
11/29/18 - Jude

Nov 29, 2018

Watch out for ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ.  Jude 1:4 

Use God’s grace to be freed from sin instead of excusing sin.

You’re driving along in a hurry to get to your destination, and a police officer pulls you over.  After reviewing your speed with you and checking your license, the officer gives you a warning, telling you to slow down.  After thanking the officer, you take off and try to make up the time by driving faster!  What will you say when that same officer catches up with you again?  “You let me off the last time, so I’m expecting you to let me off every time.”  Expect a ticket!

Most wise people realize that when they were given a second chance, it doesn’t invite you to keep doing the wrong thing.  Yet somehow, many people treat God like it does.  You’ve heard people say: “I’m not a bad person”, or “at least I don’t ______”, or “God loves me just the way I am”.  We expect others to change when they get a second chance, but don’t feel obligated when we’re given that reprieve.  God loves us enough to give us MANY second chances, but they aren’t permission to keep sinning.  His grace & mercy are for the purpose of changing our lives, not continuing to damage our lives with sin.

Paul is even more direct when it comes to this type of activity.  He calls it perverted and ungodly.  Paul sees it as anti-grace, and a denial of Jesus.  Get This: grace was designed to change our lives to godliness, not be a license for ungodliness.  The goal is STILL Godliness!  God never changed His standard, He just provided a way to get it for all of us who have sinned. 

The world doesn’t worry about trying to convert us to evil, it just wants to get us to accept sin.  Satan just wants us to watch that lustful show, or lie when it helps us, or give up Sabbath time for something else we enjoy, or justify our anger.  Satan doesn’t care about making us more like himself, he just wants to make us less like Jesus.  Don’t fall for the corruption.  When you and I settle for sin, we are effectively denying Jesus (just like Peter did three times).  That is strong language.

Realize that grace was given to us so that we would HAVE POWER to stop sinning.  God’s mercy forgoes the ticket, but His grace is designed to empower us to overcome the ticket.  Allow God’s grace to have victory in your life.   Obey the ‘speed limits’ of God, and allow His grace to change your life.

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