleased with the way you are using His resources these days? What can you do to improve your management plan?

He Takes us Through-04/22/12-1Chron17

1Chron 17:16 - Then King David went in and sat before the Lord, and he said: "Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?

Pride is ugly because it is the ultimate lie...because we do nothing on our own.

Take one thing you are pleased with yourself about...a victory, a milestone, an accomplishment. Now consider all the things that had to happen for you to even get the opportunity:
- someone had to give you the opportunity
- someone likely coached you
- someone encouraged you
- someone parented you
- someone birthed you
- someone did those things for all these 'someones' in your life
- someone created the timing, the circumstances, and created you

The list could go on, but nothing is totally done on our own. We are interconnected, and dependent on others in life.

David understood that he was given opportunities and success by the hand of God. It was Gods will and blessing that took him forward each day. And only God's involvement made success possible. That revelation creates gratitude, which is a form of true worship.

No matter what is happening in your life, take time to appreciate how far God has taken you. He deserves a bit more credit than we think.

What is God taking you through these days?

Losing More than a Home -04/21/12-2Kings25

2Kings 25:9 - He set fire to the temple of the Lord, the royal palace and all the houses of Jerusalem. Every important building he burned down.

Many people have lost their homes the past few years due to bad investments or poor counsel. When the economy took siege against them, they sacrificed their lives in order to keep their home, but then ended up trying to walk away as unnoticed as possible. Not only did they lose out on the investment, but their character and spirit were damaged in the process. Their lives feel like it burned down around them.

For centuries, the focus of Jerusalem was on defending their city and the temple. The wealth and lifestyle mattered more than their relationship to God. Eventually, both were lost.

God doesn't care about buildings and property as much as He cares about having a growing relationship with people. We focus so much of our time on land, buildings, houses, and possessions that will all be destroyed someday. But God cares about souls and avoiding their destruction in eternal fire.

If only we cared as much about protecting our soul through prayer and devotion as we did protecting our houses.

Where is your focus these days? Are we defending our property or defending our soul from invasion?

Worse than losing our home is losing our close connection to Jesus.

Comfort or Calling? - 04/20/12-2Kings20

2Kings 20:19 - "The word of the Lord you have spoken is good,” Hezekiah replied. For he thought, “Will there not be peace and security in my lifetime?”

Have you ever watched a movie or TV show and became upset when the 'bad guys' are winning? Or maybe heard a news report and felt anger over an injustice? Or gotten frustrated when you see people hurting at the expense of someone else's poor decision?

When we are outside the situation, it is easy to want to defend what's right and stand for what's best for others. But when the situation includes us, our evaluation changes to be more self-serving. We start looking for what gives us comfort or convenience, or what meets our list of desires. By doing so,

Most people look to God to meet their own needs/desires first, then seek from Him what would be best for others. As outsiders to Hezekiah's situation, we can see how selfish his response was when told the kingdom would go into captivity after he died. While it was comfortable for him, the reaction was horrible for future generations. And even worse, his son Manasseh became one of the most evil and selfish kings of all time.

Jesus did the opposite. He sought what was best for us instead of what was comfortable for Himself. While desiring for the cross to be avoided, Jesus did not pass it on to future generations, He instead took on the cross for the sake of those generations. By doing so, he left a legacy of sacrifice and service that has promoted unselfish living for generations to come.

When Jesus told the disciples to carry their cross, it was a calling to stop living like Hezekiah did in that moment. Instead of seeking our own comforts, carry the cross of sacrifice and service for others. It will save future generations from living in captivity to self-centeredness.

Take a look at your decisions these days. Are they built around your comfort or others' blessing? Will our current actions benefit their eternities or our presents? Do they match the heart of Jesus?

04/19/12-2Kings19- Know Who You're Against

2Kings 19:22 - Who is it you have insulted and blasphemed? Against whom have you raised your voice and lifted your eyes in pride? Against the Holy One of Israel!

Sometimes you just don't realize what you're up against.

