Esther 8:15 - Mordecai left the king's presence wearing royal garments of blue and white, a large crown of gold and a purple robe of fine linen. And the city of Susa held a joyous celebration.
One moment can change everything.
Ask a parent... That first moment when your baby is born is a total life-changer. Not only does it change your schedule and spending, but it changes your heart and focus. Instead of living a self-oriented life, parents start centering their lives on a little 8lb ball of flesh. Everything in life changes in that moment.
Mordecai changed in a moment. He changed from condemned on the street to leader in the kingdom in an instant. His status changed, his role changed, and his estate changed within a matter of minutes. All because he stayed the course of faithfulness---willing to lay down his life for God & His people.
Your life will change in a moment as well---Hebrews 9:27 says: it is appointed for man once to die and then face judgment. In the moment of death we too will be facing the King, and He will decide who will walk forward wearing royal robes or be condemned to die permanently in hell. That moment will change our life forever. The only answer is to prove faithful to the King.
Many people want to think we have earned our eternity through our goodness. Others are hoping they can pray for a dead loved one to release them from hell---and that someone will do that for them as well. But the bottom line is that unless we are saved by the King, we will be condemned.
The only way to be rescued is to appeal to the King who can save you. Humble yourself and go to Him today and ask Him to rescue you now... before you end up facing Him later.
Get ready for that eternity-changing moment coming your way.
A devotional on the Grace of Jesus from reading through the New Testament. Provided by Journey Christian Church of Tracy CA -
BQ: Heaven & Suicide-05/14/12
A Big Question: Do people who commit suicide still go to heaven?
Tough question---suicide is the final act of pride, deciding when our life ends. It takes the decision away from God and puts it in the hands of men. Some have said it is unforgivable---that you can't ask for forgiveness from your sin. What happens to a person that commits suicide?
First---just as a reminder---God decides who goes to heaven (not man's opinion). So the decision about whether a person goes to heaven is in his capable hands.
Second---suicide is a sin against the 6th Commandment (not kill). So it has the same effect eternally as murder, etc. For the believer, forgiveness includes the sin of suicide...for the unbeliever, they face judgment.
So how could a believer do such a thing? Good question---a believer would tend to lean into God instead if fall into suicide. But we also know many examples where believers fell to temptation and later repented. God knows the mind and heart of the person and knows the circumstances---mental health, emotional state, etc. trust Him to handle that too.
So if suicide is another sin then it becomes attractive like any other sin...?... Yes & No. Certainly most people have moments when they wish the struggles of life were over. But most people have enough maturity to not damage their families and destroy their life. So it is a temptation, but not attractive. Unfortunately, some have acted rashly out of a loss of hope before thinking through the decision. Suicide is a selfish decision, and doesn't match the image of Jesus---so it is not an option for people who hope in God.
There's much more on the subject, but the best answer is to leave it in the Lord's hands---He knows best and decides the fate of all men. Trust in Him, and work on processing the pain of loss (that's enough to handle!)
See: John 6:39-40, Acts 16:27ff, Luke 4:6-10ff
Tough question---suicide is the final act of pride, deciding when our life ends. It takes the decision away from God and puts it in the hands of men. Some have said it is unforgivable---that you can't ask for forgiveness from your sin. What happens to a person that commits suicide?
First---just as a reminder---God decides who goes to heaven (not man's opinion). So the decision about whether a person goes to heaven is in his capable hands.
Second---suicide is a sin against the 6th Commandment (not kill). So it has the same effect eternally as murder, etc. For the believer, forgiveness includes the sin of suicide...for the unbeliever, they face judgment.
So how could a believer do such a thing? Good question---a believer would tend to lean into God instead if fall into suicide. But we also know many examples where believers fell to temptation and later repented. God knows the mind and heart of the person and knows the circumstances---mental health, emotional state, etc. trust Him to handle that too.
So if suicide is another sin then it becomes attractive like any other sin...?... Yes & No. Certainly most people have moments when they wish the struggles of life were over. But most people have enough maturity to not damage their families and destroy their life. So it is a temptation, but not attractive. Unfortunately, some have acted rashly out of a loss of hope before thinking through the decision. Suicide is a selfish decision, and doesn't match the image of Jesus---so it is not an option for people who hope in God.
