
10/16/18 - Heb 1

Oct 16, 2018

The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. Heb 1:3

Jesus shows us the image, character & will of God---imitating Jesus honors God.

When we read about Jesus, we think of Him as a man.  Our understanding of Jesus is based on the people we are used to living around.  We read His miracles and His teaching, and recognize His Lordship by the Scriptures, but still imagine Jesus as a divine man.  That’s understandable, since we only have direct physical experience with human beings.

But Jesus was far more than that.  Jesus was “the Word in flesh”.  He wasn’t just a Divine Man, He is humanized God.  Out of love for us, Jesus chose to take on the limitations of flesh and live among us in the limitations of earth, so that He could be sacrificed in our place.  Just because He took on the limitation doesn’t reduce His divinity.

That means Jesus was still the image of God, He still had the full character of God, and He lived out the will of God – because HE IS GOD!  Don’t miss that!  He wasn’t just a man with godly qualities, He is God living inside the flesh of a man.  That makes Jesus far more important than just a great teacher or leader, it makes Him fully qualified to be Lord of our lives. 

I encourage you to spend today THINKING ABOUT THAT!  Jesus is the complete Godhead, taking on the limitation of human beings out of love for you and I.  How amazing!  His love for you and I is SO GREAT that He was willing to limit Himself in a bodily form.  So if you want to know what God’s will is for your life, look to Jesus.  If you want to know what character qualities to develop, match to Jesus.  If you want to be a success in life, imitate Jesus.  That may not require a physical crucifixion, but it will likely require taking on limitations.  It definitely will call us to follow Jesus and imitate His lifestyle.

It also speaks to the power of Jesus’ words.  Everything He said was Divine!  That makes His words SO IMPORANT and so vital to understand, because they carry the weight of both authority and power.  Just as God’s Word had the power to create everything in the universe, Jesus’ words have the power to change our lives forever.  Learning His Words should be the top priority in our life, because they define the structure and essence of how life is created.

We have been given an amazing gift!  Unlike those in the Old Testament, we don’t have to try and figure out God’s will by following rules.  We get to learn how to follow God by imitating Jesus.  Instead of an outline to live by, we have an image to follow. 

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