Oct 24, 2018
Jesus is able to save
completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to
intercede for them. Heb 7:25
Don't put hope in
things that perish, put hope in a person that rules forever.
What do you put your hope in?
Some put their hope in their jobs. They work hard, often very long hours, hoping
that it leads to success and wealth.
Others put their hope in family. They expect that the relationship investment
will lead to long term happiness and satisfaction.
Some consider money their hope. By making more and managing it better, they
expect to retire and enjoy it during the golden years of their life.
Many put their hope in themselves. They expect to be able to control, manipulate,
or manufacture the outcomes of their lives using their own skills, abilities,
or intellect.
But then comes a downsizing, or the loss of a family member,
or a bad doctor’s report, or an injury, and all of the things they hoped in are
challenged by life’s circumstances. Anything on earth you put your hope in will
eventually be taken from you! (You may
need to read that over and over again until it sinks in!!!)
Logically, we are silly to put hope in anything that has a
lifespan. After all, who drives a
Model-T car for daily life activities?
What job position is permanently secure for a lifetime? Who’s kids remain as a child? Or for that matter, how many families stay
conflict free and living in community for generations? Everything with a lifespan ends. Putting our hope in the perishable is bound
to make our hope perish.
But there is one thing we CAN put our hope in. It’s not a perishable, it’s a person who
overcame the perishable. The same Jesus
who took on our sin and died in our place is the one who is imperishable. He has already overcome death, and cannot die
again, making Him the only thing we can reliably put our hope in. Now He rules heaven
and earth forever, and is ready to rule over our lives as well.
Jesus is able to save us, because He can never perish. He stands at the right hand (the place of
power), to intercede for us, speaking to the Father on our behalf and reminding
God of the “swap” He did for us to live forever with them. Your job cannot do that, your works cannot do
that, your family cannot do that, your health or skills or money can’t do that
either. Only Jesus has the authority and
longevity to save us.
Stop relying on things with a lifespan to satisfy you, and
trust the person that never perishes. He
is the only thing worth having hope in.
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