Nov 5, 2018
A person is considered
righteous by what they do and not by faith alone. James 2:24
True believers are
not known by their intentions but by their actions---show God you love Him by
your obedience.
The book of James is very practical teaching, constantly
calling us to act out our faith in specific ways. So often we talk about our faith in
theoretical ways, but James tells us to let our actions do the talking. Every paragraph has actions that demonstrate
our faith --- persevering under pressure, asking for wisdom, avoiding
temptation, listening & doing, not showing favoritism, and much more. In the midst of this laundry list of faithful
actions, James makes a theoretical argument about faith and deeds. He finds no value in faith that doesn’t
obey. James calls believers to
demonstrate their faith, not just talk about it.
James’ point is consistent with how we think as well. If a husband tells his wife he loves her, but
never does anything to show it, the wife will doubt his love. If a woman tells the boss she is a hard
worker, but spends all her work time reading a novel or doing her nails, the
employer will fire her for laziness. If
a student takes the homework home but turns it in without being done, the
teacher doesn’t reward his intentions, they get an ‘F’ for incomplete work.
God is no different.
He knows our heart and can see it in our actions. And so does everyone else around us. Our faith is displayed in our behavior.
Feeding the poor is a good idea and a righteous
behavior. Who have you fed?
Reading & knowing Scripture gives wisdom and directs our
lives. When did you study the bible
Going to church is your way of being with the Body of
Christ. How consistent do you worship?
Working for your employer is how you stay employed. Are you giving work your best effort?
Don’t spend your life having good intentions. Take action.
What action do you need to take today?
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