There's much more on the subject, but the best answer is to leave it in the Lord's hands---He knows best and decides the fate of all men. Trust in Him, and work on processing the pain of loss (that's enough to handle!)
See: John 6:39-40, Acts 16:27ff, Luke 4:6-10ff
Eternal Perspective-05/13/12
Esther 6:6 - Now Haman thought to himself, “Who is there that the king would rather honor than me?”
Perspective is central to maturity. Having a perspective that sees through others shows responsibility and wisdom, but one that is centered on self leads to immaturity. Maturity is not about age but perspective.
Haman could never get beyond a self-centered perspective. His most common word used was "I". Everything in life for Haman was about how it affected himself. So when a king wants to honor someone, it always should be Haman.
But Esther was quite opposite. Her perspective was about what was best for the king and for the people. She was even willing to lay down her life in order to pursue their needs.
The calling of Jesus was to let go of our self-oriented perspectives and pursue the King's perspective. Laying down our life means letting go of what pleases us and desiring to pursue what pleases God. That takes a new perspective. It takes an eternal perspective.
Try living with an eternal perspective for a week. How does it change your decisions? What did you do differently? What emotional responses changed?
Perspective is central to maturity. Having a perspective that sees through others shows responsibility and wisdom, but one that is centered on self leads to immaturity. Maturity is not about age but perspective.
Haman could never get beyond a self-centered perspective. His most common word used was "I". Everything in life for Haman was about how it affected himself. So when a king wants to honor someone, it always should be Haman.
But Esther was quite opposite. Her perspective was about what was best for the king and for the people. She was even willing to lay down her life in order to pursue their needs.
The calling of Jesus was to let go of our self-oriented perspectives and pursue the King's perspective. Laying down our life means letting go of what pleases us and desiring to pursue what pleases God. That takes a new perspective. It takes an eternal perspective.
Try living with an eternal perspective for a week. How does it change your decisions? What did you do differently? What emotional responses changed?
Overcoming Pain-05/12/12
Esther 5:13 - Haman: "But all this gives me no satisfaction as long as I see that Jew Mordecai sitting at the king's gate.”
Focusing on pain can make us miss the blessings around us.
Haman had held a grudge against the Jews his whole life. Understandable after his whole nation was wiped out by the Jews. That past pain was the definition of his life. And it sent Haman down a path of destruction and missed out on all the blessings around him. Eventually it destroyed his life.
Past and present pain can distract us from seeing our blessings. We can spend so much time stuck in a past hurt or replaying situations that we miss out on the great things happening around us. The only way to stop it is thru intentionality. We have to decide to be intentional by:
Forgiving - forgiveness is more about releasing my pain than releasing the other's responsibility. By letting the pas go, we can see the present more clearly and enjoy it more.
Praising - looking for blessings takes more effort than looking for problems. It's always easy to see the problems but it takes intentionality to look for praises. Slow down and look for the blessings, even recording them and repeating them often.
If you're dealing with a present pain, it's even more important to be intentional about forgiveness and praise. Sometimes the only way to see your current blessings is through the lense of pain. Be intentional about what God is doing around you, and it will be a little easier to deal with what is happening in you.
What are your blessings these days? Who do you need to forgive intentionally?
What blessings are being minimized right
Focusing on pain can make us miss the blessings around us.
Haman had held a grudge against the Jews his whole life. Understandable after his whole nation was wiped out by the Jews. That past pain was the definition of his life. And it sent Haman down a path of destruction and missed out on all the blessings around him. Eventually it destroyed his life.
Past and present pain can distract us from seeing our blessings. We can spend so much time stuck in a past hurt or replaying situations that we miss out on the great things happening around us. The only way to stop it is thru intentionality. We have to decide to be intentional by:
Forgiving - forgiveness is more about releasing my pain than releasing the other's responsibility. By letting the pas go, we can see the present more clearly and enjoy it more.
Praising - looking for blessings takes more effort than looking for problems. It's always easy to see the problems but it takes intentionality to look for praises. Slow down and look for the blessings, even recording them and repeating them often.
If you're dealing with a present pain, it's even more important to be intentional about forgiveness and praise. Sometimes the only way to see your current blessings is through the lense of pain. Be intentional about what God is doing around you, and it will be a little easier to deal with what is happening in you.
