
04/19/18 - John 11

April 19, 2018 – John 11

Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?" John 11:40

Trusting in Jesus and remaining faithful to Him always leads to seeing His hand at may be one belief away from seeing a miracle.

Miracles come in many different shapes and sizes.  But often they don’t come in the timeframe we want.  And usually, miracles don’t happen the way we want.  That’s what makes them miracles.

If there was a family that Jesus was closest to, it was Lazarus and his daughters.  So the news that Lazarus was dieing had to be traumatic to Jesus when He heard about it.  Yet, Jesus delayed, and then showed up 3 days later after Lazarus’ death.  Mary & Martha both came to Jesus, grieving in their own way, but it was Martha who was coherent enough to gain a faith lesson and witness one of Jesus’ greatest miracles – raising her father from the dead.  Martha knew Jesus WOULD raise Lazarus on judgment day, but didn’t believe Jesus COULD raise Lazarus on that day.   The time for a miracle had already passed.  Jesus could have healed Lazarus when he was sick, not after Lazarus was already dead.  But she chose to trust Jesus, and permitting the stone to be removed from the grave, Martha witnessed a miracle beyond her imagination.  Only one belief stood in the way of a miracle.

Miracles are usually one belief away – but not a belief in the METHOD of a miracle.  Miracles are waiting on belief in THE ONE who decides what the miracle will be.  Jesus did not save Lazarus from dieing.  He didn’t race to their side as soon as they informed him.  He didn’t raise Lazarus through some process or dramatic service.  Jesus decided what to do, and when to do it.  And all Jesus wanted from Martha is for her to believe in HIM.

Before Lazarus could be resurrected, Jesus needed the stone away.  A stone may also need removed for us to see a miracle as well.  The stone may be physical, but also may be a sin issue, a circumstance, a timeframe, or another impediment.  Your job will be to remove the stone.  Jesus’ job is to perform the miracle.  Don’t forget that! 

 When we give up control, and stop dictating what the miracle should be, Jesus can do what He does best.  Need a miracle today?  Put faith in the Miracle-worker, instead of the method.  Trust Jesus’ timing, instead of trying to dictate your own.  Leave the miracle up to Him, and then be watching --- because He is likely already working on the miracle you need.

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