
11/14/18 - 1Peter 4

Nov 14, 2018

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.  1Peter 4:8

Don't love people in order to receive blessing, love in order to create blessing.

Thanksgiving may be the best thing America has ever created!   (Yes, that’s a bold theory.)

Consider what that season means to our lives.  Thanksgiving marks the end of a season of harvest, where we take time to appreciate what has been produced.  It is usually a time when people take a step back and remember their blessings, which creates a much more positive attitude.  It tends to kick off our Holiday season, giving everyone a chance to join together in celebration.  It brings together families, builds communities, offers a Sabbath, and much more.

One of the joys of that holiday is the chance to count our blessings.

Most people interchange the idea of “blessing” with “gain”.  In our humanness, we think of blessing as something we gained – whether it is a better career, new job, more income, birth of a child, greater relationships or improvement in life.  But Jesus doesn’t associate blessing with gain.  In fact, looking at the Beatitudes, you would never consider those blessings as gain (persecution, mourning, meekness, purity, etc.).  That’s because blessing is not about gaining more in the world, blessing is about receiving God’s Lasting Goodness. 

A child was being extra special to their dad one holiday season, trying to make up for his poor treatment over the year when dad and mom divorced.  One of the other siblings noticed the change in attitude, and watched carefully while he cleaned up dishes and served his father.  Later that evening in a private moment, the older sibling asked the child why the change.  The serving child responded: “Christmas is coming and I don’t want to lose out on getting his gifts.”

Unfortunately, we can look at God the same way.  Loving to Get is a philosophy that seems to work for us.  So we try that with God.  We want His gifts, His protection, His provision, and certainly His blessings as long as they mean gain.  So we’ll attend church a few times, say our prayers for a week, treat our spouse or family a little better, and try to “be good”, hoping God will bless our lives.  But if God wants change or wants to give us things that are good FOR us, we’re not interested. 

Here’s the catch to blessing – Loving is not designed to receive blessing… it’s designed to create blessing!  There is a BIG Difference.  Loving to get NEVER works, because loving is not about getting, it’s about giving.  Love isn’t designed to be a vacuum cleaner, sucking in all the blessings.  Love is designed to be more like a dishwasher, creating blessing for everything it touches. 

This thanksgiving, take time to consider your blessings – but instead of listing your gains, consider your creations.  How has God used you to create blessings?  Most likely, you were the one more blessed than the recipients.

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