What are your blessings these days? Who do you need to forgive intentionally?
What blessings are being minimized right
Who Knows?-05/11/12
Esther 4:14 - For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?”
Purpose in life is not about projects or careers or callings, but about people.
One of the big questions in life that get asked all the time is: Why am I here? We often hear that in conjunction with decisions about careers and projects. And quite often, purpose will involve a career or a task. But the focus of purpose is not an outcome, but people.
Here's some examples: Moses purpose was not being a president, but leading people out of bondage. David's calling was not kingship, but caring for the Israelites. Solomon didn't just build a temple, he brought people to worship God. And Esther's purpose was to save her people, not just be a queen.
I love the phrase in this verse: who knows? We try so hard to package our purpose and measure our success. It's a challenge to our pride when we feel like life is going nowhere. But Who Knows? If purpose is about people then we often can't measure results and will struggle to package it up. And it doesn't end until we die.
Your purpose is about the people around you and the God before you. Instead of trying to package your purpose around your career or home or project, look for it every day in the people around you---your spouse, family, church family, neighborhood. Measure your success by how God is using you in their lives instead of the size of your business or bank account.
Then Who Knows how God might use you?
Purpose in life is not about projects or careers or callings, but about people.
One of the big questions in life that get asked all the time is: Why am I here? We often hear that in conjunction with decisions about careers and projects. And quite often, purpose will involve a career or a task. But the focus of purpose is not an outcome, but people.
Here's some examples: Moses purpose was not being a president, but leading people out of bondage. David's calling was not kingship, but caring for the Israelites. Solomon didn't just build a temple, he brought people to worship God. And Esther's purpose was to save her people, not just be a queen.
I love the phrase in this verse: who knows? We try so hard to package our purpose and measure our success. It's a challenge to our pride when we feel like life is going nowhere. But Who Knows? If purpose is about people then we often can't measure results and will struggle to package it up. And it doesn't end until we die.
Your purpose is about the people around you and the God before you. Instead of trying to package your purpose around your career or home or project, look for it every day in the people around you---your spouse, family, church family, neighborhood. Measure your success by how God is using you in their lives instead of the size of your business or bank account.
Then Who Knows how God might use you?
Attraction or Lust?-05/09/12
Esther 2:17 - Now the king was attracted to Esther more than to any of the other women, and she won his favor and approval more than any of the other virgins.
Ever been attracted to anything? I'm not talking about desiring to get something or someone, but feeling drawn towards something.
When I was in high school, there was this new device out from Radio Shack that our school had purchased and was using in math class for some of the students --- it was called a "computer" (a Radio Shack TRS80 computer). I knew nothing about them and had no idea how they worked, but everything in me was fascinated by these devices. (Yes - I know it REALLY shows how old I am!) So I did whatever I could to be a part of the math classes that used them, and wrote my first ever program. It wasn't something I had to have --- it was something that drew my attention.
Similarly, years later I was working in a grocery store as a bagger, with dozens of other cashiers & baggers, while going to college. There was this one female cashier that just grabbed my attention --- she was beautiful and different, and even though there were other pretty girls in the store and many in college, I found my attention drawn to her. For whatever reason, she attracted me.
There is a difference between lust and attraction - lust is wanting to have something to control it and attraction is wanting to be with something to know it. Control is selfish, Know is selfless.
Of all the gorgeous women surrounding King Xerxes, it was the one that he wanted to KNOW that attracted him - Esther. She became the standard by which he measured every other woman. Not that she was the most beautiful (although she may have been), but the one who most attracted him. God has a funny way of doing that with us - there's not a logic to it - we find ourselves attracted to hobbies, career paths, and people differently. It's part of His design, for His purposes. God used the attraction to pair up Xerxes with Esther, and save both of their lives through the relationship.
Lusting after someone/something does not satisfy, it only creates an addiction for more - but attraction tends to grow us in ways we never understood, and often not by HAVING the attraction, but by serving through it.
My attraction to computers led to an incredible career that has sent me on a journey. It led me to a career, to several of my best friends/mentors in life, and to a way of serving the Kingdom. And my attraction to Dianna has also sent us on a journey together that God has used for His glory in both family and ministry. Pay attention to those attractions --- and follow the Lord's path in them. (Sidebar: and make sure you follow attractions using the Lord's methods/timing!)
