
11/20/18 - 2Peter 3

Nov 20, 2018

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.  2Peter 3:9

Gods patience has a limit, so stop pursuing sin and turn to Him before it’s too late.

Your forbearance is the entry door for another’s salvation!

That may not please you so much when you have suffered great pain or difficulty.  Your pain may not seem fair, nor right, when you are going through it.  And God doesn’t tell you what the duration will be, so often our hope is damaged as well.  But rest assured that every suffering is a component of helping others find Him. 

Jesus is the ultimate example of that, suffering the rejection of men and the limitations of life to die on a cross for the sake of our eternities.  His suffering was so great it caused Him to sweat blood in the garden.  His pain was so intolerable it caused him to cry out on the cross.  He not only felt the physical pain of crucifixion, Jesus felt the emotional and spiritual pain of loneliness from men and from His Father.

But others in the Bible also demonstrate this principle:  Abraham waiting for a son, Isaac suffering under Laban’s control, David & the pursuit of Saul, the prophets in their rejection from their countrymen, the disciples and Paul in their rejection and eventual martyrdom.

Your suffering does not go unnoticed, it is God’s tool for growing our character and for reaching the lost.  That doesn’t mean we need to sign up for suffering or look to increase it, life does enough of that.  It DOES mean we need to stay faithful and trust God to use it, because our testimony is lost if we don’t.  Your forbearance really does matter!

Before you get frustrated by that, remember that YOU come to faith the same way!  Someone suffered so that YOU would know God too!

That church you complain about… it was their members who paid for the staff, facilities, ministries, and more to help you hear the message of grace.  Those parents that made mistakes and didn’t understand… they are also the ones who paid the bills and kept food on the table. The Bible you struggle to read… it was created out of the sacrifice of thousands of scribes, writers, and eventually other scholars to get it into a form you could read and have in print.  And don’t forget all the teachers, mentors, coaches, family & friends that have given up their own desires to help you meet yours!  Even if you don’t subscribe to the idea of a God in control, you can’t escape the sacrifice people have endured for you.  Their forbearance was the avenue to your blessing.

Stop seeing sin as your right or your outlet, and recognize it as damage to the salvation of others.  Choose to get stronger in forbearance as a way to free others from their bondage.  Turn to God and bear the cost of righteousness for your sake and the sake of others.

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