Years ago, I took on a leadership role at a large computer organization and was asked to help grow the level of professionalism in our consulting organization. With over 40 branches and 700 engineers, it was a challenging task. One of the simple things we knew needed to change was the reporting we did for customers, so we modified the reporting process to be more professional. Little did I know that making this change would take on so much of the organization...since many others in the organization had been limiting these changes to keep control over the engineers. What should have been a basic change ended up taking over a year to implement.

Often we take on challenges that have bigger forces against us than we know. The old adage is sometimes can't fight city hall. And when it comes to God, fighting against His Will is just as impossible.

Hezekiah and his army looked like a weak foe, but the Assyrians did not realize they were not fighting Hezekiah, they were fighting against God. And they ended up suffering for it.

We fight against God every time we try to shortcut His will, or disobey His commands, or pursue selfish interests. Eventually, it will end up in consequences and defeat. Be careful what battles you try to may be up against a much bigger for than you think.

What are you battling these days? Who are you up against? Is it possible you are really fighting with God and not a person?

04/18/12-2Kings18 - Famine's Blessing

2Kings 18:30 - Do not let Hezekiah persuade you to trust in the Lord when he says, ‘The Lord will surely deliver us; this city will not be given into the hand of the king of Assyria.’

It's the times of famine when we discover who our God really is.

Growing up in a home where our parents went to church every Sunday, I believed we were a solid Christian family. All the evidence said we were believers and trusted in the Lord. Of course, when the Lord is blessing your family with a growing income and a new home and a new car, etc. it is easy to believe. But when mom and dad got a divorce, things changed. All of a sudden the feast became times of famine. That was when I saw what truly mattered to us... especially for my mom. Her trust in God actually grew during that time...depending on Him daily for strength and provision. In the famine was when it became obvious who her God really was.

Famines are pivotal to faith. It's easy to believe in God when things are good, but we learn to trust in Him when things are tough. Hezekiah saw Go at work when he was faced with trouble---and the people saw Him trust the Lord.

Who do people see you and I trust when we face a famine? Do they see us trust in God or in our own selves? Do they see us pursuing God or our own comforts? Are we serving the Savior or our stomachs?

The world tells us to trust in our own abilities during a famine. God tells us to trust in Him. Which is it for you today?

04/17/12-2Kings8 - Favor without Behavior

2Kings 8:19- Nevertheless, for the sake of his servant David, the Lord was not willing to destroy Judah. He had promised to maintain a lamp for David and his descendants forever.

Some blessings are not based on our behavior, but on our favor.

Have you ever reflected on the fortune you have been given in life? For example:
- blessed by having hands, feet, eyes, ears, etc that allow us to do and experience all life offers
- blessed to have parents and family
- blessed with friends and community
- blessed to live in the united states
- blessed to be born in an era of freedom and opportunity
- blessed to have a job, or the skills and intelligence to make a living
- blessed to be married, or to have kids, or to be single
- blessed to be able to read (this post) and communicate ideas

The list can go on, but the point is that many times blessing is not earned, it is simply received from previous generations. We tend to think we are smart or cunning or capable of generating our own blessings in life, when the truth is that often it has nothing to do with us. And then our pride kicks in and we don't appreciate what blessing we have received.

Worse yet, what if we are being blessed but living a lifestyle opposite of what the blessing requires? Then our pride starts taking credit for the blessings of life that we should be stripped of. Even more disastrous, we would be teaching others to do the exact opposite behaviors of producing blessing.

Many kings of Judah lived like this---enjoying the blessing of God even though they were living in opposition to Him. Although they deserved destruction, they were given favor. In the end, if passed on curses instead of blessing to their grandchildren.

You also see this in families and batons today---where kids take advantage of what their parents provide while living in rebellion, or generations living in debt on the backs of their kids and grand kids. Blessed? Yes. Behaving? No.

Be careful how you evaluate your blessings. You might just be living on the reserves of a previous blessing and liquidating your bank account rapidly. Eventually, there will be a day of reckoning, and you will have to deal with it.

And one other thought. We all were blessed to live in the period of time AFTER the cross. Our lives were given incredible blessing through God's forgiveness, but it wasn't because of our behavior. So if you are living in rebellion or sin, consider the effect on your blessing account. Start living to be a depositor instead of a withdrawer.

How can you make deposits to the blessing account in others lives?