What attractions are you sensing these days? Is it truly an attraction or a lust? Are you letting God lead you in the attraction to grow you, or trying to control it for yourself?
Ever been attracted to anything? I'm not talking about desiring to get something or someone, but feeling drawn towards something.
When I was in high school, there was this new device out from Radio Shack that our school had purchased and was using in math class for some of the students --- it was called a "computer" (a Radio Shack TRS80 computer). I knew nothing about them and had no idea how they worked, but everything in me was fascinated by these devices. (Yes - I know it REALLY shows how old I am!) So I did whatever I could to be a part of the math classes that used them, and wrote my first ever program. It wasn't something I had to have --- it was something that drew my attention.
Similarly, years later I was working in a grocery store as a bagger, with dozens of other cashiers & baggers, while going to college. There was this one female cashier that just grabbed my attention --- she was beautiful and different, and even though there were other pretty girls in the store and many in college, I found my attention drawn to her. For whatever reason, she attracted me.
There is a difference between lust and attraction - lust is wanting to have something to control it and attraction is wanting to be with something to know it. Control is selfish, Know is selfless.
Of all the gorgeous women surrounding King Xerxes, it was the one that he wanted to KNOW that attracted him - Esther. She became the standard by which he measured every other woman. Not that she was the most beautiful (although she may have been), but the one who most attracted him. God has a funny way of doing that with us - there's not a logic to it - we find ourselves attracted to hobbies, career paths, and people differently. It's part of His design, for His purposes. God used the attraction to pair up Xerxes with Esther, and save both of their lives through the relationship.
Lusting after someone/something does not satisfy, it only creates an addiction for more - but attraction tends to grow us in ways we never understood, and often not by HAVING the attraction, but by serving through it.
My attraction to computers led to an incredible career that has sent me on a journey. It led me to a career, to several of my best friends/mentors in life, and to a way of serving the Kingdom. And my attraction to Dianna has also sent us on a journey together that God has used for His glory in both family and ministry. Pay attention to those attractions --- and follow the Lord's path in them. (Sidebar: and make sure you follow attractions using the Lord's methods/timing!)
What attractions are you sensing these days? Is it truly an attraction or a lust? Are you letting God lead you in the attraction to grow you, or trying to control it for yourself?
Submission is Power-05/08/12
Esther 1:12 - But when the attendants delivered the king's command, Queen Vashti refused to come. Then the king became furious and burned with anger.
Submission (or lack of it) has incredible long term impacts, yet the reasons for our lack of submission are usually temporary and selfish.
This story about Xerxes has many emotional ties. He was selfish in his request and wrong in putting his wife in that position. But her response was also controlling and disrespectful to his leadership. Both were unsubmissive.
A lack of submission is always damaging long-term. When we push our agenda instead of trusting God to work through the situation, it causes broken relationships and a slowdown in purpose. Submission is not about right/wrong but about trust.
Unfortunately, the extreme cases of submission get used as excuses in the daily situations. We are quick to point out the abuse victim and use it to justify not submitting to the insensitive leader, or leverage a past hurt to avoid submitting to our spouse. But usually, it is not that extreme. Often it is better to simply submit and later address the feelings or rightness of the request than to rebel against the decision.
More importantly, a spirit of submission is more attractive and winsome than a spirit of challenge/questioning. We have more opportunity to change a decision by submitting than rebelling. The rest of Esther shows how well submission works.
Remember that submission is not just doing the action, but wanting to support the relationship. It's about wanting to keep the relationship right instead of pursuing out own will. That leads to better results than passively rejecting both.
So make the choice to be submissive today in your relationships and see where it leads you. Examine more closely how submitting gets you faster to the result desired---even if it means a bad decision was supported. Try some experiments and learn the lessons of submission. Discover the incredible power from submission.
Submission (or lack of it) has incredible long term impacts, yet the reasons for our lack of submission are usually temporary and selfish.
This story about Xerxes has many emotional ties. He was selfish in his request and wrong in putting his wife in that position. But her response was also controlling and disrespectful to his leadership. Both were unsubmissive.
