Isa 40:28 - Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
There's a difference between listening to some facts versus getting the message.
I've had it happen to me often, where someone tells me a story and I could recite the facts of the story back but didn't catch the implications. For instance, if a woman has been sick with the flu often in the last few weeks, you might catch on to the message that she may be pregnant. Or when the grass starts turning brown on people's yards, it might clue you in that they are having financial strain. (Granted, not every time, but you get the idea---or maybe not!)
It's one thing to know the facts and another thing to face the message.
So what more do we need in facts to understand that God exists? Look deeper at the creation around you---is it even logical to think all of this exists and operates so well without the ha d of God involved? And how about the body you live in? How can we believe it was developed without a Master Designer? And what can we say about all the big and small ways our lives are affected by miracles, moments, and circumstances... The facts are there everyday to see... but are we getting it?
If we acknowledge the existence of God, then we must acknowledge that he would have a plan/purpose. And if that is the case, then we have to come to grips that He want us to pursue that plan. And if that's the case, then we need to look at our lives and honestly deal with our own selfishness against that plan. For many people, they actually do know it, but they are not getting it...
That's why Isaiah pleads for people to get it. God has a plan and we are called to be a part of it. Not as self made people but as His servants. Are you getting it? Why waste our life and energy on things that don't last? Why do we shy away from the Lords plan when it gets tough? Maybe it's time to look a little deeper, to pay attention, to Get It!!
Try an experiment... For one week take a look around your life and really look deeper into the things you attention to what the circumstances are around you...notice Gods plan to reach people and save them from the fires of hell...and ask God to help you Get It. Then put your new learnings into action.
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