
07/18/18 - 1Cor 9

July 18, 2018

In a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize. Run in such a way as to get the prize. 1Cor 9:24

Instead of watching other runners, work to finish well our own race.

It’s amazing how quickly everything can turn into a competition.

As a guy who grew up in athletics, it’s easy to turn every activity into a competition, whether it is a sport, or a hobby, or even a conversation.  One-upping the other males in the room is common.  Even when nobody is around, there can be a competition going on with ourselves sometimes – trying to get better than the last time.  Part of that striving to improve is healthy, but it often gets interlaced with comparing ourselves to others.

But over the years, I’ve discovered this is not a male athlete thing.  I’ve watched women do the same thing in comparing their houses, husbands, body-shapes, and lifestyles, turning them into a competitive private battle.  I’ve seen even little children compete for the attention or approval of a parent.  Certainly businesses have invested mega-bucks in trying to outwit their competition, and countries have done the same.  It may not be on an athletic field, where runs or touchdowns or goals measure success, but there is certainly a lot of comparison and competition happening every day.

Paul didn’t condemn the race, he just taught us to change the comparison.  Instead of comparing ourselves with others, compare ourselves with ourselves.  And instead of looking at improving from our past, look to become what God designed us to become.  Then the comparison will have both compassion and conviction.  We’ll continue to run the race, but at the pace God designed us to run.  And the prize at the end will be the Well Done Jesus had promised us, no matter what the results look like compared to others.

That’s easier said than done.  It takes some training and practice.  We’ll make mistakes in starting out to fast or taking too many breaks.  Sometimes we’ll fall or slip up, and need correction.  Keep running! 

Paul said only one gets the prize, which sounds like we need to compete to beat out the next person.  But in the spiritual realm, YOU are the only person that can win the prize assigned to you!  And unlike the culture today that wants everyone to get the same trophy, this prize is custom made for YOU.  You cannot win someone else’s prize, and they cannot win yours.  So run in such a way as to win your prize. 

So stop trying to be like your neighbor, or better than your brother, or more successful than the other leader.  Start running the race you’ve been given, and run it the best you are designed to run it.  Don’t compete with your past, but pursue your best.  And cross the finish line marked out for you.

That’s a race worth running, and a prize worth winning. 

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