A lack of submission is always damaging long-term. When we push our agenda instead of trusting God to work through the situation, it causes broken relationships and a slowdown in purpose. Submission is not about right/wrong but about trust.
Unfortunately, the extreme cases of submission get used as excuses in the daily situations. We are quick to point out the abuse victim and use it to justify not submitting to the insensitive leader, or leverage a past hurt to avoid submitting to our spouse. But usually, it is not that extreme. Often it is better to simply submit and later address the feelings or rightness of the request than to rebel against the decision.
More importantly, a spirit of submission is more attractive and winsome than a spirit of challenge/questioning. We have more opportunity to change a decision by submitting than rebelling. The rest of Esther shows how well submission works.
Remember that submission is not just doing the action, but wanting to support the relationship. It's about wanting to keep the relationship right instead of pursuing out own will. That leads to better results than passively rejecting both.
So make the choice to be submissive today in your relationships and see where it leads you. Examine more closely how submitting gets you faster to the result desired---even if it means a bad decision was supported. Try some experiments and learn the lessons of submission. Discover the incredible power from submission.
Knees to Feet-05/07/12
Neh 9:5 - The Levites said: “Stand up &praise the Lord your God, who is from everlasting to everlasting. Blessed be your glorious name, and may it be exalted above all blessing and praise.
Sin takes us to our knees and praise takes us to our feet.
It's funny how we get that backwards in our heads though. Often our fee are quick to lead us into sun and we view praise as having to make us stop moving.
Eventually, just like Israel, we end up on our knees because of sin...either crippled by the consequences or in confession from the guilt. Coming before God on our knees is the only way to deal with sin. We cannot justify it or excuse it out of our lives. The only healthy approach is to face it editor God.
But then God does something miraculous---in coming on our knees He takes us to our feet. God's great love and compassion move us to praise, and instead of pursuing sin, we are ready to pursue our God!
Which way are you walking these days? Do u need to fall on ur knees? Is God calling you to praise? Or maybe you are somewhere in between. Get the order right. Confess and praise today.
Sin takes us to our knees and praise takes us to our feet.
It's funny how we get that backwards in our heads though. Often our fee are quick to lead us into sun and we view praise as having to make us stop moving.
Eventually, just like Israel, we end up on our knees because of sin...either crippled by the consequences or in confession from the guilt. Coming before God on our knees is the only way to deal with sin. We cannot justify it or excuse it out of our lives. The only healthy approach is to face it editor God.
But then God does something miraculous---in coming on our knees He takes us to our feet. God's great love and compassion move us to praise, and instead of pursuing sin, we are ready to pursue our God!
Which way are you walking these days? Do u need to fall on ur knees? Is God calling you to praise? Or maybe you are somewhere in between. Get the order right. Confess and praise today.
Know and Grow-05/06/12
Neh 8:8 - They read from the Book of the Law of God, making it clear and giving the meaning so that the people could understand what was being read.
Hearing alone doesn't change takes understanding and desire.
Yesterday, leaders of one of our ministries gathered to celebrate the year by playing laser tag. They had a blast, enjoying time together and celebrating the year. During the game, the facility had everyone recite the rules, so that it would be clear and understood. We all agreed to the rules before entering the arena, but then competitive natures took over and the rules were selectively dropped as needed in order to win the game.
That is also how people play the game of life. We agree to Gods standards when they are said, but then drop them when it isn't convenient for our desires. Sometimes it's because we didn't understand the meaning, but more often we just didnt desire them in the moment.
What would it look like to want o know the meaning of God's standards and actually DESIRE to obey? Well, it would look a lot like Israel's behavior when they celebrated the wall being rebuilt---hungry to know and grow, passionate about obeying God & witnessing the miracles of His hand.
God loves to work in the lives of people who value His rules and desire to obey. It may not show immediately on the scoresheet but it will show up in their legacy.
How can you grow your desire to understand and obey the Lord today?
Hearing alone doesn't change takes understanding and desire.
Yesterday, leaders of one of our ministries gathered to celebrate the year by playing laser tag. They had a blast, enjoying time together and celebrating the year. During the game, the facility had everyone recite the rules, so that it would be clear and understood. We all agreed to the rules before entering the arena, but then competitive natures took over and the rules were selectively dropped as needed in order to win the game.
