
04/09/18 - John 3

April 9, 2018 – John 3

He must become greater; I must become less.   John 3:30

The mantra of a true believer--- the desire to bring God glory is greater than getting it for ourselves.

Becoming a believer of Jesus has some incredible benefits – complete forgiveness of our past, freedom from sin, receiving the Holy Spirit as our personal protector, permission to enter heaven and live forever, eternal rewards, and much more!  Best of all, we discover a personal relationship with God Himself, and start to learn His voice, becoming His child!  What a deal!!!

But there is a catch.  (I know, there is always a catch, huh.) We have to let go of pursuing this life.  Many try to avoid that part.  Some try to play both sides of the fence.  Most struggle to know what that means.  But ultimately, becoming God’s child means giving up our own lives in order to pursue His.  Our mission changes.  We no longer seek the glory of this life, we seek to bring glory to Him.  Every decision, every action, every behavior, every thought comes down to that simple question:  Will it bring God glory?

If you’re human, then you have tried to avoid that catch.  In our humanity, we only see this world, and prefer to benefit from what it offers.  It’s easy to justify ourselves when we compare to what others have, or what others have done.  We can even twist Scriptures to say what we want, and justify our choices.  Truth be told, we have all struggled with this desire for personal gain instead of God’s Glory.

John the Baptist was not like most humans.  He didn’t operate under the pressure of comparison.  He didn’t justify his behavior based on other’s performance.  John had one simple measure: Who gets the glory?  If Jesus was getting more glory, then it was a good decision.  Jesus must become greater, making John lesser.

If you’re stuck in the world’s system, that motto will be very threatening.  It will call for sacrifice you are not familiar with.  For all of us, it will be a constant challenge to our pride or egos.  But it might also create the most freedom you have ever experienced!  You’re no longer under the pressure to perform.  You won’t be wasting time or money on things that don’t last.  You might even find a greater connection with God, the ability to witness miracles, and the most peace you will ever experience.  What could God do with you if He was getting all the glory?

Be warned – it will not be easy.  Your friends and family won’t understand it.  Many will oppose it.  Some will take offense to it.  But God will LOVE IT! 
Start today.  For every decision, conversation, behavior, ask yourself:  Will this bring Jesus more glory?  Act on that answer and see what happens.  It could be life-changing, and definitely will be an adventure.  It’s what Jesus asks of you … so make it your mantra.

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