
10/04/18 - 2Tim 1

Oct 4, 2018

He has saved us and called us to a holy life-not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. 2Tim 1:9

Jesus didn't just save us from something, he saved us TO something--to serve His Kingdom & draw others to it.

“I will never be like you!”     “I will never raise my kids like that!”

Common statements out of the mouth of teenagers (and some adults), when they have faced pain or trials.  Many people grow up wanting to Not be like someone.  But that’s a terrible target.  Too often, by trying to NOT be something, we end up steering ourselves hundreds of directions that end up becoming what we were trying to avoid.  Being Not like them is too vast of a target, and only keeps our focus on the past instead of looking toward where we should be going. 

The better plan is to discern what TO become, and focus on that.  So instead of trying NOT to be like your parent, discern a model of a person that you admire and choose TO become like them.  Or instead of NOT raising your kids in a certain way, examine the best principles of raising kids, and model after them.  Or if you are NOT wanting to live a marriage like your parents, discover what a healthy marriage looks like, and make that the target.

Jesus didn’t just save us from sin.  He saved us to righteousness.  That means He has a new target for us… Jesus rescued us with a plan for a new result.  If we just try to avoid a particular sin, we’ll be doomed to sin in many other ways.  But if we focus on that new model, there’s a much better chance for us to come closer to it, and avoid the sin that entangles us.

So what’s that new model?  Look at Jesus!  He is the model for how to live a righteous life.  His teachings help us become better parents & spouses.  Jesus’ lifestyle shows us how to live out our calling.  Model after Jesus, and become what God intended you to be. 

The Israelites were rescued from Egypt by Moses, and were taken out of bondage.  Their goal was to be free from bricklaying.  But they spent 40 years in the desert wandering in circles, because they did not have a clear target in their head of what they were called to become.  In fact, many wanted to return to Egypt because that’s all they knew.  That generation died in the desert, never arriving at what God was calling them to.

Don’t be like the Israelites.  Discover the calling you were given, and make a path to become THAT person.  You’ll get there much quicker, and by doing so avoid becoming what you left behind.  You were rescued To something, not just From something.

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