That is also how people play the game of life. We agree to Gods standards when they are said, but then drop them when it isn't convenient for our desires. Sometimes it's because we didn't understand the meaning, but more often we just didnt desire them in the moment.
What would it look like to want o know the meaning of God's standards and actually DESIRE to obey? Well, it would look a lot like Israel's behavior when they celebrated the wall being rebuilt---hungry to know and grow, passionate about obeying God & witnessing the miracles of His hand.
God loves to work in the lives of people who value His rules and desire to obey. It may not show immediately on the scoresheet but it will show up in their legacy.
How can you grow your desire to understand and obey the Lord today?
Following Our Calling-05/05/12
Neh 6:3 - so I sent messengers to them with this reply: “I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you?”
The temptation to abandon Gods calling comes in many ways. Sometimes it comes from fear and other times through our own relationships. But whatever the way it comes, the target is always the same. Satan wants us to abandon our calling for selfish purposes.
Abandoning Gods work to pursue our own is the biggest failure of all. Unfortunately, it is the most common failure of men.
What is Gods calling? Is it a project, or ministry, or family? Am I supposed to accomplish some big thing for God, or maybe I am supposed to make my spouse and family happy?
We like to package God's calling in an action or activity, but that's mostly for our own desire to be in control. Instead, God's calling is about following His control. It means being His servant in your family, your work, and your church family. It will mean staying focused on the task at hand, bringing others to know Jesus and growing in your own faith (Matt 28:18-20). It means sacrificing yourself in order to love others. (Luke 10:26). It is living in daily obedience, not just balancing Gods work with my wishes (Mark 10:43-45). Calling is not just a specific request, it is often a moment-by-moment choice of following God or our own desires.
So how are u doing on that today? Check your heart... Are u up the ladder working in the project or are u down on the ground doing what you desire? Maybe it's time to get back up the ladder again---tell those distractions that "I'm carrying out a great project for the Lord and cannot come down".
The temptation to abandon Gods calling comes in many ways. Sometimes it comes from fear and other times through our own relationships. But whatever the way it comes, the target is always the same. Satan wants us to abandon our calling for selfish purposes.
Abandoning Gods work to pursue our own is the biggest failure of all. Unfortunately, it is the most common failure of men.
What is Gods calling? Is it a project, or ministry, or family? Am I supposed to accomplish some big thing for God, or maybe I am supposed to make my spouse and family happy?
We like to package God's calling in an action or activity, but that's mostly for our own desire to be in control. Instead, God's calling is about following His control. It means being His servant in your family, your work, and your church family. It will mean staying focused on the task at hand, bringing others to know Jesus and growing in your own faith (Matt 28:18-20). It means sacrificing yourself in order to love others. (Luke 10:26). It is living in daily obedience, not just balancing Gods work with my wishes (Mark 10:43-45). Calling is not just a specific request, it is often a moment-by-moment choice of following God or our own desires.
So how are u doing on that today? Check your heart... Are u up the ladder working in the project or are u down on the ground doing what you desire? Maybe it's time to get back up the ladder again---tell those distractions that "I'm carrying out a great project for the Lord and cannot come down".
Chasing the Right Kingdom-05/04/12
Neh 5:16 - Instead, I devoted myself to the work on this wall. All my men were assembled there for the work; we did not acquire any land.
You can only work for one kingdom at a time.
Nehemiah had the right to be paid for his leadership and service from the people, yet he did not burden them with more expense. Instead, he stayed focused on the work.
In contrast, the other leaders tried to make money for themselves out of the situation, and finally were disciplined for it. These men had the great opportunity to lead in God's Kingdom and instead were focused on their own kingdoms.
Jesus said it was true: we can only work for one master/kingdom at a time.
These days, it's even more prevalent than ever: people choose to focus on their own kingdoms: houses, cars, lifestyles, etc. than on what God wants done. God's work takes a back seat to our desires. So our lives stay exposed to the enemy and we suffer from attacks -- instead of living victoriously, people live in fear, depression, selfishness, and turmoil. The time we should have spent on Gods kingdom is lost in chasing/commuting for pay checks. The money we should have given to the Lord's work is lost paying doctors and interest. There is little evidence of God's miracles around us because His Kingdom is not the focus.
