
12/17/18 - Rev 12

Dec 17, 2018

The believers triumphed over satan by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.   Rev 12:11

By knowing Jesus and His Word, we overcome death instead of being overtaken by it.

When people talk about end times & Revelation, one common topic discussed is something called ‘rapture’.  It’s the idea (from Scriptural indications) that believers will be relieved of the tribulation by being pulled out of life on earth by Jesus.  There are several texts that talk about Jesus and His rescue, and others that make it seem different.  (I’m not going to argue the doctrine in this blog.)

Whatever you believe about ‘rapture’, there is a common belief from all people of faith (and I would add everyone else on earth), that we ALL face some level of tribulation.  It may come in the form of a bad doctor’s report, or a broken relationship, or a rebellious child, or a lost job.  Some folks suffer far greater tribulation than others.  But all people face troubles.  Rapture or not, we have plenty of tribulation.

The last days will be the worst days ever seen (and history has seen some really bad days).  And just like all days of trouble, God has shown that He doesn’t always take people away from the trouble beforehand, but often takes their hand to help them overcome the trouble.  Consider some of the examples:  Joseph in jail, Joshua facing Jericho, Daniel in the lion’s den, 3 Jewish boys thrown into a blazing furnace, Peter in prison, Paul in the midst of a hurricane.  Knowing Jesus doesn’t mean avoiding all the struggle, it means overcoming the struggle!

I hope there is a rapture (and could argue there is a pre-tribulation rapture – but could also argue from Scripture differently).  But even without a rapture in your life & mine, I KNOW that God shall overcome!  It’s just much better holding His hand IN the tribulations of life than trying to manage them myself.

You may be in a season where life seems to be overtaking you.  Maybe the waters of trouble are swamping your boat.  Or maybe you’re deeply depressed and lonely during the holidays.  Take heart, Jesus has overcome the world, and He’s ready to help you overcome your troubles too.  Grab His hand and walk with Him.  Get to know Him better – read His Word to discover more about His ways and desires.  And before you know it, you’ll be on the other side of that trouble.  (Just in time to face another one with Him later.)

He promises: The Believers Will Triumph!!!

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