
04/23/18 - John 13

April 23, 2018 – John 13

Jesus: I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. John 13:15

Belief is about imitation.  It’s not a belief until we act on it.

It’s hard to imagine the weight that Jesus felt on the last night He walked with the disciples.  It was Passover, already an emotional symbolic reminder of the death to come.  He was in a room with the man who had already betrayed Him.  And to top it off, all of Jesus’ friends would soon abandon Him, leaving Him alone to face the cross.  Agony is not strong enough of a word to describe it.  Excruciating is more accurate – the same word used to describe the physical pain Jesus would face on the cross.

But in the midst of all that emotional & spiritual pain, Jesus took a bowl of water and a towel, and bent down to the floor to wash His disciples’ feet.  Jesus chose to be everyone else’s servant, not only setting an example, but doing it at the most painful moment in His life on earth.  Being an example takes strength… being an example in the midst of your greatest pain takes much more than strength.  It takes imitation.  Jesus was imitating His Father’s love for people, by showing love to his disciples.

Believing in something is much more than just knowing the facts.  It is more than feeling like something is right.  Belief is imitating in our actions what we trust in our hearts.  Jesus believed that sacrificial love changed lives and eternities.  He believed it enough to come to earth and give up His throne in heaven.   He believed it enough to risk temptation and live among us as a man.  Jesus believed it enough to surrender Himself to a betrayer, and take a flogging, and be nailed to a cross.  And that night in the upper room, Jesus believed it enough to humble Himself from the Son of God to the lowest servant in the room, washing His disciples’ feet.  The Father had believed in sacrificial love enough to create men and love them every moment of every day.  Jesus simply imitated His Father.

The true test of belief is not how much we agree, but how much we imitate Jesus.  Obedience is not about religious activities to make God happy, it is about loving imitation because we trust in what Jesus did.  Following His Example is imitation, and imitation is a demonstration of belief.

Christianity is simple, but not easy.  Follow Christ like He followed the Father.   Don’t just believe about Jesus, believe Him to the point of imitating His character.  Not only is that the greatest demonstration of love, but it will save you!

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