
03/13/17 - Luke 8

March 13, 2017 – Luke 8

The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. Luke 8:14

Belonging to a community of faith fights off the weeds of sin & distraction.

Why is it that weeds and thorns can grow in my yard when drought conditions are killing the grass? 

Some with much more expertise than I tell me that’s because weeds are able to live off the moisture in the air, while grass and flowers tend to live off of the moisture in the ground.  I haven’t confirmed the theory, but it sounds a lot like what Jesus was talking about when He described the story of the four seeds.  The third type was seed among thorns … where the distractions of life ended up choking the life out of the seed.  Somehow the weeds sucked away the moisture, not allowing the seed to grow and mature.

My yard tends to be like that parable.  When the grass is thick and watered, then weeds can’t take root and the lawn stays healthy.  But when bare spots start forming, weeds show up and start taking over the grass, sucking away the moisture and separating the lawn.  It starts with one dandelion or patch of clover, and soon the whole yard is like a ‘natural foliage’ median along the freeway.

What we don’t realize is that humans are also like my grass.  When we are gathered together in a faith community, being watered by the Truth of God’s Word, it tends to fight off the weeds and give us thick healthy lawns in life.  But when we break away, pursue distractions, separate ourselves from the rest of the lawn, then bare spots form, weeds start taking over, and soon we find ourselves fighting off all of the world’s dandelions and clover trying to get back to healthy living. 

The only seed that produces healthy lawns and healthy lives is one grown in good soil --- the soil without weeds.  We need to be together in the church body.  We need the prophetic and instructive lessons of the Word of God.  We need the constant care of our Creator. 

These days, we hear the culture talking about not needing the church ‘community’.  Some support the idea of living faith out alone or only in a small group.  Others speak of the failures of the church and the doubt of community.  Beware of the weeds!   Thinking we can have healthier lives by standing as a single strand of grass is a sure-fire way to invite weeds to live around you.  We ALL need the Church to succeed.  We ALL need the body of Christ around us, and the Word of Christ to nourish us.   Don’t condemn the rest of the grass in the lawn just because of a few pesky weeds.  Embrace the good soil, and grow together to fight off those pesky dandelions & clover patches. You’ll be glad you did.

Because nobody says at the end of their life they regretted worshipping and serving God too much, but many speak of regretting decisions that took them away from God too often. 

We need each other in the community of God to fight off the weeds.

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