
10/08/18 - 2Tim 3

Oct 8, 2018

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2Tim 3:16-17

Only God's ways create lasting positive results --- become a student of His Word.

The Bible is an incredible book.  It is the oldest, most analyzed text of history.   It is more studied and tested than any document you have ever read, and has been quoted more than any text.  The resulting book of books is not only webbed together better than most single-author books, it applies to cultures for thousands of years better than any other book as well.

According to this passage, Paul believed every verse was more than just a story from history or a philosophy of the writer.  Paul recognized the hand of God orchestrating the entire work.  God not only dictated some of the writings, He coordinated the timing, led in the retelling, and protected it from destruction.  Paul fully believed that the end result we call the Bible was planned out and delivered by the breath of God, and is not just for mankind’s understanding of history, but for you and I to understand God’s heart so that we could change our lives!  Knowing that the text is compiled over 1000s of years for us today makes it the most impressive book of all time.

If you believe all this is true – that the Bible was orchestrated by God, created for each of us, and still applies today – why in the world are we so dispassionate in studying it?  If we believed the Bible is God’s Word and His whispers to us, we should value it like we value water, oxygen and sunlight.  Yet many Christians today put little discipline or effort into fully studying the Bible, and many even discount the instruction given from it by skipping church or bible studies.

So that must mean many people are not really believers of the Scriptures – they either feel like it’s not really from God’s heart, or mismanaged by men.  If you’re That Guy/Girl, then maybe it’s time to reconsider:

-          How come we continue to see Scripture’s stories be proved out in archeology?

-          How did all 400+ prophecies of Jesus come true after being written hundreds of years prior?

-          How is it that you can hear a good teaching from a few short verses, and it feels like the speaker had cameras in your house watching your life?

-          How is it that billions of people continue to seek the wisdom of the Scriptures, and have their lives changed, marriages rescued, and relationships reconciled by its words?

Before throwing out the Scriptures, take time to read them.  You might just discover like Paul that every Scripture has a point worth knowing.

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