04/16/12-2Kings7 - The Power of the Mind

2Kings 7:6-For the Lord had caused the Arameans to hear the sound of chariots and horses and a great army, so that they said to one another, “Look, the king of Israel has hired the Hittite and Egyptian kings to attack us!”

The mind is one if our greatest assets or greatest enemies.

Sometimes I is our greatest asset. We were blessed with a brain that can process hundreds of thousands of signals in seconds and interpret them for immediate reaction. We are blessed with the ability to learn and grow, processing knowledge to create wisdom, and discerning morality by observation and experience. It's amazing how powerful our mind really is.

Yet it can also be out greatest enemy. Because it is built on data, it can restrict our faith in the unknown. And because it can imagine potential outcomes, it can become our greatest instrument of fear. Often it is the mind that is the greatest obstacle in our life.

In the story of 2Kings 7, we see both at work---the greatest blessing and greatest curse was the minds of these Israelites. The only one who's mind was a powerful force was Elisha. He was not afraid nor limited in his faith. He was able to believe and act based on a logical argument---God is in charge. Once the mind comes under the authority of God, it is free to imagine, grow, explore, and not fear.

We can fear God or fear everything else. The enemies were not defeated in battle, they were defeated in their mind by fear. God has the ability to drive us away when we don't fear Him. So choose today to put your mind under His authority. Watch what God does when we entrust our mind to his Word.

How can you release your kind to god today? What is it you fear?

04/15/12-2Kings6 - The Regret of Retaliation

2Kings 6:22 - “Do not kill them,” he answered. “Would you kill men you have captured with your own sword or bow? Set food and water before them so that they may eat and drink and then go back to their master.”

I punched a person one time in my life, and it felt powerful.

Actually, I have been punched several times and it was not fun. A few of those times I tried to defend myself and didn't do very well, and a few times I was able to fend off the jabs. But one time, I connected on a fist to their face...and the fight stopped there.

I admit it, it felt good at the time to have the superiority for once, and be able to defend myself. I even liked it a little---which made me feel even more guilty. The fight was over something stupid, ( I am not even sure the actual argument but it was at the end of a baseball game in our back yard). But even some 35 years later I still remember it and regret it.

If only I would have know about Jesus and His words on turning the other cheek. Or if I would have read Elisha's story about feeding the enemy. Maybe I would have reacted differently.

Elisha was brilliant--respecting life instead of retaliating. His wisdom not only saved the lives of those soldiers, it stopped the conflict between nations. Unorthodox and against all the instincts of the people, Elisha changed the destinies of families and stopped an ongoing war, simply by feeding his enemy.

Maybe we could learn a few things from Elisha. Maybe that broken relationship or personal feud could be resolved simply by humbling ourself and meeting their need. Maybe Jesus was right!!!

If you have a broken relationship or personal enemy (or an ex-spouse or a feuding workmates), give it a shot. Who knows... God might just use your kindness to stop a war.

And at worst, you won't regret it 35 years later like me. Kindness is never regretted later.

04/14/12-2Kings5 - Now I Know Moments

2Kings 5:15 - Then Naaman and all his attendants went back to the man of God. He stood before him and said, “Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel. Please accept now a gift from your servant.”

Do you remember the moment when you found out the truth about things like Santa, the Easter bunny & the tooth fairy?

In my case, I found out about Santa by discovering gifts in the basement crawl space. At first, I didn't want to believe it, but then finally came to accept the truth. Being the oldest, it then gave me the temporary power of being an "insider" with my parents until the other three kids found out. Finding out the truth changes things, because now you know.

But bigger than that revelation was the day it really clicked for me that Jesus wasn't just a historical figure, but a personal friend who talks with me. Hen my faith became personal, it changes my life... It was a "now I know" moment.

For Naaman, his moment came the second after coming out of the Jordan river a 7th time. Seeing the leprosy gone was a moment of truth, and it clicked for him.

Have u had a "now you know" moment with God? Is there a faith step you have been delaying or excusing yourself from? Are you holding out in the discovery of truth?

Change those "now I suspect" issues into "now I know" moments.

