
Eternal Perspective-05/13/12

Esther 6:6 - Now Haman thought to himself, “Who is there that the king would rather honor than me?”

Perspective is central to maturity. Having a perspective that sees through others shows responsibility and wisdom, but one that is centered on self leads to immaturity. Maturity is not about age but perspective.

Haman could never get beyond a self-centered perspective. His most common word used was "I". Everything in life for Haman was about how it affected himself. So when a king wants to honor someone, it always should be Haman.

But Esther was quite opposite. Her perspective was about what was best for the king and for the people. She was even willing to lay down her life in order to pursue their needs.

The calling of Jesus was to let go of our self-oriented perspectives and pursue the King's perspective. Laying down our life means letting go of what pleases us and desiring to pursue what pleases God. That takes a new perspective. It takes an eternal perspective.

Try living with an eternal perspective for a week. How does it change your decisions? What did you do differently? What emotional responses changed?

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