
Is it Your Battle? -04/25/12-2Chron35

2Chron 35:21 - But Neco sent messengers to him, saying, “What quarrel is there between you and me, O king of Judah? It is not you I am attacking at this time, but the house with which I am at war. God has told me to hurry; so stop opposing God, who is with me, or he will destroy you.”

Some battles were never ours to fight.

Years ago, friend of ours were getting a divorce, and the relationship started to maneuver us into taking sides. Before we knew it, we found ourselves in the battle and part of the problem. Then a friend wisely counseled us about Jesus' words: "let man not separate" a marriage. Our job was not to take sides but to encourage the union.

It plays out all the time in life, two people are at odds with each other and one or both of them will try to rally support from those around them to be on their side. It's especially true when a mom and/or dad try to get the kids to take sides, or when one coworker tries to rally the office against another. We see it happen in schoolyards and streets, and even churches! Sometimes we are brought into battles that are not ours to fight.

And sometimes we take up battles that are not ours too. Many conflicts are not our wars to fight, and we only make it more complicated when we do. That doesn't mean we ignore injustice, but we should question whether we are really part of the solution.

Josiah was riding high from the worship experience he had just led the nation in, and felt like he could change the world! So when a neighbor was facing a war (that te neighbor likely started), Josiah came to the rescue. Funny how quickly we can start thinking we are the savior for others :). Josiah ignored the warning from Neco, and ended up dieing in the battle.

Taking up battles that are not ours only does two things: it prolongs the conflict between the parties and causes us to be injured. Better to pray for the two people than police the problem.

Warning: by not joining the battle you can be accused and blamed for it. That's their pain talking. Be careful in how you respond, don't start a new war, just pray for them and the resolution to their conflict.

Note: When it is a conflict you must ge involved with, remember the difference between peace-keeping and peace-making. Peace keepers prolong the conflict by appeasing the parties. Peacemakers try to resolve the conflict by addressing the parties. One seeks the temporary peace and finds none, the other may actually seek temporary conflict to create lasting peace.

Before entering any conflict, ask God if it's your battle to fight. Look for how you are helping with the solution. And be careful about choosing sides!

What are the battles you are fighting these days? Are they yours? Are you being a part of the solution? Are u acting as a peace-maker?

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a good reminder for us not only to stay out where we don't belong but also God may be trying to do something I'm the life's if the individuals who are at war with one another. When we get in the way we begin to feel the pressure while the others feel the relief. Encourage them to seek a resolve with one another so they can grow and learn in the process.