04/13/12-2Kings4 - Knowing can be Bad

2Kings 4:27- When she reached the man of God at the mountain, she took hold of his feet. Gehazi came over to push her away, but the man of God said, “Leave her alone! She is in bitter distress, but the Lord has hidden it from me and has not told me why.”

God keeps some things a secret. Not everything is needed to be known by us.

Adam and Eve had a problem with that...they wanted to know everything about everything. Have you known a person like that? (Or maybe you are a little line that?)

Sometimes knowing too much leads to deeper problems. Consider the woman who learns about all the problems her friend has been having in her marriage--only to find herself carrying the burden long after her friend has reconciled with the husband. Or how about the man who finds a loophole in handling finances and exploits it to his own demise later. Oftentimes, knowing can be detrimental to our lives.

Instead of looking to know everything, look to know what God wants to share with you. Gossips tend to dig for the power of knowing, and insecure people tend to seek information for personal importance. Instead, see knowledge as God's direction. When God gives us information, then (and not before) it will be His timing to take appropriate action.

Once Elisha discovered what God had hidden from him, it was time to take action. So he dropped his current plans and went with the woman to help the boy. By doing so, God save the boy and confirmed her faith. Knowing early would have made Elisha the savior, but discovery made God the Savior.

Don't push to know what God hasn't revealed to you. Learn and study and grow in what God has given us (the Bible), but leave the gossip and insecurity behind. When we are part of His plan, He will let us know.

Are you interested in the gossip of the day? Does knowing about others make u feel more powerful or more valued? What areas of your life need to be examined?

04/12/12-2Kings2 - Chasing Tails v Following Teachers

2Kings 2:6 - Then Elijah said to him, “Stay here; the Lord has sent me to the Jordan.” And he replied, “As surely as the Lord lives and as you live, I will not leave you.” So the two of them walked on.

Ever watch a cat follow its tail? Pretty funny actually. Somehow they forget where they are at and the tail becomes something they must have. So they end up chasing their tail in a circle for a while until either thy catch it or figure out its their own. (We had a cat that did his regularly. Says a lot about that cat's intelligence!)

What are the tails you follow in life?

Chasing a tail seems dumb when it's your own. But many people do that! Sometimes what we already have becomes our focus, and we end up chasing it around as if it is getting away.

Chasing someone else's tail is not mug better. What are we going to do if we catch it? I understand that racing dogs are ruined if they ever catch up to the rabbit. Happens when humans catch up with material desires too.

What if instead of chasing tails we start following worthy cats? Elisha was committed to following Elijah, not just chasing his position. In fact, what Elisha wanted was not what Elijah did, but more of who Elijah WAS!

Who in your life is worth following like that? Instead of chasing the possessions, or the power, or the position --- look to follow a worthy person! Carefully find a person of worthy character and learn from their spirit...following them (not their tail).

Who knows---you might discover a double portion of their spirit in you someday too. Then some other Elisha may be looking to follow you too.

Are you chasing tails or following a Teacher?

04/11/12-2Ki1 - Facing Needs

2Kings 1:3 - But the angel of the Lord said to Elijah the Tishbite, “Go up and meet the messengers of the king of Samaria and ask them, ‘Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are going off to consult Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron?’

It offends God when we ignore Him in our time of need.

As kids, most of us faced moments when we needed help and we were being teased about it. To prove our ability, or maybe just to avoid being ridiculed, we attempted to handle it ourselves---or even got help from another Young kids end up in fights instead of taking the problem to authority; young adults buy with credit instead of seeking help from their parents; Or how many times have we seen adults pursue relationships and decisions that they know is against God's counsel--so they never ask Him.

God is more offended by not asking Him than by the failure that creates a need.

Every human faces needs. It is what makes us humans and not gods. We were designed to be dependent ... on God and each other. Trying to be independent is rejecting God --- it is the ugliest form of pride against His nature. Worse, trying to handle it ourselves can create an even bigger mess or need.

Of course, we weren't designed to be couch potatoes and let God do all the work for us. He gives us skills and abilities to be able to work and accomplish things in life. And sometimes we do need to grow up a little --- needs can turn into neediness. Doing what He assigns us is a form of worship to God.

