Isaiah 6:1 - In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple.
Lord, help me to focus less on what I am not, and focus more in who you are.
That was the powerful prayer of a minister friend of mine, that has not stopped resounding in my heart. There are seasons when it seems nothing is well, just like Isaiah was in, and then God shows up. When that happens, the key is to not focus on our failures, but focus on God's Presence.
Many people skip being part of the family of God because of the guilt they feel. Every word from Scripture or sermons seem to challenge their behaviors or remind them of their failures. For some, there is no escape from the past, and coming to God would only make that more visible.
That's when the Lord loves us enough to come show Himself to us. His Presence provides no room for escape, and we are confronted with our sinfulness. But just like Isaiah, God gives us forgiveness and frees us from fear so that we can move forward in His plan.
If you're in a season of guilt, look for God. If you're facing a dry season, change your devotions to concentrate on who God is. Discover His grace, mercy and healing once again---and then you will be ready to work on what need fixed in your life.
I'm praying that prayer these days---I want to see more of who He is and focus less on who I'm not.
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