
12/31/18 - Rev 21-22

Dec 31, 2018

I am coming soon!  My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.  Rev 22:12 

Whatever we made our Lord on earth will be our reward in eternity --- so don’t worship the world, serve the Lord.

One of our mission activities is a fantastic group of people in Honduras, supported by Lifeline Christian Missions.  They have been close to our heart for years, and we have been greatly blessed to work with them.  One year, I was headed down for a training mission trip and they wanted a car part for a failing vehicle (parts are expensive and nearly impossible to get in many countries).  One asked if I would ship it down early, and I tried to find out how to effectively do it.  But with risks and costs, it just wasn’t a guarantee the part would ever arrive.  They wanted the part immediately, but it was smarter for me to bring it with me.

The same goes for Jesus and His believers.  Many times, we want the reward NOW – but Jesus is bringing it with Him.  

When we do good things, or live in obedience, or become disciplined in our Spiritual walk, it’s normal to start thinking God would reward us.  And many times, He does.  There is a blessing attached to obedience in the natural order of His creation.  But not always.  Obedience is not a cure-all for life’s problems.  Devoted followers still contract illnesses.  Disciples still suffer.  In our humanness, we want God to reward us, but Jesus reminds us that the reward is coming when He comes.

Friends, God’s reward for us is TOO BIG for earth to handle.  His reward doesn’t fit inside a luggage travel bag.  It is so big that Jesus Himself must handle it.  The reward is so precious that it takes special care.  And it takes proper administration, so only God’s Son is entrusted with it.  And God has it already planned for YOU!

As hard as it is, be thankful for God’s timing.  Wait for the eternal reward, and stay focused on the work. Your reward is coming VERY soon!!!

12/28/18 - Rev 20

Dec 28, 2018

Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.   Rev 20:15

Judgment is simple---everything is reviewed, actions are rewarded, and those who accepted Jesus as Lord enter heaven. So make Him Lord today!

There are many “books” in the Judgment Records.  God is an excellent recorder.

-          You know the Book of the Law.  God’s word is recorded and the base of all judgment.

-          There is the Book of Works.  Every single good work or kind thought is recorded.

-          There is the Book of Tears.  God records every tear we ever shed.

-          There is the Book of Sacrifice.   God knows every contribution of service and support we make.

-          There is the Book of Words.  He keeps an account of every word (good, bad, broken, fulfilled).

-          There is also a Book of Praise. He remembers all of our praises and worship.

-          Finally, there is the Book of Life.  It records who chose to make Jesus their Lord.

Most of the time, people subliminally think that having their name in any of the books is all that’s needed.  Anyone who did not surrender their life to Jesus is counting on the Book of Works to qualify them for heaven.  Others who suffered are counting on the Book of Tears to support their entrance.  All of those books are valuable to God, and recognized by God.

But the only book that grants eternal life is the Book of Life.  God writes the name of every soul in the book.  But the ink of ONE SIN can blot out our name, and only the blood of Jesus is capable of washing the ink off the page.  It only takes ONE SIN to be found unholy.  It takes the death of a Savior to fix it. 

Scripture says anyone not found written in the book will NOT be granted entrance to heaven.  God truly cares about every single tear.  He rewards well every good work.  He appreciates our encouraging words and testimonies about Him.  He honors our sacrifice.  But unless we come under the saving blood of Jesus, all of those credits mean nothing.

I’m especially grateful God ‘keeps no record of wrong’.  Love doesn’t do that.  We joke (and worry) that a DVD of all our sins is being recorded in heaven.  That’s actually being recorded by our accuser.  But God chose to cast that recording far away – as far as the East is from the West.  What He cares about is our commitment to His Son.

Granted – surrendering our life to Jesus should ENHANCE our record in all of the other books, and reduce the record in satan’s journal.  But that doesn’t begin until we start with the Book of Life. 

Are you in there?

12/27/18 - Rev 19

Dec 27, 2018

At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, "Don't do that! .. Worship God!"  Rev 19:10

Don't worship Christmas, family, life--only worship Jesus! Everything else is idolatry.

What do you say you love?

The phrase is used so often, we’ve lost much of its true meaning.  People love everything.  We love coffee.  We love chocolate.  We love Disney.  We love reading.  We love our new car.  We love that outfit.  We love country music. (Okay – that was going too far!)

