Exra 1:2 - This is what Cyrus king of Persia says: ‘The Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and he has appointed me to build a temple for him at Jerusalem in Judah."
If God can use a pagan king to build His temple, He can use self-centered people to accomplish His will as well.
We sometimes think that our sin gets in the way of God, like it detours His plans or causes a failure of His agenda. But that's not true of an all-knowing God. He already knew our failures and creates the workaround before it happened. Our sin doesn't detour Him, it detours us. We are the ones affected by it.
God had already worked around Israel's sin. He used Nebuchadnezzar to be His storage manager for all of the temple supplies, then cleansed the temple, and used Cyrus to have it reconstructed. He accomplished His will in spite of the failure of Israel and the sinfulness of Babylon. God wasn't detoured.
Unfortunately Israel was. Their sin sent them into another desert of captivity and more effort to recover. It was a detour for them that took decades.
Sin is not Gods problem, it is ours. We are the ones that lose, but God still keeps going. The route to recovery is confession & repentance.
Don't go 70 years into captivity and miss out on Gods work... Choose to get on His plan today. Who knows where He might take you...maybe back to the promised land to rebuild His temple (in your heart).
What detour have you been on in your life? How can you get back on to Gods plan?
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