
10/12/18 - Titus 3

Oct 12, 2018

Remind the people to be subject to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, Titus 3:1

Living in faith instead of selfishness is not natural, so we need to remind each other to do it.

Someone once said that men don’t need to be taught, they need to be reminded.  Maybe that’s why our mothers repeated themselves so often!

It must be true, because we look for reminders all the time.  We want the alarm to remind us when to get up, and set up calendar entries for us to know when appointments start.  We write down tasks and checklists so that we don’t forget to do things.  Many people use reading plans to remind themselves what to read next.  Signs remind us what laws need to be followed while we drive, and commercials are rerun regularly so we ‘remember’ to buy the products they sell.  The truth is, we need reminded a LOT!

That just shows how quickly our behavior declines without having reminders.  God knew that about us, and even wrote the Bible so that we would be reminded constantly (if we would read it).  He also commissioned prophets and teachers to keep reminding us regularly.

Paul caught onto this truth, and instructed Titus to make that his pattern.  Titus didn’t need to be original or innovative, he just needed to be disciplined and continuing reminding people of what to do.  Being the reminder for people is not always pleasant.  Often, people know they need reminded, but don’t always like the reminders.  Jesus is a good example of that --- they crucified Him for His message.  Yet the message Paul & Titus were given was worthy of being restated often.  In fact, the Gospel is a message we need to hear DAILY (even more often than that at times). 

Jesus also recognized our need for reminders.  So He instituted the practice of communion (The Lord’s Supper), so that we would never forget the Gospel message.  Every time we gather, Jesus encouraged us to remember His death and resurrection, so that we would be encouraged to live for Him.  We need that reminder, so Jesus used the common elements of food and drink to help us keep remembering.

Don’t be so negative about reminders.  REMEMBER, they are gifts to help us grow and improve, avoiding the natural decline our behavior tends to go.  Be submissive, be obedient, and be ready to act.  (Those are reminders worth hearing regularly!)

And maybe it’s a good time to thank your mom (or other caring persons) for giving you reminders.

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