It's time to stop this selfish focus and get back to work on the wall! Take a lesson from Nehemiah and get back to work on God's Kingdom.
Note: the ones who served were the ones God honored. They not only finished the wall, they were honored by God then & now! And we know they are the ones rich in eternity.
Who's profit are you working for these days?
You can only work for one kingdom at a time.
Nehemiah had the right to be paid for his leadership and service from the people, yet he did not burden them with more expense. Instead, he stayed focused on the work.
In contrast, the other leaders tried to make money for themselves out of the situation, and finally were disciplined for it. These men had the great opportunity to lead in God's Kingdom and instead were focused on their own kingdoms.
Jesus said it was true: we can only work for one master/kingdom at a time.
These days, it's even more prevalent than ever: people choose to focus on their own kingdoms: houses, cars, lifestyles, etc. than on what God wants done. God's work takes a back seat to our desires. So our lives stay exposed to the enemy and we suffer from attacks -- instead of living victoriously, people live in fear, depression, selfishness, and turmoil. The time we should have spent on Gods kingdom is lost in chasing/commuting for pay checks. The money we should have given to the Lord's work is lost paying doctors and interest. There is little evidence of God's miracles around us because His Kingdom is not the focus.
It's time to stop this selfish focus and get back to work on the wall! Take a lesson from Nehemiah and get back to work on God's Kingdom.
Note: the ones who served were the ones God honored. They not only finished the wall, they were honored by God then & now! And we know they are the ones rich in eternity.
Who's profit are you working for these days?
Don't let Fear make you Forget-05/03/12
Neh 4:9 - But we prayed to our God and posted a guard day and night to meet the threat.
Fear has a way of making us forget.
When Nehemiah started building the wall, the enemies of Jerusalem were afraid of losing control over the Israelites. So they threatened them and started preparing to attack. When faces with a threat, the people forgot Gods faithfulness and focused on the enemy. Fear has a way of doing that.
So Nehemiah called them to do two things: remember God in prayer and address the risk. He called them to pray...the best way to lean into God's faithfulness and remember His Will. Then he posted a guard...the best way to take action against a threat.
Today is the national day of prayer...and we certainly have many threats against us these days: economic woes, physical threats, family meltdowns, a lack of faith. More than anything, we need to pray and remember the God that has taken care of us all our lives.
But prayer without action is laziness. So in addition to praying, we need to stand guard on the problems and take action as the Lord leads. That doesn't mean jumping ahead of Him, bu being prepares to act.
What fear is trying to defeat you these days? Are you remembering the faithfulness of God? Are you ready to take action when God instructs you?
Don't let fear make you forget Gods faithfulness.
Fear has a way of making us forget.
When Nehemiah started building the wall, the enemies of Jerusalem were afraid of losing control over the Israelites. So they threatened them and started preparing to attack. When faces with a threat, the people forgot Gods faithfulness and focused on the enemy. Fear has a way of doing that.
So Nehemiah called them to do two things: remember God in prayer and address the risk. He called them to pray...the best way to lean into God's faithfulness and remember His Will. Then he posted a guard...the best way to take action against a threat.
Today is the national day of prayer...and we certainly have many threats against us these days: economic woes, physical threats, family meltdowns, a lack of faith. More than anything, we need to pray and remember the God that has taken care of us all our lives.
But prayer without action is laziness. So in addition to praying, we need to stand guard on the problems and take action as the Lord leads. That doesn't mean jumping ahead of Him, bu being prepares to act.
What fear is trying to defeat you these days? Are you remembering the faithfulness of God? Are you ready to take action when God instructs you?
Don't let fear make you forget Gods faithfulness.
What to Do when I Don't Know-05/02/12
Neh 2:24 -I answered them by saying, “The God of heaven will give us success. We his servants will start rebuilding, but as for you, you have no share in Jerusalem or any claim or historic right to it.”
Big Question: What do u do when u don't know what to do?
Nehemiah was facing some huge obstacles, as he surveyed the massive amount of work to rebuild the city and the dangers of people around. So what do you start with? How do you deal with the dangers? What about the people problems in his own camp? Bit was beyond daunting for a guy who was the wine taster...
So what did he do? He remembered God's faithfulness and focused on the work instead of the world.
