
06/28/18 - Romans 11

June 28, 2018

And this is my covenant with them, I will take away their sins. Romans 11:27

Our problem is often we still want to hold on to some sins, instead of hand them ALL over to Jesus.

Our God is a God of Covenants.  He makes promises based on His character instead of our performance.  When God says He will do something, then He will do it.

God made a covenant with Adam to expand the earth through him.  God made a covenant with Abraham to grow up a nation that would save the world.  God made a covenant with Moses to not only rescue the people, but bring them to a promised land.  God made a covenant with David, to establish his lineage all the way to Jesus.  And God made a covenant through Jesus, to forgive and remove the sin of all people who follow Him. 

If it were not for His character, our performance would have long since lost all of God’s promises.  But that doesn’t match the covenant giver that He is.  Covenants are not based on performance like a contract, they are based on God.  That’s why when we enter a marriage covenant, we are not promising to be faithful to our spouse based on what they do, but promise to be faithful based on who God is.  We are then accountable to God, not to each other. 

The problem with God is not his promises being broken, but ours.  God promises through Jesus to take away every sin in our lives – past, present & future.  He promises to remove the sins as well as the sin nature.  He made a covenant, but we decide instead to only bring God some of our sins.  We are glad to have him fix our finances, but prefer to hold on to our greed.  We like it when God fixes our struggles, but prefer to hold on to our selfishness.  Many have taken him their brokenness, but still prefer to grip hold of pride.  There are many idols we are glad to turn over to God, just not the ones we enjoy for ourselves. 

Forgiveness isn’t God’s problem, it is ours.  We still want to hold on to some of our sins, and God gives a covenant that is a package deal – all or nothing. 

The rich young ruler found that out when he asked Jesus what there was left to do for his entrance to the Kingdom.  Jesus went through a number of things that were already not a problem, but then got down to the one he preferred to keep hold of – material possessions.  The problem wasn’t the possessions, but the young man’s sin of greed.  Walking away, that young ruler didn’t turn in the sin, and couldn’t be forgiven that day.

What are you holding on to these days?  What sin is still your preferred vice?   Stop accepting it as your little pet, and turn every single one over to Jesus.  He’s ready to do the work to cleanse us of them, but we have to hand them over.

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