If you’re like me, it probably is used in your language way too much.

This time of year, it’s used even more.  We love Christmas.  We love time with family.  We love being off from work and school.  We love just about everything that comes along.  It kind of diminishes the sentiment when we tell our spouse or kids that we love them too.  Or when we tell God we love Him. 

In this amazing final scene of John’s revelation, he is overwhelmed by the worship & celebration of heaven.  It is by FAR the best moment John has ever witnessed (after all, John wasn’t there to witness the resurrection).  Like a “love” fest, John just wants to get involved in the worship, and the Angel (maybe Angel Gabriel) who is the messenger that’s been showing John the story is standing there.  John falls to his face to honor the story-teller, but the angel will have NONE OF IT.  “Love God – don’t love me!”  The angel doesn’t want John to make ANYTHING BUT GOD the target of his love and worship.

This scene shows the danger of our hearts to make an idol out of anything – including an angel in heaven.  We are so driven to love someone or something, that we’ll pick anything pleasing to us.  How ironic (and sad) that idolatry was seen in the 3rd Chapter of Genesis, and still is the temptation in the 3rd to last Chapter of Revelation.  It’s still a problem for us – and needs to be stopped.

Maybe it’s time to take back the love.  Reserve it for Jesus.  Show your love for Jesus by GIVING love to your spouse and kids and family.  But truly love God alone. 

12/26/18 - Rev 18

Dec 26, 2018

'Come out of Babylon, my people,' so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues.   Rev 18:4

Supporting or tolerating sin just to get along will corrupt you or kill you.

There’s a saying I was taught by my grandpa and have learned to say it often:  Bad company corrupts good character.  For years I didn’t know that was Scripture (1Cor 15:33), but if you have been reading through the New Testament, you’ve seen many places where this principle applies.  Revelation is the final warning of this principle – and the most serious.

Believers agree with the principle, but often struggle to apply it.  We’re pretty good at seeing the bad company other people hang out with, but also are pretty good at justifying our own choices.  Separation is just so difficult!  Sometimes, it’s our own family members that we need to separate from.  Other times, it’s that boyfriend or girlfriend, or a work buddy, or something else.  Even solid Christians wrestle with this passage in light of trying to reach lost friends and family – how do you balance it?

God’s calling in this passage is less about people and more about practices.  God is calling us away from the practices of sin – ie. Leave the liquor, don’t mess with the marijuana, stop going for the greed, pull away from anger, etc.   If being around the people means being around the sin, then leave the sin.

A great application of this for today would be the TV.  The flat screen in your family room is just an object.  By itself, it is not your enemy.  But when we have the remote in our hands, and activate the screen, MANY of the things on the TV are very sinful.  Take an Inventory for one week:  watch what you watch.  Isn’t it flooded with things you know are sinful?  (Dianna and I have dropped SO MANY shows after an inventory like this – even shows we liked the plots of were filled with sin-encouraging scenes.)  The point isn’t to ban the TV.  The point is: Don’t share in the sins by watching them regularly.

God calls us to live holy lives.  That doesn’t mean we all need to live in a monastery.  It means we must separate ourselves from the sin scene.  We need to remember that there is always a plague coming.  Eventually, there is a price to pay – either in the behavior or in the judgment.   Pull away before it is too late.

I’m grateful my grandpa recited that Scripture so often.  Maybe we would be wise in remembering it and teaching it to our families.  The character we reap comes from the company we keep.  Separate yourself from the sins people are pushing on you.  They are not your friends, and you’re not being a good friend by participating in it with them.  Avoid the plague, and maybe they will learn to avoid it too.

12/24/18 - Rev 17

Dec 24, 2018

They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings-and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.   Rev 17:14

In the end we will either be fighting with Jesus or fighting Jesus---choose your side carefully.

The last war between satan and Jesus is really not much of a battle.  In truth, the WHOLE war between them is not much of a battle, even though the duration seems long to us. 

