
09/12/18 - Col 3

Sep 12, 2018

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Col 3:2

Don’t waste our efforts on the temporary when we were given access to the eternal.

In 2009 in Las Vegas, Bjorn Halvard Knappskog, 19, from Norway won the championship for Monopoly.  The tournament challenged some of the best players in the world to compete against each other in the popular board game.  Players had spent much of their lives learning strategies and approaches to defeat their opponents, and become masters at Monopoly.  For his efforts, Bjorn was awarded in cash the amount that is in a standard monopoly bank: just over $20,000.

While it sounds like a great victory, consider the cost.  Tens of thousands of hours were spent by the players learning and improving on a board game that makes no true difference in their lives.  The reward was fairly minimal, and only one person gained it.  Winning at Monopoly has a temporary satisfaction, but only lasts until the next game.  And eventually everything goes back in the box … an empty reality for any game played.

Most everything in life is just as empty as Monopoly.  Sure, it may gain more income or produce a slightly longer lasting enjoyment, but it never lasts forever.  Tasty food is great, but you still need to eat another meal.  Victories and successes are enjoyable, but fails to last.  We spend so much of our lives on the things that are temporary, that we don’t even know what we’re missing.

Look at your life and discern what activities are completely temporary:  like TV, social media, etc.  Replace some of it with some eternal activities: like knowing God’s Word, prayer, etc.  Put more effort into the things that last eternally.

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