But when a need arises in life, avoiding God to fix it ourselves is offensive to Him. In fact, maybe the reason the need was there was to get us back in connection with Him again. God often uses our needs to grow our faith in Him.

When facing a need, look to God as the first responder instead of our last resort. Ask for His help/advice, do your part, and wait on His timing. Don't let Satan tear you down because you have needs. See needs as God's way of building a deeper relationship with Him.

Instead of offending God, you will make Him happy.

04/09/12-1Kings18 - The Challenge of Choices

1Kings 18:21 - Elijah went before the people and said, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.”
But the people said nothing.

Sometimes decisions can be very difficult.

I can think of many times in life when we faced a very difficult decision, not because the choice was undesireable but because it meant choosing NO for something else. Some examples:
- picking a college and career
- deciding to propose marriage
- buying that first house
- changing a job, church, etc
- how about choosing to serve, or tithe, or stay in ur marriage, etc

The problem with choices is that they require us to choose! Choices mean committing to a direction.

God designed choices when He came up with free will. We like having the ability to make up our own mind, but don't always want to take on the responsibility. But that comes with the territory. (along with consequences, rewards, enjoyment, personal satisfaction, regret, etc). That's a LOT of pressure on us!!

So how do we make good choices? Actually the way to choose well is in seeing the end before we begin. By looking at choices as a path instead of a moment, we tend to choose better. That's called wisdom. Wisdom sees the end result and chooses the path, staying with the decision for as long as it takes to get to the end result.

Here's a couple of questions to help with that?
- what is the wise thing to do?
- where does this path lead?
- will this get us closer to God's goals for me?
- would God (Jesus) make the Sam decision if he were me?

Most often, people avoid choosing to follow the Lord because of what they know they need to give up. They end up choosing a path that leads to destructive results instead of the narrow path that leads to life. Don't let that short term thinking cloud your judgment. Choose the better results that God offers. Don't delay and dont falter. Make the right decision.

04/08/12-1Kings17 - Near Death Experiences

1Kings 17:21 - Then he stretched himself out on the boy three times and cried to the Lord, “O Lord my God, let this boy's life return to him!”

Most is us assume our life will last for decades, and plan/prepare for a long life, but life is way more fragile than that. We seldom realize how many times we are spared from death.

After graduating high school I worked for a gas station at nights. It was a second job to help make money for college, and I enjoyed it. Many months later, a story about a guy I graduated with came out, as part of a court case in a murder trial. It was revealed that the their intentions were to steal a car, rob the ga station I worked at, and head off toward Florida. What ended up happening was that they stole a car with an old man still in it, killed the old man and dumped his body, and got scared - skipping the robbery and running out of state. Clearly, I'd they had continued the plan and robbed us that night, they would have killed me as well. God had spared my life that night and I never knew it until later.

God has spared our lives many times, probably more than we will ever know thru timing and circumstances. Maybe the right doctor happened to be there, or the car that would have hit us was delayed, or we didn't get to have that excessive drink. Whatever it was, God spared us and we had nothing to do with it. It was simply His protection.

How much more is it the case when it comes to sin an salvation. We were near death, and not able to save ourselves. But God acted even without us knowing about it, choosing to save our lives anyways. He covered our dead bodies of sin with his life-giving body of grace. And those of us who have surrendered our lives to him have survived a near-death experience.

Easter is a day to remember our near death experiences and celebrate our new life. Much like the boy Elijah saved, we too were dead and saves by the power of Jesus. Take time today to celebrate His power and passion to save you today.

How will you show your gratitude to Jesus for saving your life?

04/07/12-1Kings12 - Prove Love more than Strength

1Kings 12:7- They replied, “If today you will be a servant to these people and serve them and give them a favorable answer, they will always be your servants.”

Ever watch the behavior of kids on a playground? It can be as psychologically intriguing as watching political candidates at work...

First you have the lineup---when kid stood against a wall and are picked for teams. The worst thing that could happen is getting picked last, so kids negotiate for position with their friends.

Then there is the bully, so scared about being accepted that they use their strength to maintain control.

Then of course is the drama queen--talking non stop in order to gain attention.

And don't forget the geeks & the jocks--two political parties pursuing fame and fortune.

How did you prove yourself to others around you in those years?

