Proverbs 2:3-5 - If you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.
It's so irritating to misplace your glasses when you are trying to read!
As we get older, our eyesight often changes and requires the use if glasses. That wouldn't be so bad were it not for all the wasted time trying to find them. I must have spent an hour trying to find my glasses around the house, even checking the car and driving to the office to look...only to discover they were sitting 3" below my chin, hanging from my shirt collar!
God's wisdom is much like those glasses. He provides His wisdom within reach thru His Word and creation, but we must want to look for it. We are able to be wise if we are willing to seek His wisdom. Like a pair of spiritual glasses, when we search His Word it can help us see Gods infinite wisdom clearly.
Sadly, His wisdom is as available to us as my glasses were to me...I just needed to slow down and pay better attention. (the reason I found them was because I looked at myself in the mirror!). Maybe the reason we are no seeing Gods wisdom is because we aren't looking for it properly.
Don't complain about the time it takes to study Gods word...look deeply into His wisdom. It is virtually free (cheaper than counseling appointments, lawyers and repair shops.) And more available than McDonalds. Search for a little of His Wisdom today.
Who knows, you might just discover something right in front of your face :)
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