I think of a scene many years ago when a little 3 year old boy got mad at me and wanted to punch at me.  He was upset that he lost a game of Candyland, and wanted to take his aggression out on me.  Unfortunately for him, my arms were about twice as long as his, and my strength & size were way more as well, so all he could do was flail his arms at me, missing every punch.  If I had really wanted to, that fight could have ended in one swing.  (I chose to be meek in that situation and not respond.)  Finally, he gave up and I hugged him --- and the fight was over.

The fight of good and evil seems to be so challenging to us – and we often think evil is getting its punches in.  But in reality, God is just holding evil at bay for as long as He wants to.  So satan swings at us instead of God, and once in a while evil connects.  But God is always in complete control.

In the last days, evil will try one last time to throw everything it can at God.  But since nothing is bigger or stronger or more powerful than God, it will be an instant defeat.  God won’t even break a sweat.  One blow is all it will take. 

But notice the final part of this verse – at the end of that short battle, the faithful followers are left.  Jesus will stand with all who gave their lives to serve in His army.  And we won’t lift a sword or pick up a stone … Jesus will do the fighting and will triumph completely.  We’ll just be the witnesses.

That’s a word for us today – the struggles we have, the pain we face, the hurts we feel, the problems we are enduring – Jesus will be the victor.  We just need to choose to stay on His side.

When it feels like everyone else is enjoying themselves and you’re the one suffering, remember that last battle.  Don’t be impressed with a bunch of empty swings … stand with the faithful.  When Jesus is ready, He will say “enough” and the victory will be complete!

12/21/18 - Rev 16

Dec 21, 2018

Look, I come like a thief!  Blessed are those who stay awake and remain clothed.   Rev 16:15

Don't waste time trying to predict His coming... Prepare for it!  He is coming soon!

Have you ever been waiting at a surprise birthday party for the guest of honor to arrive?  People are talking, trying to have fun, while at the same time tensely waiting for the signal to get quiet when the person is close.  Then, eventually the person is coming to the entrance, and everyone gets real quiet, then shouts out as loud as they can “surprise”.  J

Sometimes we think of Jesus’ return like a surprise party.  We’re all waiting for that day, and trying to pinpoint when it will happen.  Sometimes we look at current events and try to match them up to Scriptures, like a party lookout.  Other times, we relax and don’t think about it because nothing is going on down the street.  Secretly, we’re all either hoping it happens soon, or is delayed for a while.  But most of the thought about the end times is on the “timeframe”.

Jesus tells us through John that the timeframe is useless information!   In fact, it says in other passages that NOBODY (not even Jesus) knows the timeframe.  So why are we so focused on trying to figure it out.  Jesus says: “I come like a thief”.  In other words:

-          You’re not going to be in a group waiting for my arrival.  (Nobody is waiting for a thief to arrive.)

-          You’re not going to hear or see me coming.  Signs warn us but don’t predict it. (Sorry, there are no burglar alarm systems to warn us He is coming.)

-          You’re not going to be able to change at the last second.  It will happen before you know it started.  (Just like finding out your car or house was broken in to AFTER the fact.)

The only way to be prepared for Jesus’ coming is to LIVE for Him every day.  Trying to have your fun now and change later will not work.  MANY are the coffins filled with people who had intentions of following God, going to church, reading His Scriptures --- and never did!  Second Coming day is as close as your death, and there is no guarantee that day will be later.

Jesus offers us a blessing (God’s Lasting Favor).  If we live every day for Him (Stay awake), and practice our faith in obedience (remain clothed) --- we have NOTHING to predict!  His arrival will be our surprise party.  We’ll be excited and thrilled and blessed. 

Don’t be surprised by Jesus.  Be blessed by Him.  Stop trying to predict His coming and instead get prepared for it.  You’ll never regret that lifestyle all eternity long!

12/20/18 - Rev 15

Dec 20, 2018

You alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before you, for your righteous acts have been revealed. Rev 15:4

How dumb to think we can tell a holy God what should be acceptable to Him.

The Nativity is an incredible story – beyond the creativity and skills of the best playwrights of history.  Nobody would have come up with that idea for the Messiah’s entrance!  Just imagine:  a virgin girl pregnant, a respectable carpenter willing to take the sordid reputation, born in a cattle manger, in a small insignificant village, on the run from the king, visited only by angels, shepherds, and traveling astrologers.  What a crazy script!

