
10/31/18 - Heb 12

Oct 31, 2018

God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness.   Heb 12:10

We avoid or delay discipline when actually it is the tool that grows us stronger and more righteous.

This is the day many in America (and other countries), celebrate a strange holiday called “Halloween” (or All Hallow’s Eve).  It comes from a pagan tradition about playing tricks and engaging in indulgences on the night prior to “All Saints Day” (when people were supposed to be holy).  We turned it into a fun event called “Trick or Treat”, and made it into a festival as part of the end of harvest. 

There’s much that can be said about that celebration, and most people have an opinion about it.  I’m not going to argue what your family should do about that day, or any holiday, for that matter.  People have the ability to turn good things into evil, and God has the ability to rescue good things out of evil.  My point in bringing it up is the word “holiday”.  It’s a conjunction from the two words: Holy and Day. 

Holy Days are days we ‘set apart’ for a special purpose.  Easter is a Holy Day, because we stop our lives and take time to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.  On July 4th, we celebrate the freedom and independence our country gained from England.  On Christmas, we celebrate the gift of Jesus’ birth to save us.  Every Holy Day was started because of a unique purpose that transcended our own lives.  Celebrating them appropriately is the way to honor that purpose.

Hebrews 12, along with hundreds of other Scriptures, tells us that God gives us life to set us apart.  He is not interested in us celebrating a few Holy Days throughout the year, God wants us to be set apart EVERY DAY.  His expectation for us is to BE Holy, just like His Son Jesus.  And in fact, God disciplines us for the sake of developing our Holiness.

That’s an easy concept to understand if you have ever been disciplined by a parent.  Loving parents correct their kids and call them to be better than their sin nature desires to be.  They take the time to invest in their kids, so that they can “behave” properly.  That’s what Holiness is all about – Behaving like Jesus, (Having the BE of Jesus). 

Whatever you think about Halloween, consider what God thinks regarding holiness.  Be wise with the activities you participate in, and avoid those that are un-holy.  Train your kids to recognize the difference. 

And as you head into the end of the year, and the annual Holy Day season, consider how you can celebrate those days in a Holy way.  You might actually be surprised by the sense of joy that comes from celebrating in “holy” ways on the HoliDays!

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