
One Moment Changes Everything-05/15/12

Esther 8:15 - Mordecai left the king's presence wearing royal garments of blue and white, a large crown of gold and a purple robe of fine linen. And the city of Susa held a joyous celebration.

One moment can change everything.

Ask a parent... That first moment when your baby is born is a total life-changer. Not only does it change your schedule and spending, but it changes your heart and focus. Instead of living a self-oriented life, parents start centering their lives on a little 8lb ball of flesh. Everything in life changes in that moment.

Mordecai changed in a moment. He changed from condemned on the street to leader in the kingdom in an instant. His status changed, his role changed, and his estate changed within a matter of minutes. All because he stayed the course of faithfulness---willing to lay down his life for God & His people.

Your life will change in a moment as well---Hebrews 9:27 says: it is appointed for man once to die and then face judgment. In the moment of death we too will be facing the King, and He will decide who will walk forward wearing royal robes or be condemned to die permanently in hell. That moment will change our life forever. The only answer is to prove faithful to the King.

Many people want to think we have earned our eternity through our goodness. Others are hoping they can pray for a dead loved one to release them from hell---and that someone will do that for them as well. But the bottom line is that unless we are saved by the King, we will be condemned.

The only way to be rescued is to appeal to the King who can save you. Humble yourself and go to Him today and ask Him to rescue you now... before you end up facing Him later.

Get ready for that eternity-changing moment coming your way.

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