If you were the author of the Messiah birth story, you wouldn’t likely have a King of Kings come to earth that way.  In fact, you probably wouldn’t have him born at all.  Maybe He would have been Mr. Incredible, in a palace, with everyone knowing and following His orders.  Or you might have other variations.  I believe you and I would re-write the story completely.

You say: wait – I wouldn’t rewrite God’s story!   I would never do that – it’s a fantastic story.

Before you quit reading further, let’s own up to the fact that we like to rewrite God’s story ALL THE TIME.  God tells us through His Word how to do things, and we want to tell Him (or tell others FOR Him) that things should be different.  Here’s just a few examples I’ve heard recently:

-          Good people go to heaven… if you tried to be a good person, that’s good enough

-          Sex and marriage are defined by society … we decide what is valid for relationships

-          Giving is optional … I don’t have to give to God as a Christian

-          God wants me to be happy… He doesn’t want me to deny things that I like for myself

-          I prayed the prayer (or got baptized) … so I’m saved no matter how I live my life

While each of these are deeper topics to discuss, the fact is we all like to rewrite Scripture to say what WE want it to say.  How utterly arrogant!  When did we start becoming the authority of life?  What righteous act(s) made us the experts on what is proper?   Where did God say it was okay to change the script (or for that matter, the practice, the behavior, the expectation, etc.)?

Sometimes we need a little dose of reality, and Revelation shows it in the picture of heaven & earth battling at the end times.  All of our rewrites will become slaughtered by the holiness of God.  Does that make you shutter a little?  (I know it makes my bones rattle.)

Pray this with me:  Forgive us, Father, for thinking we know how to run things and tell you how you should be.   I am embarrassed and ruined by my own critique.  You alone are holy.  Your Word is truth, and NEVER should be changed.  I am the one that needs to be changed.  Help me become a true worshipper of You, and make you fully King of my heart.  Give me courage to live out your Word EXACTLY the way you intended it.

12/19/18 - Rev 14

Dec 19, 2018

He said in a loud voice, "Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come." Rev 14:7

Glory is transferable but not containable.  Never hold on to the glory of God.

Football season is drawing to a close, and the best teams are preparing for playoffs.  Eventually, a champion will be crowned and the team will be paraded through town, interviewed, honored, and lifted up by all of their fans.  It will be the spotlight moment, when they are given glory for their achievement.

Spotlight moments don’t just happen from competition, it happens in everyday life.  There are spotlight moments at work, at home, at school, in the community, on the field, in the air, … everywhere.  Any time a significant action occurs (big or small), attention is given to a person, and they have the glory light turned on at them.  In that moment, glory is being transferred from one person to another.

Glory is transferable.  Watch an interview after a victory, and you’ll see it happen.  The questioner will shine credit on the person, and the answerer will either bask in the light or bashfully resist it.  Either way, there was a transfer. 

Here’s the thing:  when that transfer happens, it’s called ‘worship’!  Giving glory to something is how the Bible describes true worship.  God enjoys it when we worship Him by giving glory through our heart’s son, through service to Him, through prayers & praises, through talking about Him, and through hundreds of other ways.  Just like a bank transaction, Glory is transferred.

The problem is not the transfer, but the containment of glory.  Any time we try to grab hold of the glory, or keep it in our hands, EVEN FOR A SECOND, we’re choosing to BE worshipped.  As quickly as we accept worship, we’ll offend God, because He is the Creator and Provider of our lives.  Any glory transferred to us is immediately due to Him. 

Quick sidebar:  sometimes we try to be ‘humble’ and make a big deal about avoiding glory – ie. Discounting or downplaying the role we played, negating its effect, shunning the accolades.  Unfortunately, that’s like fumbling and stomping on the glory.  Instead of that reaction, we are better off taking the glory ball and then pitching it to God.  That may make the interviewer or praiser a bit uncomfortable, but it makes God very pleased.

When judgment comes, it will be a spotlight moment.  Thinking we are special because of faith will be grabbing for the Glory of God.  The better approach is to remember who God really is, and how undeserving we really are.  Fearing God is choosing to never touch His Glory.  Instead, we choose to transfer it to Him immediately, and praise Him (worship Him) for all He is.