Rehoboam rejected the act of caring for people and instead chose to be a bully to prove himself, and it backfired. Instead of growing the Kingdom, he split it into two. What a tragic way to prove himself.

Remember---you are a chil of the lord God Almighty! He thought enough of y to create u and give u life. He loved u enough to lay down His own Son's life for the sake of you! And He was willing to accept that gift of grace as payment so that you could live with Him for eternity. You have Nothing To Prove!!!

Don't make decisions based on proving yourself...make them based on what God wants you to do. Choose love for God as the motivation for your decisions...and it will work out better.

What decision are u facing right now? How can choosing love for God and others help in making that choice?

04/06/12-1Kings11 - Experience is Not always Wise

1Kings 11:4 - As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father had been.

We get wiser as we get older, right? Maybe not.

Being younger often means inexperience, mistakes, even foolishness. For most of us, there are many decisions of our youth that we have become wiser about. Years and experience have taught us wisdom.

But with years come other temptations. Things like comfort, convenience, complacency... personal agendas start affecting our focus. And with them comes compromise---that demon of destruction. Soon, people find themselves drifting in a direction they never meant to go, simply because they were unwilling to take the narrow road.

Compromise is deceptive. On the surface, it looks wise, but the results are devastating. Compromise is what drove Adam & Eve to eat the fruit, it prompted David to sin with Bathsheba, and it encouraged Judas to sell out Jesus. And compromise comes from many well-meaning sources---with logical arguments. Jesus warned us about compromise, calling it thorns of distraction in our lives. Common to every compromise is one question---what is the Biblically wise thing to do?

While some decisions are worth another examination based on experience, other decisions should never change. No matter how old we get, compromise and complacency should never trump our commitment to God and His mission.

Its time to face this risk head on. No relationship or possession is worth compromising our relationship with God. Choose today to set a hard deck on your priorities, never falling below the line of First Love Commitment to God. Make His Mission your first priority in your daily schedule. Make His Kingdom the first check you write. Make worshipping/serving His family the first part of your family's schedule. Don't let the detour of compromise take your life down the wrong path.

What temptations to compromise your path are you facing these days?

04/05/12-1Kings10 - What Are Answers Worth

1Kings 10:2 - Arriving at Jerusalem with a very great caravan—with camels carrying spices, large quantities of gold, and precious stones—she came to Solomon and talked with him about all that she had on her mind.

What are the questions in life worth pursuing to find the answers?

If we have no questions, we are being dishonest with ourselves. Every time someone dies, or bad things happen, or injustice prevails it demands an answer.

If we don't want to ask, we are living in fear or ignorance. Pursuing answers is the way we overcome fear and defeat ignorance. Without asking questions there is no growth.

If we don't want to pay the price, we are being selfish. The cost of asking is far less than the cost of being wrong in our assumptions.

So what else would prevent us from asking? Maybe not any of those---maybe it simply is that we don't have anyone we trust enough to ask.

When the Queen found out Solomon was so wise, she pursued the answers no matter the cost. Here was a person of high stature willing to humble herself for the sake of truth. She was willing to do whatever she could to discover meaning, purpose, and real answers in life.

We are blessed to have the answers I life's greatest questions available to us in God's Word. All it takes is a little effort to pursue, study, and practice. The cost is far less than the cost of being be as wise as the Queen and pursue the answers. Find a person wise in the eternal ways of God and ask the tough questions. Don't be afraid of the answers, and be willing to embrace the truth no matter how difficult.

What questions do u have?

04/04/12-1Kings9 - The 3 Greatest Gifts to Leave Behind

1Kings 9:3- God said to Solomon: I have consecrated this temple, which you have built, by putting my Name there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there.

What are the blessings we leave for future generations?

Many people try to save up and leave an estate behind for their families as a blessing for their lives. Some create companies that are handed to the ext generation. Others leave a heritage of faith or values.

When God spoke to Solomon, he left the Israelites three special gifts:

1- His Name. Leaving our name is leaving a heritage. There is special meaning in being associated as family. It carries with it a sense of security, community, and value. For generations, your name was your identity---it described who you are. Having Gods Name was descriptive of His ownership. It also means all that is owned in their estate is ours to possess.

