
07/27/18 - 1Cor 16

July 27, 2018

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love. 1Cor 16:13-14  

The life of faith calls for all we have, to honor the One who gave all He had.

Some instructions may be easy to understand, but are not always easy to do.

My uncle liked building model airplanes, and taught me how to do it one summer when we had a vacation with him.  He was patient and supportive as we navigated through the instructions step-by-step, building the model he had purchased for me that week.  He gave me a simple instruction: keep the cap on the cement glue so that we didn’t have an accident.  I did pretty well with that instruction the first two nights, but then got lazy on the third night, and eventually glue dripped out on his table and all over my hand.  It was an easy rule to follow, but I got lazy and made a mess.  (Thank God he was kind to me afterwards.)

In Paul’s final words of this letter to the Corinthian church, he gives the church some simple instructions.  They are common, something parents would tell their kids and preachers would tell their churches.  But though they are easy to understand, they are often hard to do.  Being on your guard is done well when we talk with a high-profile personality, but ignored when talking in the presence of an old friend.  Standing firm in the faith happens better around fellow believers than it does surrounded by influential unbelievers.  Being courageous & strong is much simpler when we’ve succeeded before, but not as much when we’ve failed trying.  And doing everything in love works much better around our favorite people than it does around people who hurt us.  Yet Paul didn’t make exceptions or excuses, he called for those behaviors out of our devotion to Jesus.  We don’t do the right things because people have earned them, we do them because Jesus deserves them. 

We worship and serve The Almighty God.  This is not a god who competes or must earn our ongoing devotion, He is the God who has no competition.  His gifts of life and salvation are beyond anything men ever deserved.  And He proved it by coming in the flesh to give His all for us.  As such, God deserves ALL from us.  The bar of devotion is not just high, it calls for 100% complete.  That includes our behaviors toward His creation as well as our worship toward Him.

So be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.  Do everything in love.  Because that’s what Jesus did for you.

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