Suggestion: Make the effort to transfer some glory to Jesus today.

12/18/18 - Rev 13

Dec 18, 2018

(Overcoming evil) calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God's people.  Rev 13:10

Fighting off evil is not accomplished by our wisdom or strength, it's done by patience and focus on Jesus.

If you could have a couple of character qualities noted at your funeral, what would you choose?

Ex: Hardworking?  Fun-loving?  Disciplined?  Leader?  Driven?  Balanced?  Successful?  Happy?

This verse in Revelation shows two qualities that are mandatory for crossing the finish line to heaven:  Endurance & Faithfulness.   They are two sides of the same coin of character:

                Endurance – standing still when struck by opposition

                Faithfulness – sticking to the path when challenged by obstacles

Every great character quality requires these two elements.  For instance:

-          A long-term marriage needs two people who endure pain and are faithful against temptations

-          Leaders will only accomplish goals when they stay the course, and endure the pressures

-          Hardworking people HAVE to endure to complete the task

-          Even Happy & fun-loving people must endure the lines to get to the roller coaster ride

Evil is an unfair fighter.  It tends to show up when we are vulnerable, when we’re tired, when things aren’t going well.  Those are the moments when temptation works best, and compromise seems most effective, and quitting looks wise.  God shows us that we must develop these two character qualities to survive.

Jesus took on the greatest fight of all time, in the most vulnerable moment of His life.  He took on all our sin, and then faced death alone without God.  His only weapons were Endurance & Faithfulness.  Thank GOD He was faithful!  And He still is!

How faithful have you been this past year to Jesus?  What adjustments do you need to make to build up your faithfulness and endurance going forward?  How can you remind yourself daily to hang on to those qualities more in the year ahead? 

Here’s a suggestion:  write down a list of many of the opposition and challenges you overcame in the past couple of years.  Use that list (and expand it) as a reminder to be faithful in the next one.   Just as victories give a team courage to believe, overcoming gives us courage to remain faithful.

12/17/18 - Rev 12

Dec 17, 2018

The believers triumphed over satan by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.   Rev 12:11

By knowing Jesus and His Word, we overcome death instead of being overtaken by it.

When people talk about end times & Revelation, one common topic discussed is something called ‘rapture’.  It’s the idea (from Scriptural indications) that believers will be relieved of the tribulation by being pulled out of life on earth by Jesus.  There are several texts that talk about Jesus and His rescue, and others that make it seem different.  (I’m not going to argue the doctrine in this blog.)

Whatever you believe about ‘rapture’, there is a common belief from all people of faith (and I would add everyone else on earth), that we ALL face some level of tribulation.  It may come in the form of a bad doctor’s report, or a broken relationship, or a rebellious child, or a lost job.  Some folks suffer far greater tribulation than others.  But all people face troubles.  Rapture or not, we have plenty of tribulation.

The last days will be the worst days ever seen (and history has seen some really bad days).  And just like all days of trouble, God has shown that He doesn’t always take people away from the trouble beforehand, but often takes their hand to help them overcome the trouble.  Consider some of the examples:  Joseph in jail, Joshua facing Jericho, Daniel in the lion’s den, 3 Jewish boys thrown into a blazing furnace, Peter in prison, Paul in the midst of a hurricane.  Knowing Jesus doesn’t mean avoiding all the struggle, it means overcoming the struggle!

I hope there is a rapture (and could argue there is a pre-tribulation rapture – but could also argue from Scripture differently).  But even without a rapture in your life & mine, I KNOW that God shall overcome!  It’s just much better holding His hand IN the tribulations of life than trying to manage them myself.

You may be in a season where life seems to be overtaking you.  Maybe the waters of trouble are swamping your boat.  Or maybe you’re deeply depressed and lonely during the holidays.  Take heart, Jesus has overcome the world, and He’s ready to help you overcome your troubles too.  Grab His hand and walk with Him.  Get to know Him better – read His Word to discover more about His ways and desires.  And before you know it, you’ll be on the other side of that trouble.  (Just in time to face another one with Him later.)

He promises: The Believers Will Triumph!!!

12/14/18 - Rev 11

Dec 14, 2018

The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever."   Rev 11:15

Don't waste our life trying to build an earthly kingdom when the KING has one already started for us.

