
09/13/18 - Col 4

Sep 13, 2018

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Col 4:6

Use speech to build people up with truth and encouragement, not tear down with sarcasm or manipulation.

Jesus says our words reveal our hearts.  So words have INCREDIBLE power! (So much for mom’s common statement that ‘sticks & stones may break our bones, but words will never hurt us’.  It sounds good, but isn’t true.)

Recent news has had several NBA owners selling their shares of teams because of apparent racist words.  We see the constant testing of words when politicians say, or don’t say, anything.  Other celebrities have been attacked for their words, and even lost careers by their weakest moments.  Certainly, that’s also true for pastors and spiritual leaders.

But the greatest power of words is not found in the political or professional world.  It’s found in the home.  The incredible power of words is seen in marriages and parenting, where the spirit and attitude of the words has even more impact than what is said.  More damage has been done by negative words from a parent than anything said by others in the public.  More divorce has occurred out of the words between spouses than the actions a partner took.  Words have way more power than we ever knew, and cannot be erased by the retractions of “just kiddings” or “you know what I means”.

That’s why the Bible puts so much emphasis on words – it’s your confession that shows your beliefs, it’s your words that reveals your hearts, and Scripture is the WORDS of God Himself! 

So when we are reminded to watch our words, it matters!  Let your Yes be Yes and your No be No.  Build each other up in love.  Let your conversation be seasoned with grace.  Your words can either encourage a positive direction, or send people reeling a negative one.  Your leadership will be judged by your words as much as your actions.  So be careful what you say!

Sometimes a lack of words can also be painful.  When the lack of words shows a lack of concern or an attitude of indifference, it speaks loudly.  Even in silence, people can feel our words. 

So … in every situation, look for words to build people up.  Give people the benefit of the doubt as often as possible.  Choose to find a positive way to say things.  Avoid sarcasm, manipulation and teasing.  Let your words create the power that blesses people and grows them in holiness.

After all – your words are the most powerful tools you have.

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