
BQ: Heaven & Suicide-05/14/12

A Big Question: Do people who commit suicide still go to heaven?

Tough question---suicide is the final act of pride, deciding when our life ends. It takes the decision away from God and puts it in the hands of men. Some have said it is unforgivable---that you can't ask for forgiveness from your sin. What happens to a person that commits suicide?

First---just as a reminder---God decides who goes to heaven (not man's opinion). So the decision about whether a person goes to heaven is in his capable hands.

Second---suicide is a sin against the 6th Commandment (not kill). So it has the same effect eternally as murder, etc. For the believer, forgiveness includes the sin of suicide...for the unbeliever, they face judgment.

So how could a believer do such a thing? Good question---a believer would tend to lean into God instead if fall into suicide. But we also know many examples where believers fell to temptation and later repented. God knows the mind and heart of the person and knows the circumstances---mental health, emotional state, etc. trust Him to handle that too.

So if suicide is another sin then it becomes attractive like any other sin...?... Yes & No. Certainly most people have moments when they wish the struggles of life were over. But most people have enough maturity to not damage their families and destroy their life. So it is a temptation, but not attractive. Unfortunately, some have acted rashly out of a loss of hope before thinking through the decision. Suicide is a selfish decision, and doesn't match the image of Jesus---so it is not an option for people who hope in God.

There's much more on the subject, but the best answer is to leave it in the Lord's hands---He knows best and decides the fate of all men. Trust in Him, and work on processing the pain of loss (that's enough to handle!)

See: John 6:39-40, Acts 16:27ff, Luke 4:6-10ff

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