One of the most powerful songs ever written was the “Hallelujah Chorus” by Handel.  The whole masterpiece is quite lengthy – most people are only familiar with the shorter presentation of The Messiah.  But it ends with this incredible song describing the sounds and events of the end times, when everyone in heaven and earth declare the glory of God.  Revelations 11:15 is sung in the heart of the song, and draws out a powerful moment.  It’s the moment when every knee bows to God – believer and unbeliever, dead and alive, Jew and Gentile, animal and plant, saved and unsaved.  It describes the final victory when Jesus is given supreme reign, whether people chose Him or not.

There will be some great surprises when that happens:

-          All financial & retirement accounts will be transferred into God’s bank account

-          All the boundaries of every nation will be removed, leaving the entire world under God’s rule

-          Names of every building, park & street will be renamed to Jesus (and you thought there were a lot of streets named after ‘peach’ in Atlanta!)

-          The house and cars we used to own will become permanent loaners

-          The job we worked for our own purposes will now be managed by God Himself

-          Congress will be disbanded, the United Nations will cease to meet, and every national leader will be released from office to work in a different role

Much more will happen that day.  But most of all, our knee will pull us down to the ground.  In my head, I imagine our bodies driving us to the ground in a flat position, as low as we can get, so that the Messiah will be as elevated as possible.  We will not be able to stop the tears from coming out of our eyes, and yet, for those who have been long awaiting His arrival, the smile on our face will be the largest ever. 

Up to this point, we knew Jesus was Lord, but most of the time think He gave us a reprieve from living like it.  So we have continued to build up our own ‘kingdoms’ – acquiring assets, growing bank accounts, pursuing experiences, gaining power, and living for ourselves.  No more.  The King has finally arrived, and is now in full control.  What a waste of energy and expense!  If only we had spent more of it on the eternal Kingdom instead of the temporary one.

Use today to re-evaluate the goals for next year.  How could you live differently, knowing that you are investing every day of next year in one of those kingdoms?  Which kingdom will it be?

12/13/18 - Rev 10

Dec 13, 2018

And the mighty angel swore by him who lives for ever and ever, and said, "There will be no more delay!"   Rev 10:6

God's patience is not permanent ... judgment is coming, so we need to repent now.

In 1st Timothy 1:16 – Paul tells Timothy that Jesus gave unlimited patience to Paul because of his ignorance and disobedience, and it was a sign of grace from heaven.  Yet here in Revelations 10, we discover that God’s patience is limited.  Why the contradiction?

Actually, both are correct, because they are talking about two elements of patience. 

1.        God is patient when it comes to the volume of sin.  Since Jesus paid for ALL sins, God can be patient waiting for us to turn from our sin and be rescued by His grace.

2.       God is not patient when it comes to the duration of sin.  Since Adam, every person has a limited timeframe to choose – the length of their life – and at judgment, all life will have reached the limit.

Sometimes we get the two mixed up.  When we make a severe mess of our lives, we tend to avoid church, shut down the whispers of conscience, and nit-pick at the behaviors of anyone else that claims Christian faith.  Yet we are also the ones that complain how life is too short, and are appalled when someone’s life is shortened by the sinful act of another.  We have it backwards -- God’s patience IS all-inclusive, but not permanent.  He wants everyone saved, and sacrificed for EVERYONE’S sins (no matter how heinous or voluminous), but the timeframe is what’s short. 

The longer we avoid repentance, the harder our hearts get.  Why do that to ourselves? 

Jesus made it very simple.  He did all the work.  All we need to do is man up to the sin and come with humility before Him, asking for forgiveness.  Repentance doesn’t permit repetition, but God is even patient with that.  What God will not do is be patient forever.  His holiness has a limit to sin: duration. 

Christmas is a season we celebrate with joy & love.  Maybe that’s also a good time to come back before God and make this right with Him.  Start your new life now!  Don’t wait until it’s too late.

12/12/18 - Rev 9

Dec 12, 2018

In spite of the judgments, the rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent...   Rev 9:20

Sadly, if we don't repent before the punishment comes, we won't after---so turn back to God now!

