
12/11/18 - Rev 8

Dec 11, 2018

The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God's people, went up before God from the angel's hand.  Rev 8:4

Every believer's prayer matters to God---He listens and holds them until they are fully answered.

Smoke is an interesting element in the Bible.  It is recorded as a physical representation of worship.  In the Old Testament, the sacrifices were pleasing to God because of the odor of the smoke.  Some of the sacrifices were from cooking the meat, and others were from cooking grain or burning incense.  God also was surrounded by smoke in many of His appearances – the burning bush, His appearance on Mount Sanai, and the pillar of fire and cloud of smoke that led Israel through the desert.  Smoke has a connection to worship.

In Revelation, that same connection exists in heaven.  The picture of worship shows smoke rising before God’s throne, connected to the prayers and praise of people.  Somehow, smoke is a powerful function of worship. 

So how does that metaphor fit with Christians?  Here are some thoughts:

-          Smoke is often visible – seeing it reminds us of a fire underway

-          Smoke rises – when our hearts are on fire for God, it rises to

-          Smoke is evidence of change – just as fire changes an object, it also changes our lives

-          Smoke has odor – it’s smell represents the impurities being removed to make the object pure

-          Smoke lasts – it dissipates into the air, but still exists until combined with other elements

We often are interested in the objects or the fire, but God is moved by the smoke of our lives.  He sees the smoke of our prayers, He smells the smoke of our praise, He enjoys the odor of life change.  Heaven celebrates when we are on fire for God, and let the smoke rise to heaven.

Sometimes we may feel like are prayers are not producing anything, like they are a vapor vanishing into the air.  But God sees & smells the smoke!  He hears every prayer.  He knows our needs.  He enjoys our praise.  He welcomes our worship. 

So keep praying!  Keep praising!  Keep serving!  Keep loving!  Let the smoke of your life move the heart of God.  Every vapor matters to God.

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