Remember: Nehemiah kept replaying what God did to get him there---the favor of God and supplies provided by the king and opportunity available. Remembering God's faithfulness is core to finishing any great work of God. In fact, it's paramount to success.
Focus: for any god-sized job to be done, it will take laser focus on the task. Satan knows how to distract us with threats, pleasure, and disappointments. The only way to overcome is by focus. We must stay driven by the work instead of the world. Most projects fail not from lack of possibility but from lacks if focus.
If u look back---look at God's faithfulness. If u look ahead, look at th work. That helps us know what to do when we don't know what to do.
So if you are trying to discern what God wants you to do---remember & focus. Do the next thing you know to do.
Big Question: What do u do when u don't know what to do?
Nehemiah was facing some huge obstacles, as he surveyed the massive amount of work to rebuild the city and the dangers of people around. So what do you start with? How do you deal with the dangers? What about the people problems in his own camp? Bit was beyond daunting for a guy who was the wine taster...
So what did he do? He remembered God's faithfulness and focused on the work instead of the world.
Remember: Nehemiah kept replaying what God did to get him there---the favor of God and supplies provided by the king and opportunity available. Remembering God's faithfulness is core to finishing any great work of God. In fact, it's paramount to success.
Focus: for any god-sized job to be done, it will take laser focus on the task. Satan knows how to distract us with threats, pleasure, and disappointments. The only way to overcome is by focus. We must stay driven by the work instead of the world. Most projects fail not from lack of possibility but from lacks if focus.
If u look back---look at God's faithfulness. If u look ahead, look at th work. That helps us know what to do when we don't know what to do.
So if you are trying to discern what God wants you to do---remember & focus. Do the next thing you know to do.
God's Gifts -05/01/12-Neh1
Neh 1:10-"They are your servants and your people, whom you redeemed by your great strength and your mighty hand."
Sometimes our greatest gifts from God become our own worst nightmare.
In Genesis, God said He creates man in His own image---with a morality, emotions, and free will. It still is one of the greatest gifts He has ever given us, and can be one of the greatest blessings. With free will God allowed us the chance to worship Him, serve Him, and develop meaningful relationships (relationships are not real without free will)... But it also permitted the ability to choose evil, rebellion, and selfishness.
So God gave another great gift...te 10 Commandments. In just a few words he summarized the expectations of people that are a part of His family. But again, instead of embracing them, we have used them to find loopholes and exceptions, turning the gift into our own opportunity to control God.
So then He gave us the best gift of all, Himself in the form of Jesus, paying for all of our sins and redeeming us from the death sentence---not only did He cover the sins, but He wiped the slate clean as if they never happened. And still, many try to turn that into their own selfish benefit, using it as a license to sin more instead of turning back in freedom to worship and serve Him.
We have been redeemed from the pit, so why keep living in it?
Nehemiah's greatest season of life came when he chose to pursue God and serve Him instead of pursuing his own desires. He embraced God's redemption. Isn't it time to embrace it as well?
Are you misusing God's gifts or embracing them for His Glory?
Sometimes our greatest gifts from God become our own worst nightmare.
In Genesis, God said He creates man in His own image---with a morality, emotions, and free will. It still is one of the greatest gifts He has ever given us, and can be one of the greatest blessings. With free will God allowed us the chance to worship Him, serve Him, and develop meaningful relationships (relationships are not real without free will)... But it also permitted the ability to choose evil, rebellion, and selfishness.
So God gave another great gift...te 10 Commandments. In just a few words he summarized the expectations of people that are a part of His family. But again, instead of embracing them, we have used them to find loopholes and exceptions, turning the gift into our own opportunity to control God.
So then He gave us the best gift of all, Himself in the form of Jesus, paying for all of our sins and redeeming us from the death sentence---not only did He cover the sins, but He wiped the slate clean as if they never happened. And still, many try to turn that into their own selfish benefit, using it as a license to sin more instead of turning back in freedom to worship and serve Him.
We have been redeemed from the pit, so why keep living in it?
Nehemiah's greatest season of life came when he chose to pursue God and serve Him instead of pursuing his own desires. He embraced God's redemption. Isn't it time to embrace it as well?
Are you misusing God's gifts or embracing them for His Glory?
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