It’s a weird thing.  You would think that punishment would change our hearts, but it usually doesn’t.  It may change our behaviors (temporarily), or change our approach, or maybe change our perspectives, but it doesn’t do much to change our hearts.  If we wanted to sin before the threat of punishment, we still want to sin after the threat.

Revelation is the ultimate punishment.  We have heard for mellenia that God was going to judge the heavens and the earth.  Everyone will be judged according to what they have done.  And as time draws to a close, the intensity of the warning and temptation will grow.  Even when the tribulation of men occurs, they do not seem to change hearts, but only grow harder in the face of judgment.

Pharaoh is the primary Biblical example of this.  As each plague occurred, Pharaoh would ask Moses to intercede and remove the problem.  When Moses complied, Pharaoh’s heart would not change – it would only get harder.  His words and behaviors changed temporarily, but his heart became more hardened by each judgment, until finally his first-born son died as a result of the final plague.  Even then, Pharaoh recanted from his release of Israel, and chased them down in the Red Sea only to watch all of his army destroyed.

God is not just interested in coercing us to change our behavior, He wants to call us to change our hearts.  That’s why Jesus came – to show His love, to die in our place, and to call us to pursue God out of love for His gift He gave us.  The warnings of judgment are inadequate for changing hearts, but they are excellent reminders to encourage those who CHANGE their hearts. 

It’s sad to think that people in the last days would miss the warnings and choose judgment over salvation --- yet aren’t we seeing that today??!!  People who know about Jesus choose to live for themselves instead of living for God.  Many call themselves Christians yet live like pagans.  The judgment is coming, and people still keep on living a life of sin.  Apparently the threat is not good enough to change a person’s heart.

Stop focusing on how to get away with sin, and start focusing on God.  Turn back to Him, and grow in love with Jesus.  Recognize the blessings He already has given, and love Him back.  Then you won’t be hardened by judgment, and avoid the punishment to come.  And what’s more … you’ll have a personal relationship with the God of the Universe!

12/11/18 - Rev 8

Dec 11, 2018

The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God's people, went up before God from the angel's hand.  Rev 8:4

Every believer's prayer matters to God---He listens and holds them until they are fully answered.

Smoke is an interesting element in the Bible.  It is recorded as a physical representation of worship.  In the Old Testament, the sacrifices were pleasing to God because of the odor of the smoke.  Some of the sacrifices were from cooking the meat, and others were from cooking grain or burning incense.  God also was surrounded by smoke in many of His appearances – the burning bush, His appearance on Mount Sanai, and the pillar of fire and cloud of smoke that led Israel through the desert.  Smoke has a connection to worship.

In Revelation, that same connection exists in heaven.  The picture of worship shows smoke rising before God’s throne, connected to the prayers and praise of people.  Somehow, smoke is a powerful function of worship. 

So how does that metaphor fit with Christians?  Here are some thoughts:

-          Smoke is often visible – seeing it reminds us of a fire underway

-          Smoke rises – when our hearts are on fire for God, it rises to

-          Smoke is evidence of change – just as fire changes an object, it also changes our lives

-          Smoke has odor – it’s smell represents the impurities being removed to make the object pure

-          Smoke lasts – it dissipates into the air, but still exists until combined with other elements

We often are interested in the objects or the fire, but God is moved by the smoke of our lives.  He sees the smoke of our prayers, He smells the smoke of our praise, He enjoys the odor of life change.  Heaven celebrates when we are on fire for God, and let the smoke rise to heaven.

Sometimes we may feel like are prayers are not producing anything, like they are a vapor vanishing into the air.  But God sees & smells the smoke!  He hears every prayer.  He knows our needs.  He enjoys our praise.  He welcomes our worship. 

So keep praying!  Keep praising!  Keep serving!  Keep loving!  Let the smoke of your life move the heart of God.  Every vapor matters to God.

12/10/18 - Rev 7

Dec 10, 2018

The Believers are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will shelter them with his presence.   Rev 7:15

His Presence is the only place we are fully protected... So come before Him and worship.

My daughter recently made me aware of a new housing phenomenon – homes built in fallout shelters & missile silos.  Crazy as it sounds, there are many of these places being built out of old facilities, providing huge space at a low cost and very high level of safety.   I was quite skeptical until she showed me designs and pictures that are beautiful and intriguing.  (I’m not looking to move to one any time soon – but it did create a new perspective!)

