
09/10/18 - Col 1

Sep 10, 2018

Jesus is before all things, and in him all things hold together. Col 1:17 

Jesus is the model for our life and the glue for our relationships.  Without Him, neither work well.

Growing up in the Midwest winters creates some interesting hobbies.  There’s all kinds of things you learn to enjoy in the cold winters: sledding down hills, snow ball fights, making snow men, driving on ice, and the one I grew a love: putting together puzzles.  I found a joy in taking large complicated puzzles and spending cold winter days putting them together.  It still is something I enjoy!

Putting together a puzzle is all about details.  My pattern is to start with the frame, then put together large unique objects, and finally build the duller parts of the puzzle that are more difficult.  But crucial to my work on the puzzle is to have the picture as a model.  Without the model, it’s defeating to try and figure out what you’re trying to build.

We build our lives much like a puzzle is built.  We tend to see a model or imagine something we want to do, then try to duplicate that vision.  Even if it is a new idea, the model in our head helps us create the outcome.  We need a model.

Enter Jesus.  After God had been giving men instructions and experiences to tell us what life is supposed to be, He sent Jesus to SHOW us.  Jesus lived out everything God had been saying for centuries, and showed us the model of life we were designed to live.  That doesn’t mean God sends every person to a physical cross, but He has a purpose for every person that builds our relationship with God and supports the picture He is trying to create on earth.  In other words, Jesus showed us the model of being a piece of God’s Puzzle. 

Not only is Jesus the model, but He is also the glue that holds us together.  Without the fruits of love, faith, hope, forgiveness, grace, peace, kindness and more, we would have no connection to God and poor connections to each other.  Our life would fall apart without the glue of God’s love, just like a puzzle crumbles when you start to pull it up off the table. 

Jesus is our model and our glue.  So if that’s the case, then why do we try to live without Him?  Why do we try to build our puzzles different than the model? 

Paul says all of life is found in Jesus and bound by Jesus.  If you want to know what your life is supposed to look like, look at Jesus.  If you’re struggling with relationships and connections, live more like Jesus.  Let the God of the universe be your model & your glue, and you’ll build a great puzzle out of your life.

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