
The Best Come Later-08/03/12

His master replied, ‘Well done, good & faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!’ Matt 25:21

If you are like me, you probably hate to wait. Waiting in traffic or at stop signs can be frustrating, let alone waiting at McDonalds in line for fast food that I didn't take the time to cook!

But that isn't the hardest waiting. The hardest waiting is for things we want to do earlier than we waiting to drive a car, waiting to get privileges at home, waiting to date, waiting to get married, waiting to buy a house, waiting to travel, waiting to retire, etc. Life has many things we wait on.

The problem is not waiting but rushing. Waiting is often healthy, and we tend to appreciate things more when we wait. It's the rushing that is the problem. Rushing leads to mistakes, unpreparedness, failure, and rework. By waiting we enjoy, by rushing we regret.

Often our expectation of God is to rush as well. We want the rewards now (in this life), but God wants us to wait. By being faithful and patient, God will save up the rewards so that they last eternally. By rushing, we only enjoy the rewards for our time on earth.

Jesus tells the story of the parable of talents, and the master saves up three rewards for those who patiently wait---honor, blessings, and joy. Those who work faithfully see great results, but the one who squanders what he has loses out in the end. Better to be patient and wait...

And come to think of it, waiting seems to bring blessing in this life too--- Every time I have waited God has given greater blessing. Maybe I will wait a little longer ...

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