While we may dismiss that idea now, there have been times in recent history that people would have jumped at the option.  Some seasons of life are flooded with dangerous and harsh circumstances, and a safe room or protected place to live would bring incredible relief.  There are times in history, and even times in our lifespan, where safe shelter is a top priority.  (Just ask someone who lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis in the 60s.)

The problem with physical shelter is that it never works forever.  No physical shelter has ever been enough to protect us from the advances in warfare or attack.  When the Great Wall of China was built, it was considered to be the safest protection ever created for a country … until men started learning how to fly over the wall in balloons and aircraft.  When countries started protecting themselves with anti-missile launchers, it worked for a little while, until terrorists started bombing countries from within.  Even people in ‘earthquake-proof’ buildings and ‘bomb-proof’ shelters have found themselves at great risk by an unexpected strike.  We will never be fully protected from the dangers of life.

But there is one place that is completely safe from all risk.  According to Revelation, it’s the shelter that comes from God’s Presence.  Even when our life is filled with high-risk challenges, the one place we can go and find restful shelter is under the canopy of God’s Love.  Worshipping God can remove the fears, calm the spirits, push back the risks, and create protection that nothing else in this life offers.

That’s why people who are going through severe trial always seem to find peace and encouragement when they gather in a body of believers to worship.  The best shelter for pain and heartache is in the Presence of God – because nothing in life can overpower Him.  Our best home is not built in silos & shelters, but under the umbrella of God’s love.

12/07/18 - Rev 6

Dec 7, 2018

The martyrs given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, were killed just as they had been.  Rev 6:11

Dying for Jesus is far better than living without him.

The greatest danger to our lives is not unsafe environments, but comfortable ones.

These days, it’s becoming more and more difficult to find people who want to serve on mission with Jesus.  Many love Jesus, and want to have Him in their lives, but still fear “being sent to Africa”, or facing persecution, or being rejected by friends & family for their faith.  And many who are interested in missions don’t want to leave behind their conveniences – like cell phones and internet and personal assets.  To be on mission is fine as long as it doesn’t require risk and doesn’t take us out of our air conditioning and hot water homes.

Let’s face it, we don’t like to think about being martyred for our faith.  And just to be fair, who would?  People would rightly question your sanity if you WANTED to be martyred for your beliefs.  That’s not much of a testimony, and often doesn’t really produce much good.  What makes a martyr’s testimony powerful is their commitment to faith in Christ in SPITE of the threat, even maintaining their hope for God to rescue them or overcome through them.

But in the end, it is those who are martyred whom God respects the most.  They are protected in the central altar of heaven.  They are the first to be given white robes, symbolizing honor and holiness, while we wait for the final day of judgment.  These folks are the ones God WANTS to see lead His Kingdom, even to the point of waiting on the full number of them to finish their work. 

That doesn’t mean you have to seek crucifixion or hanging to enjoy the respect of God.  He values the other ways people are martyred too.  He is honored by the spouse who remains faithful in an unequally yoked marriage.  He pays attention to the student who speaks for Jesus while friends and classmates ridicule them.  God is awakened by the sounds of persecution that happen all around us, when Christians are demeaned or attacked by the media, by government, by EVEN OTHER CHRISTIANS, just because they stayed faithful.  Martyrdom doesn’t always mean execution, but it always involves persecution – and while Satan sees it as the best tool to shut up the Christians, God sees it as the greatest testimony to eternal life.

Stop being afraid of the risks, and start living out your faith boldly!  That doesn’t mean we have to be rude or judgmental (God is in charge of judgment), it just means we need to live out loud, speak up when needed, and remain faithful to His Word.  Then, whatever happens, God will have your white robe ready for you.

And parents – let me speak some truth into our lives as well – sometimes WE are the biggest defeater of our kid’s faith when they feel the calling of God and we try to “keep them safe”.  Safety is NOT the greatest value in the Kingdom of God – faithfulness is!  So stop preventing their calling because of your fears, and start trusting in a God who is ALL POWERFUL over that risk.  Release your kids to God, because it is FAR Safer to have your kids in God’s hands than it is to keep them in yours!