
04/24/18 - John 14

April 24, 2018 – John 14

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you... Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

Peace from God strengthens the soul to confront fears in our hearts and minds.

Ever notice that we always try to calm fears using logic?

Like many kids, our daughter went through a short period of being afraid of the dark.  We’re not sure where the fear started, but her fears got the best of her, needing to be with her parents, having a nightlight, and preferring to fall asleep with mom on the couch instead of going to sleep in her bedroom.  We tried all of the techniques suggested to us, but nothing worked.  Logic did not settle her fears, nor did walking the room or checking under the bed.  It took a while, but we finally stumbled across the thing that worked --- we started praying for her at night at bedtime for God to be in her room.  No more rote prayers, we asked God to protect her, and soon she was okay falling asleep by herself.  I didn’t recognize it until years later that she found peace in her soul through those prayers, and it calmed the fears of her mind and heart.

That’s exactly what Jesus said.  He gave us peace, and left it with us.  But it isn’ t peace in the heart or mind.  He left us peace for our soul.  The Soul can push back fears far better than logic or courage.  It’s peace in the soul that helps a person face pain or death.  It’s the peace of our soul that helps us stand strong in the face of temptation or persecution.  It’s peace of the soul that overcomes fear in our hearts.

When you are struggling with fear, don’t solve it with logic or courage.  Consider a different way.  Pray for the peace that Jesus gives your soul.  He promised to give it and leave it for us.  If you have a guilt issue, confess it and let it go.  Allow His peace to have control.  His peace is far more powerful than your fears.

The day Jesus was resurrected, women came to the tomb hoping to give Jesus’ body a proper burial.  They did not know who would help them roll the stone away, and who knows how the soldiers would treat them.  The angel AND Jesus said the same thing:  Don’t be afraid.  Let me ask you:  If you saw an angel or saw a resurrected dead man, wouldn’t you be afraid???  That would frighten anyone.  But their fears were not solved by logic, they were solved by Jesus’ presence.  Peace doesn’t come through the mind, it comes through the soul.  And Jesus is the source of that Peace. 

If you are dealing with some fears these days, don’t try to solve it through logic, courage or even possessions.  Seek the owner and giver of peace – Jesus Himself.

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