
03/27/17 - Luke 18

March 27, 2017 – Luke 18

Jesus said to him, "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." Luke 18:22

Be careful, the desires of this life are very capable of distracting us from living for Jesus.

As the ministry of Jesus progressed, so did the commitment level.  The disciples may have been initially attracted to Jesus because of His miracles and resourcefulness, but His spirit of Total Pursuit called them deeper into discipleship than anyone had seen before. 

One day, a younger disciple approached Jesus looking for a senior leadership role in the new Kingdom Jesus was setting up.  He had a pedigree worthy of an interview, and Jesus gave him opportunity to meet.  The young legal eagle asked a few questions, but got right to the point.  He wanted to see if the resume was completed for entrance into the new Kingdom, and justify himself over others with less credentials. 

Jesus actually didn’t condemn the young leader.  Instead, he loved the man enough to challenge him deeper in trust and commitment to God.  Jesus touched the one area in this man’s life that was holding him back from a greater life – his possessions.  We’ve seen this often in the last few weeks, and it continues to come up.  Money and possessions are not evil, but the distraction can steal our hearts away from God.  Out of love, Jesus told the rich young ruler that the only way to gain access to God’s Kingdom was to be released from man’s, and for this guy, possessions and wealth had control of his heart.  So to be free, be generous with his possessions, and leave them behind to come follow Jesus.

The prescription of Total Pursuit seems like a very high cost in this life, until we compare it to the cost of eternity.  In light of eternity, possessions are just trinkets.  But it seems like trinkets are more attractive when we stop pursuing Jesus.  The only way to fix it is drop the trinkets and put our focus on the Lord.

Jesus had much to teach, but the lesson was the same – God deserves our Total Pursuit.  Let go of anything that is slowing us down, and pursue Him with all we have.  That doesn’t mean dropping the responsibilities God has given us – we still must work, care for our families, be good spouses to our mates, and live in the culture we have been assigned.  But nothing should stop our total pursuit of Jesus.

Be careful about ANYTHING that is distracting you from Jesus.  And don’t put yourself into a situation where the world’s distractions become a difficult choice later.  Start with Jesus and Stay with Jesus. You can’t follow Jesus and follow the world – so choose and keep following.

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