
03/10/17 - Luke 7

March 10, 2017 – Luke 7

I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven-as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little. Luke 7:47

The main sign of receiving forgiveness is the outpouring of love for others.

Some stories in the Bible are far more powerful than the written word reads.  One of those stories is about the sinful woman anointing the feet of Jesus with her tears. 

Here is this woman, known by the whole community for her sinful life, likely considered a harlot (or worse), and shunned by both men and women for her poor behavior.  Either through revelation or contact, she comes to know of the love and forgiveness that Jesus offers, and discerns that her life can only be repaired by repenting before Him.  Out of love & repentance, she courageously and boldly enters the home of prominent people, facing the score and ridicule while she quietly humbles herself before Jesus.  Instead of being concerned about what the ‘church’ says or thinks, she worships at Jesus feet.  She cries tears of repentance.  She serves her Lord by washing his dirty feet and anointing him with costly oil, laying her heart and resources on the line publicly.  And to both her surprise and her hope – Jesus offers her forgiveness.  Shocking the crowd and setting free her heart, this woman came in feeling condemned and left feeling saved. 

But the story doesn’t end there.  Never one for missing a teachable moment, Jesus advises the onlookers about their own forgiveness issues.  Maybe they had fulfilled their sacrificial offerings and religious confessions, but had they been forgiven?  And more to the point, had they truly forgiven themselves?  Or were they still in a mode of proving themselves, or devaluing others, holding onto their guilt as a motivation for religious activity – and producing sinful superiority instead of full forgiveness?

So Jesus gave them the measure of forgiveness – love for others!  When we have been fully forgiven, it shows in genuine grace & love for others.  Judgment leaves when forgiveness reigns.  After all, we have no grounds to judge others when we realize the level of forgiveness we were given.

Sometimes we need a reminder of the level of forgiveness we have received.  How great is the love the Father has been showered on us!   Discovering your forgiveness motivates sharing that grace with others.  If we don’t sense that love in our life, maybe we have a forgiveness issue to get settled.

And some have never come clean with God on their sin.  Afraid to be publicly ridiculed or judged, they avoid ‘church’ and stay a distance away from Jesus.  Instead of repenting and serving the Savior, they wallow in their guilt and regret.  Better to boldly and humbly come before Jesus, fully surrendered to His will, and discover the life-altering forgiveness available than to sit outside wishing for freedom.

If love for people comes out of freedom from sin, then run to Jesus and be freed.  Let the sign of your complete forgiveness be the outpouring of your love for others.

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