
Whys Answered with Who-05/19/12

Job 38:1-2 - Then the Lord answered Job out of the storm. He said: "Who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge?

God answers our why questions with a WHO Question. At the root of every Why is a Who.

Some WHYs are answered by the Who of man. The reason we have many of our problems in life is because of men and the decisions to sin. We may want to blame it on God, but it was men taking advantage of their free will and using it for selfish benefits. Countries are in debt because of men and their "get it now" attitude. Wars are often a result if men's greed or lust for control. The mark of sin continues to leave behind a trail of failures that lead people to problems, pain, and death.

Some WHYs are answered with the Who of me. I may question God on why bad things happen in my life, but I can go back to my own decisions to answer the question. My eating and exercise habits are often why my health is a problem. Painful breakups are sometimes a result of my poor choices in the relationship. The Why is sometimes Me.

But there are many WHYs that are only answered by the Who of God --- He is Lord and we are not. Job's questions of why ended up being answered by God's questions of Who. I either trust Him as my Lord or I don't. In fact, most of my WHY questions are rooted in His will, and if He is God, it's His will that counts. Asserting my will or wishes over His diminishes His Lordship over me.

While it's okay to ask WHY, answer yourself with WHO first. Then many of the whys in life will become less important, and the who will give you peace.

Who is your Lord?

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