2- His Eyes. When we have someone's eyes it means we have their focus. It is describing their care for us. Having their focus means having a relationship connection. One of the greatest gifts we can leave for future generations is our focus on what they will need. In our case, previous generations gave us their eyes when they fought for our freedom, built long-lasting infrastructure, and set us up for success.

3- His Heart. Maybe the most incredible gift of grace from God to His children is His heart. Why would God create people, give them free will, let them deny Him as God, then turn around and send His son to pay the penalty? Because He wants to give us His Heart! Crazy! What a special gift

Solomon and the Israelites received 3 of the greatest gifts ever given---yet they turned away. Choose never to turn away from the great gifts God has given you, and give them to the next generation.

What can you do today to give your Name, eyes & heart ?

04/03/12-1Kings8 - The Best Expression of Love

1Kings 8:58 - May he turn our hearts to him, to walk in all his ways and to keep the commands, decrees and regulations he gave our fathers.

What is the best expression of love you ever received?

As a young person, you might have started dating someone and they gave you flowers, or a kiss, or spent time with you and made you laugh.  Maybe the ante grew as you got older and became more about presents, or special experiences, or themselves in marriage.  Then when some get married, the most powerful expressions are either more costly (like jewelry, cars, big gifts), or often powerful efforts (like doing some chore/project, or taking care of you when you were sick).  The best expressions of love to us often changes - but the one constant in all of those cases was you.  You were the focus & attention of the expression.

God demonstrated His love for us in this, while we were still sinners, he continued to focus his love and attention on us, and sent Jesus to die in our place.  His best expression of love may have been unnoticed by most people, but it was God's focus & attention on us that made it great.

So by accepting Jesus into our lives, we turn our focus & attention onto Him.  It's our turn to lay down our lives out of love for Him.  How do we do that?  By showing God the love He deserves in serving & obeying what He wants.  By turning our hearts to Him.  Turning our hearts means desiring to relate, to draw closer, to follow His direction.

Often we look at obedience as doing what we HAVE to do in order to get what we WANT.  But obedience is not just an action of the body, it is a passion of the heart.  To truly obey means to turn our hearts toward someone - to WANT to do it for them - to give the person or authority our focus & attention.

Our best expression of love to our mate is to give them our focus & attention - by following in their ways, meeting their needs, serving their wishes.  How much more when it comes to showing our expression of love to God for His greatest gift of love to us.

Choose today to find a way to express your love to God - to give Him your focus & attention.  Don't dread obedience - embrace it out of love for your Lord.  Turn your heart toward Him, and your hands will naturally follow.

What one way can you express your love to God today?

04/02/12-1Kings3 - What do You Want the Most In Life

1Kings 3:9 - So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?

What is the one thing you desire most to have for your life?  (And don't give the answer you think everyone else wants to hear - what is it REALLY?)  Whatever it is - it says a lot about us.

In this story about Solomon's life, Solomon REALLY wanted wisdom from God to accomplish the role of king for Israel.  God knew his heart & his prayer were in sync, that Solomon was not as concerned about money or power or possessions or experiences.  He wanted wisdom - the ability to know & do the right thing at the right time. 

Most people have been trained into wanting the temporary things of life - things that only last for a season, or for our lifetime.  Living for the temporary is not necessarily bad, it's just temporary.  And choosing to live for the temporary tends to lead toward selfish behaviors.  Solomon wanted to leave a legacy behind.  He wanted to accomplish God's purpose for his life in a positive way.  Although Solomon's reign would be only for a few decades, the impact of his life would carry on for generations.  So he desired the one thing that could help him leave a lasting positive legacy - wisdom.

Wisdom is still one of the few gifts of God that lasts beyond our lifetime.  Even today, people look back and listen to the collective wisdom of leaders and statesmen for their inspiration.  The power of wisdom outlasts our generation.  Why is that?  Because wisdom comes from God, and is rooted in a personal relationship with God Himself.

The greatest desire for our life says a lot about who we are ... so choose carefully.  Take a lesson from Solomon's life and choose to pursue the wisdom of God (and don't stop pursuing it later like Solomon did). 

So... what do you want the most in your life?