
06/06/18 - Acts 23

June 6, 2018

Paul said: “I have fulfilled my duty to God in all good conscience to this day.”   Acts 23:1

Eternal life isn’t based on how good our life was, but how clean our conscience is.

In talking with friends over the years, any time the subject occasionally turns to eternal life, there is always one of two responses:  I was a good person (performed well enough), or I gave my life to Jesus (accepted Jesus as Lord).  Whether or not either statement is true, the fact is that both methods are accurate.  We get to heaven by our performance or by Jesus’ performance. 

Many people believe their performance is “good”.  But the problem with comparing performance is the standard we use.  Comparing ourselves with others, we all can look better than some people (and not quite as good as a few others).  In the human mind, because we have done good things, we can feel qualified to be accepted by God.  But the problem is that God has a different comparison.  His level of “good” is based on being perfect, just like Jesus.  Since none of us match that standard, we can never be good enough to enter eternity.

But others recognize they are not good enough, and rely on their acceptance of Jesus as Lord.  Now whether that has changed their life enough or not, they no longer are in the comparison game, but in the association game.  By knowing Jesus and surrendering to Him, it is not about how clean our lives are, but how clean our consciences are.  In this case, it is up to Jesus to decide, and we put our trust in Him to save us.  Because Jesus is already in eternity, we can be permitted entrance through our relationship with Him.

Paul stood on trial and told all of the Jewish accusers that he had finished his duty to God in all good conscience.  That didn’t mean he was perfect in his work, but faithful in his effort.  That didn’t mean Paul was sinless in his behavior, but sin-free in his conscience.  Only Jesus can clear our conscience, good works just tries to cover it up. 

We will all stand before God & men someday and have to give an account of our lives.  If we stand on our works, then plan on making that comparison to the perfect model of Jesus.  If you can match up with Jesus, then you can have eternal life.  But if not … then maybe it is time to accept Jesus as your Lord & Savior, so that He can clear your conscience.  It’s either one or the other, so choose well.

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